Wednesday 21 September 2011

Body image..essay........?


so for my college english class i was assigned an essay on identity. the assignment: contemplate how your actual body and your body image has effected your understanding of your own identity. In other words are you confortable in your own skin and your apearance or do you think changing some aspect of appearance would improve your life ? %26quot;your mirror image%26quot;? Is about anerexia, but this topic could cobver most aspects of body imaage and apperance .

My essay: (intro paragraph) only part written as of now

Did you know that female models and actresses are twenty-three percent thinner than the average woman and thinner than ninety-five percent of the female population? Knowing most pictures in magazines took hours to air brush , do their hair and makeup isn’t enough to stop people from ruining their lives trying to live up to these fake and unrealistic images and standards in today’s society. According to the A.C Nielsen Co., the average American watches more than four hours of TV every day. That means the media (television, magazines, movies) plays an important role in people’s lives. It is estimated that eight million Americans have an eating disorder; 18.8 million adults have Depressive disorders, and forty million adults suffer from anxiety disorder. Most young children and young adults look up to these models and people on television. They see that they are beautiful and skinny and desire to be just like them. In today’s society if you do not fit that look portrayed in the media you aren’t as people say “In”. Because people want to be accepted they would go to any extent just to look just like the models and celebrities on TV. I believe the Medias unrealistic body image has played an ample role in causing people to have eating disorders and be depressed. As it turns out, I am part of the statistics; I have let the unrealistic standards of today society ruin my body image and my life.

this is what i have so far. i think in my nxt few paragraphs im gonna talk about how looking at the skinny girls has made me want to be like that....which led me to an eating disorder. now overcome it. but now heavy like i was again. now im even more depressed and have anxiety about my body. i earn to still look like the models even know i realisticly know its false image. im also gonna talk about how i dont feel like leaving the house eer because of the way i look. i stay in the house most of the time because im not happy with the way i look. i feel that if i lose wight get tan and a boob job i will be perfect and ready to go out into society again. but untill then i will be in the house not living. my life can not start untill i look perfect. which is very sad that im this sick and feel this way which i want to include in the essay. i also want to talk about the way people saw me with an eating disorder(nobody knew) they just thought i lost weight going to the gym and eating healthy. but people approached me more particulary guys. now that im bigger not as many approch me.

so can i please get advise on the into i wrote. and does the stuff listed about what im gonna write for the rest of the essay sound like good topics? do you think that all that covers the essay purpose and insdtructions? any help would be aprreciated. or if u could give me ur email so we could write back and forth for help .

thanks ....will give points for best answere
Body image..essay........?
that sounds realy good.

including your expeirience is realy good.

i dont know what else i would put in because what you have said and said what your going to put in sounds realy great.

one didnt anyone realise you had anorexia?....i mean your perants must have realised you wernt eating/much

im so sorry you feel that way about yourself.

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