Wednesday 21 September 2011

Is this a more life changing experiment than the LHC?

There have been posts about whether findings of the LHC will affect people's faith. I think that this experiment has more profound implications鈥?/a>

If the experiment proves that people can view the world from a point outside their own bodies, does that prove the existence of a spiritual self? If so, why not other spiritual entities? And how would this come about in evolutionary terms?

Well, they are having problems with the LHC. It may be that this experiment will produce results first.
Is this a more life changing experiment than the LHC?
it confirms what most bible beleiveing people already know

just that atheism needs to take on a spiritual outlook to expalin all the wierd and wonderful stuff science can't explain

so atheism needs to do this without involving God

far easier to them to say we have encountered a new spiritual 10th dimension, then say, the bible is correct about spirits

a spiritual 10th dimension would explian OBE's anyhow, but in a scientific way to please atheists who aree sick of having bits of the 'book' proved to them again and again

the more you lok at biblical sicnece you slowely beging to see that religion is science

jhow else did Job know that the constellation of orion was geting further apart, and that of tyhe plaiedes was getting closer together without telescopes some 3000 years ago?

Is this a more life changing experiment than the LHC?
I doubt any of the test subject can identify the picture... and prove Out of Body Experience...

That is because SOULS don't exist, and hallucinations are common in surgical operations.
1. no, it would not prove the existence of a spirit - it would simply demonstrate that human senses were not limited to what we previously understood

2. the experiment is really designed to prove precisely that we do not have such senses, and that OBEs are a myth - they are based on expectation not reality
pot is more fun
I'm sorry; I know this isn't an answer to your question, but what is the LHC?

Without attempting to compare it to something about which I know nothing, it is my impression that the experiment will reveal much the same thing that other experiments in this field have revealed: that people see pretty much what they expect to see. When a brain is deprived of oxygen for a brief period, too brief to cause permanent damage, it is not uncommon for people to have such mental experiences. Call them dreams, hallucinations, or whatever. I've had a couple myself. We can therefore speculate that if the brain is deprived of oxygen for long enough to cause damage or even death, such mental experiences might well precede the event. From my own experience, I can say that they greatly resemble the experiences I had under LSD and other mind-altering drugs.
I read an account of a women that had died and went out of the hospital building and floated up. She saw a tennis shoe that was on a ledge very high up. She was resuscitated, she later told the doctor that wrote the book about her experience and the shoe with the exact description. It took a while for the doctor to find the shoe, but it was there on the ledge just as she said.
I heard on the BBC about this researcher who was doing experiments in NDE by placing pictures several floors above to see if those claiming to have had it could verify such experiences.

Like someone said above regarding the tennis shoe kind of thing.