Wednesday 21 September 2011

Can someone please edit my essay?

Our collective well being is improved if we live in a peaceful, flourishing, supportive society, so promoting well being should be a public as well as a personal task. Well being is more than just happiness. It is about having meaning in our lives, developing as a person and feeling that our lives are fulfilling and worthwhile. Well being comes from having a web of relationships and interests. Family and friends, agencies and communities all can increase our well being. Our relationships also provide for our most basic human needs. While helping us to have a fulfilling life, our relationships help us to live our lives to the fullest potential. Through our relationships, we are sustained in our personal growth and development. Our relationships are the substance to how each of us grow and interact with each other. The relationship substance strengthens our bonds and builds trust. As we grow, we learn from life experiences after leaving our parents.

Re-enforcement of values is what makes us who we are as individuals. For example, support and confidence from others helps to mold us into being a positive part of society. What makes individuals who they are is contributed by everyone who has helped and guided that person. Relationships play a central role throughout our lives although the family structure may maybe different for every individual. Whether our family structure is composed of one or both parents, or other family members, strong support from others is important for that individuals鈥?well-being.

But just as human relationships with others and our family is essential for our well being so is trust. Trust impact everyone. It affects the quality of every relationship, every communication, and every effort in which we are engaged. The ability to establish, grow, extend and restore trust is not only vital to our personal and interpersonal well being but for the community as well. I believe that within each of every individual is the ability to reach our full potential and change the world, one person at a time. We must start with ourselves. We seek to act with integrity in our own lives, fostering trust in our relationships with family, clients, and community. As people鈥檚 lives become more purposeful, fulfilled and happy, so this makes a positive change in how they interact with those around them, and these in turn affect others. As a result of this, one person living their life in accordance with who they really are can, in a sense, bring positive change to the world. Each and every one of us can come to realize that he or she, no matter how insignificant or helpless he may feel-is in a position to change the world. We must all begin with ourselves; if we wait for someone else, none of us will ever see any change. And it is not true that it is impossible: even the most powerless among us has his own willpower, and at the same time this is perhaps the only thing that no one can take away from us. Whoever applies it may achieve something. So, I want to as a person who is concerned about the well being of others to give them a ray of hope. I want to give individuals that are marginalized and vulnerable hope that they can accomplish things.

No matter where people live, work, or get there education, there is going to be diverse individuals everywhere. For myself, diversity simply is living in a community where nothing is alike. We all want the same things for every individual. The dignity of all human beings, and treating all people with respect and equality and people having the opportunity to fully participate in becoming self-sufficient to make the best possible choices for themselves. We would accept nothing less from each of us. We recognize the differences among us. We all recognize that each of us have different ideas, views, and perspectives when working together to solve problems. All individuals need to come together to appreciate our differences and understand where people come from and why they believe as they do. When people look at diversity, we must look beyond our own culture and race. People should take a broader view of things that make up the whole person and what makes us all unique. Overall, diversity celebrates what makes us unique, and it is important to me because individuals can never stop learning new things about it through other people.

For myself, I know that I was able to learn from other cultures and have an open mind when our views differed from one another. For example, I am an individual of mixed heritage. I am African American and Mexican American. My mother is Mexican and my family is African American. I grew up in a small community in Southern Texas mostly which the population was Spanish. I was raised by my mother who taught me how to speak Spanish. I eventually learned how to speak both English and Spanish. This a part of my heritage that is important to me that I am bilingual.

I generally learned to speak Spanish because, while my mot
Can someone please edit my essay?
I'm not going to read it all but at first look you need to indent