Saturday 24 September 2011

Can you check my grammar errors and make them correct?

im not an native speakers so i got a lot of erros. could you make them correct? thank you

Being a Pretty Person

Today, the plastic surgery isn鈥檛 strange thing to do. We could see many people who had a plastic surgery around our school, workplace, or neighborhood. Today鈥檚 beauty is more concentration to outer beauty. Many people want to change their appearance to satisfy by themselves from child to adult. What are the causes to increasing that people want to do plastic surgery?

One of causes is the globalization of the beauty. Every country and culture had different criterion for beauty. For example, in the country of Myanmar, long neck is considered as symbol of beauty. However, nowadays, individual criterion of beauty has disappeared since globalization. Criterion for beauty united one that has a pretty appearance like models in magazines.

Another cause is prejudice of beauty. People prefer pretty faces whether we like it or not. Even Some people are afraid of ugly people. Specially, Man prefers more pretty face than woman prefers, so woman does more plastic surgery than man does. So, many people did plastic surgery because of people鈥檚 wrong concepts of the beauty.

Job is also one of causes. The job market and society accept more people who are with good features than people who are with bad features. In economy crisis, job stands as important part of people鈥檚 life. So, People will do whatever things if they can get a job. Thus, people trying to change their appearance with plastic surgery.

Most of cause is the broadcasting. Every day, we see a beautiful people on the television, movie, or magazines; likewise, actresses, actors, singers and models. Do you know what they have in common? Yes, they have a small face, big eyes, high nose, white skin and skinny body. Also, they have a plastic surgery, too. Many people admire them, especially teenagers. They are the idol of us now; many people want to be like Hollywood stars. People think they could be like Hollywood stars if they change their appearance by undergo the plastic surgery.

Many reasons cause to do plastic surgery; globalization, prejudice, job, and broadcasting. Then, what are the effects from these causes?

There are that plastic surgery could bring negative effect. By increasing a number of plastic surgery procedures, cost of plastic surgery is expensive, too. The cost of plastic surgery is from $6000 to $12000. How could people afford this money to do plastic surgery? This means people can鈥檛 be a pretty person without money in present. However, that doesn鈥檛 matter. People will bring money to be a pretty person no matter how much costs are.

Once people had plastic surgery, people addicted to the plastic surgery. Whether procedures have succeeded or failed, people want to do plastic surgery again. People, who succeeded plastic surgery, will find another drawback that needs a plastic surgery from their body. People, who failed plastic surgery, will do plastic surgery to fix their failed part again. Therefore, it will cause that have problems with their health condition. It will obtain extra health problem from the plastic surgery.

Any surgery is potentially dangerous, including plastic surgery. It happened rare, but it sometimes leads to many serious problems, even death, because of a bad reaction to have plastic surgery. That is, if accident happened because of plastic surgery, people are not only pain their body but also lose their jobs, confidence and, even, their lives.

Although people see lots of news about side effects of plastic surgery, they still want to do it. Why they decide to do plastic surgery even they accept that danger?

First, people who undergo the plastic surgery could have lots of opportunities. For example, if you are more beautiful and handsome by plastic surgery, when you have a job interview, you could give a good impression to interviewer. If there are applicants who have a same ability, the interviewer will choose you as a new employee, and vice versa. Also, there are opportunities to choose your future spouse, too.

Second, if people undergo the plastic surgery, they could gain self confidence. People who change their appearance that they want love by themselves, and that is self confidence. People could also mend their character from negative to positive, because they make up their faults. In addition, they could change their life due to self confidence.

Last, people who undergo the plastic surgery could have sociable personality. People will come to you because you are beautiful as other who had pretty appearance. So, it is good way to get friends and lovers. Then, by meeting many people, you should more outgoing and sociable person. And you can be a person who everybody loved.

According to these reasons, people want to undergo plastic surgery, (and the number of plastic surgery getting increase). Being a pretty person has to receive both positive effects and negative effe
Can you check my grammar errors and make them correct?
Well, it's much, much too long to go over and correct. But looking at the last line, you have stopped in the middle of a word. That's not a great idea.
Can you check my grammar errors and make them correct?
Maybe if it was shorter . . .
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