Saturday 24 September 2011

Do some people have a change of heart?

Ok. My ex who I been with for over a year has recently broken up with me. We've been going through some problems and he told me honestly that he still felt I did something with someone because they gave me a ride home from work one night. I felt hurt because he didn't trust me. He didn't brake up with me during that time, he broke it off a few weeks later after we had an argument about not spending alot of time together because of work and family issues. I constantly nagged and complained to him about us. He got tired of the nagging and said that he can't handle being with me anymore. He said we need to be apart and not speak as lovers anymore but only as friends. I tried and pleaded but he said no.

4 days later I tried to plead with him again but I angered him even more. I told him I'm sorry and will try to change my ways but he says people don't change overnight. He said he is moving on with someone else but she's not his girlfriend. He brought up the time when I got a ride with a friend and says he's still not over that. After that he starting saying some real hurtful things like he doesn't have the same feelings for me anymore and the spark isn't there. He's not infatuated with me anymore and I need to let it go. He told me to that I will get stronger and learn from this. He also told me the best way to get over it is to get a %26quot;friend%26quot;. I have mixed feelings because I know some people say things when they are hurt to make themseleves feel good then they let go but in this case I'm not too sure.

Anyways he says that he will always be there for me and still loves me but not romantically. He says he still care and want to be friends because I will always have him. But at the same time he doesn't feel comfortable being around me he says which got me confused because how can you be friends with someone but not be comfortable around them? He said he doesn't want to have sex either because feelings are still there. He made that least he tried too.

It took me a little time to heal but I'm moving on. I decided not to call or ever contact him. We work near each other but he is easily avoidable. Well just 7 days later he called out of the blue to see how I'm doing and what I been up to as if nothing happened. I just ended the convo quickly saying that I'm busy because honestly I didn't feel comfortable talking to him. I just thought it was weird.

His close male friends came to talk to me one day and told me as long as I give him space he will come back. He just was angry and said bad things to make him feel good because he is like that when he gets hurt. But I also explained to them that he said he moved on with someone but they said that new becomes old and he may get tired of her. Just give it time, give it about 3 weeks at least and watch how he will change. Just always be nice and friendly and never show that I'm hurt. Always show that I'm happy if he's around. (His friends love me and loved us as a couple which is why they care)

It's hard to let go because we had deep feelings. I'm love him and a little hurt by the things he said but if I was to ever bring him back into my life I will make sure he will not take me for granted. I will make sure things will change and we start off fresh. He will not be in control. But that's IF we get back together.

But the question is do you think he could change his mind and want to get back together? Despite all the things that he said do you think there's still a chance? Like other guys said people say things out of anger but their feelings can change over a period of time. Has anymore ever been through somethings like this but gotten back together? I really need answers from the guys the most but anyone can answer.

Please note: Yes I can move on and forget. I just really want to know if people's feelings can change despite all the things they said in the past. I'm just confused right now and need more advise. Only serious answers please.
Do some people have a change of heart?
yes, people can change and things said in anger sometimes aren't true because both parties were hurt you both just need time to reflect and then when the time comes talk it over. every relationship will have it's ups and downs it just depends if you are willing to fight for what you want and compromise on also. wish you luck and hope everything turns out well.
Do some people have a change of heart?
Yes, but when you get married they charge you for this change of heart. If you are the guy.
I'm going through the same situation. The answer is no. Even if you do end up getting back together it will be temporary and he will break it off again. It's easier to just let it go now and spare yourself the heart break later. I know that isn't what you want to hear, but it is for the best. I didn't take anyone's advice and I ended up getting hurt beyond belief. If you think you can move on, do it and don't look back. He isn't worth it or he wouldn't have done this to you in the first place. Just let him go.

Good luck. I hope it works out better for you than it did for me.
Yes he could change his mind just do what his friends say and i might work, may be he just need to see that you can live without him and that will get to him. He just need to see how important you are
i would say u should give him sum time b'coz in dis situation u both need space.don't be rude to is too short for holding any is happenned only once in a life n wen u get dat special person don't loose him jus for sum nonsense arguments happened between u n him.GIVE TIME TO URSELF AND TO HIM ALSO
People always have a change of mind it is possible but some people hold grudges and they make sure they make u suffer ...