Friday 16 September 2011

What would happen if a major US city got bombed with a nuclear weapon?

Now, I know that many people would die, of course. What I want to know is what would the effect of being bombed do to our society as a whole (politically, culturally, economically, and even psychologically)? In other words, how would regular people's lives change? I've tried getting some insight into this when i looked for what happened to the people of Japan after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but there isn't much at all out there about it (if any).

Well thought-out answers only please.

Best answer to whoever can describe the effects in all of the above 4 categories (politically,economically, etc)
What would happen if a major US city got bombed with a nuclear weapon?
OK so this is sort of a tough question when you look at all the facets of the situation and truly consider the impact. But here is my take on it...

**The Political Impact**

First and foremost, a nuclear attack would more than likely have a foreign country directly funding/supplying the attack even if this funding/supplying was %26quot;background%26quot; and the attack was a terrorist operation. US intelligence would get to the bottom of that and war would certainly be declared. If by chance the agraggressortion had alliances with countries we have an alliance with their would either be a %26quot;taking of sides%26quot; or declaration of neutrality (as with any declaration of war).

Now you say %26quot;bombed%26quot; and that can be a rather vague term. Commonly the assumption in this case would be an aircraft flew over head and dropped this ordnance on the target area; though it could also mean it was snuck into the target in like a shipping container. Either way the American people would question the security/defense of our home land just as we all did with the attacks of 9/11. There would be a lot of %26quot;Why?%26quot;s and answers would be expected. Any attack would cause people to lose faith in the government and its ability to keep us safe at home.

Another political impact would be on how well the government reacts to an attack as catastrophic as this. Ultimately the political effects are far reaching and would have a sort of ripple effect. I have only but touched the surface of the political aspect but I must move on..

**The Cultural Impact**

As mentioned in the political impact section, people would definitely lose faith in the safe guards/protection of our home land. However, just like 9/11 I think there would be another unity of America. Remember after 9/11 how everyone was all about flying Old Glory on their car or in front of their house? The patriotic become more patriotic and the not so patriotic get a stir of patriotism. We would all have the thoughts of %26quot;How can we help make this right?%26quot; Everything from volunteering to donations to serving our nations military. I joined the Marine Corps post 9/11; during a time of war; and I did so because I want to defend the freedom of our great nation from all enemies. There would be a lot of youth of the time doing the same thing if this were to happen.

On another level, the long reaching cultural effects would be along the lines of that seen with Japan. There is actually a book in Japan that American tourists can sign to apologize for the bombings; maybe we should put a similar book at Pearl Harbor. Again just as the political effects would be drastic so would the cultural so I have only scratched the surface.

**The Economic Impact**

An attack on a major city would have major economic impact. Rescue/recovery and clean up efforts would tax the resources available. Major corporations operating in said city would be drastically effected in turn causing the %26quot;ripple effect%26quot; I mentioned previously. Rebuilding along with the rescue/recovery effort would cost billions of dollars. Again there are so many ways this would economically effect the nation I can only scratch the surface.

**The Psychological Impact**

Once again I can only scratch the surface because I am not trying to write a novel on yahoo answers. Lets just consider first the attack on people in general. I already mentioned the loss of faith in the safety/security sector back here at home. For an attack of this magnitude I think everyone would have an %26quot;always looking over their shoulder%26quot; mentality for a VERY long time. Again ripple effect, people may begin moving and even seeking employment in more rural areas as to not be in the epicenter of future possible attacks. Imagine how a total feeling of insecurity would effect every aspect of your life... That feeling I'm sure would be widespread and last a long time after such an attack.

The other psychological impact I want to touch on is on a personal level. Think about the loss of a close friend or family member. Here is a rhetorical question to give you more personal insight... Consider 5 of the largest cities in the US; New York, Los Angelas, Chicago, Houston and Phoenix... Now think about how many people you know personally and care about that live in any one of those 5 mentioned cities. Now tell yourself honestly if you think an attack of this magnitude on a major city wouldn't have any personal psychological effects on top of the loss of security.

In conclusion the vast nature of the aftermath of an attack such as this covers such a wide expanse that even trying to put it all together in my mind at the same time is giving me a headache. I have only breifly described the major effects of this situation but I know the overall big picture would have an impact so great we could never imagine the true nature of it unless such an event happened.
What would happen if a major US city got bombed with a nuclear weapon?
Remember the immediate reaction to 9/11? Consider that times ten. Expect martial law as the immediate response as well as an evacuation of the closest cities to the impact because of fallout. The economy will probably take a hit. Surviving citizens will start finger-pointing and will demand that we go to war with every country that hates us immediately. Those same citizens will demand the deportation of all foreign-born residents regardless of if they are here legally or not. Supplies will probably go up and be scarce because of panic. People will blame the government and everybody that is different from them. There are several factors that can happen besides that. The government already has a plan for this but it is most likely classified.
Politically: The Obama administration would probably urge us to %26quot;extend sympathy%26quot; to the nation that bombed us. He'd then give them 1Billion in U.S. aid.

Culturally: We'd deny it happened, call that Nation a %26quot;Nation of Peace%26quot; over and over again. In two years we'd forget it.

Economically: Big hit. But don't blame the attack, blame the Republicans and ExxonMobil.

Psychological: Liberals would blame white men for the attack. We'd then feel obligated to elect a terrorist as President if he has a cool catch phrase.

Far fetched? Maybe not as far as you'd think!

I'm assuming this is a terrorist attack.

It would be the Iraq war to the 100 power, it would be World War 3. Any Democrat or Libertarian suggestion that we ought to play nice with the rest of the world, and not torture and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, would be vilified by everybody around them and/or thrown in jail.

It would not be pretty, if in fact Bush wanted to create a real police state and shred the constitution, he could do that quite easily if this happened.

well, you can expect the end of the world. if america is bombed, we would

launch our birds to the enemy country and thanks to the military alliances

bye bye world.

like denzel washington麓s character said in Crimson Tide: %26quot;The true enemy in a nuclear war is war itself%26quot;
The People of America's Lives will change for the worst.

Mayhem and Panic, death and dying

We would definitely be at war, if one bomb made it through be sure more can.

Death, Dying and world annihilation.
Mass chaos and panic for sure. Disease and infections from the after effect of the nuclear bomb too.
well since there are more than one country with nukes we would probably start launching back as soon as we found them causing WW3 and it wont even last a few days because everyone on earth would be dead once more nukes start flying