Wednesday 21 September 2011

Can someone proof read this essay.its supposed to be a persuassive essay. let me no if there are errors thanx.

“Why Young Teens and Kids Shouldn’t be Allowed to Buy CD’s”

“Music is a powerful mode of expression, – Children’s healthcare services. Many kids listen to music or watch music videos as way to relax. When kids buy a CD they listen to it a lot, and it sticks with them. A lot of the songs have violence, bad language, sexual abuse, weapons, rebellion, drinking, suicide, drugs, and just sexual promiscuity itself. The average teen watches to two hours of music videos daily, and listens to more than 10,000 hours of music a month. That is more than an average student spends in school. The younger audience should be under parental supervision, so parents can control what is appropriate for their child. Also, CDs should have warnings of what is on the CD.

Most kids buy their CDs; because they hear it on the radio then if they like it they go out and buy it. On the radio they play the edited version of the song, but when the CD is bought it’s different from the version heard. Music changes people’s attitudes especially the adolescent audience.

Not all songs have bad content in them. But many of the lyrics to them do, such as: 1) “Suicide is the only way out don’t you know what it’s really about?”- Suicide Solution by Ozzy Osbourne. 2) I want action tonight, if I can’t have her, I’ll take her and make her” – I Want Action,” Poison’s. 3) “I’m never dustin’ out (angel dust), ‘cause I trust that crack (a deadly form of cocaine)” – “Hold It Now, Hit It,” the Beastie Boys. Kids and teens sometimes don’t take the time hear what they are listening too, and comprehend what the song is saying. They listen to songs for the artist and genre.

Artists make videos, while some are entertaining others can be bad. Up to 75 percent of them contain sexually suggestive material. More than half contain violence, especially against women. Many of these videos are seen on cable and the internet. But people don’t realize it; they think the videos are cool, because the song is cool.

Numerous kids and teens suffer from depression and use music as their solution. They are isolated from others to they turn to their music. Depression is something that kids suffer from. Inappropriate music causes people’s attitudes and outlooks change on life. When something goes wrong in their life they feel bad, and follow what their music says because they see that the singers have a good life. Younger people use drugs and alcohol to try and solve their problems, and most of that is encouraged in music. “When we look at the research it indicates that kids who listen to a lot of music, who watch a lot of music videos, actually are at an increased risk for violent behavior, for substance abuse, for risky sexual behavior,” said Dr. Michael Rich, director of the Center on Media and Child Health at Children's Hospital in Boston.

Some kids and teens may argue that they don’t act out from the music, and that their old enough to buy what they want. They are wrong, because teens aren’t as old as adults. Teens haven’t been through as much as an adult. Adults should know already what is right from wrong. They know what the right thing to do is and what a bad thing to do is. They have had more experiences and life lessons. Teens and kids are still going through adolescence, and still don’t know right from wrong.

Some parents may say that they trust their kids enough to listen to what they want and buy what they want. Parents won’t let their kids watch bad content movies, but yet they let them hear bad content music. Letting kids listen and buy what they want is fine, but adults should listen to it and determine whether it’s suitable for the younger audience. Adults may trust kids and teens, but do they really know what is going on and what their child is listening to. They should warn their kids, because the music that’s out there not is not what it seems to be anymore. Music may not always be good.

Furthermore, the younger audience should be allowed to buy CDs with an adult present until they reach a certain age. Also CDs should have advisory cautions that are clearly labeled. Parents should control more to what their kids are listening to, and then they can help stop violence, drug use, and alcohol use from happening. If they stop them from buying unsuitable music then maybe it will help stop bigger worse things from happening. Kids are the future, and the world doesn’t need a bad one.
Can someone proof read this essay.its supposed to be a persuassive essay. let me no if there are errors thanx.
%26quot;Music is a powerful mode of expression, – Children’s healthcare services. %26quot; (This sentence isn't clear.)Many kids listen to music or watch music videos as way to relax. When kids buy a CD they listen to it a lot, and it sticks with them. A lot of the songs have violence, bad language, sexual abuse, weapons, rebellion, drinking, suicide, drugs, and just sexual promiscuity itself. The average teen watches%26quot;(?) to two hours of music videos daily%26quot;, and listens to more than 10,000 hours of music a month. That is more than an average student spends in school. The younger audience should be under parental supervision, so parents can control what is appropriate for their child. %26quot;Also%26quot;( you shouldn't start a sentence with this.), CDs should have warnings of what is on the CD.

Most kids buy their CDs; because they hear it on the radio then if they like it they go out and buy it. On the radio they play the edited version of the song, but when the CD is bought it’s different from the version heard. Music changes people’s attitudes especially the adolescent audience.

Not all songs have bad content in them. But many of the lyrics to them do, such as: 1) “Suicide is the only way out don’t you know what it’s really about?”- Suicide Solution by Ozzy Osbourne. 2) I want action tonight, if I can’t have her, I’ll take her and make her” – I Want Action,” Poison’s. 3) “I’m never dustin’ out (angel dust), ‘cause I trust that crack (a deadly form of cocaine)” – “Hold It Now, Hit It,” the Beastie Boys.(New paragraph here, I think) Kids and teens sometimes don’t take the time hear what they are listening too, and comprehend what the song is saying. They listen to songs for the artist and genre.

Artists make videos, while some are entertaining others can be bad. Up to 75 percent of them contain sexually suggestive material. More than half contain violence, especially against women. Many of these videos are seen on cable and the internet. But people don’t realize it; they think the videos are cool, because the song is cool.

Numerous kids and teens suffer from depression and use music as their solution. They are isolated from others %26quot;to%26quot;(so) they turn to their music. Depression is something that kids suffer from. %26quot;Inappropriate music causes people’s attitudes%26quot; (to be negative) and (change) outlooks %26quot;change%26quot;(delete this word) on life. When something goes wrong in their life they feel bad, and follow what their music says because they see that the singers have a good life. Younger people use drugs and alcohol to try and solve their problems, and most of that is encouraged in music. “When we look at the research it indicates that kids who listen to a lot of music, who watch a lot of music videos, actually are at an increased risk for violent behavior, for substance abuse, for risky sexual behavior,” said Dr. Michael Rich, director of the Center on Media and Child Health at Children's Hospital in Boston.

Some kids and teens may argue that they don’t act out from the music, and that %26quot;their%26quot;(theyr'e) old enough to buy what they want. They are wrong, because teens aren’t as old as adults. Teens haven’t been through as much as an adult. Adults should know already what is right from wrong. They know what the right thing to do is and what a bad thing to do is. They have had more experiences and life lessons. Teens and kids are still going through adolescence, and still don’t know right from wrong.

Some parents may say that they trust their kids enough to listen to what they want and buy what they want. Parents won’t let their kids watch bad content movies, but yet they let them hear bad content music. Letting kids listen and buy what they want is fine, but adults should listen to it and determine whether it’s suitable for the younger audience. Adults may trust kids and teens, but do they really know what is going on and what their child is listening to(? needs a question mark). They should warn their kids, because the music that’s out there %26quot;not%26quot;(delete) is not what it seems to be anymore. Music may not always be good.

Furthermore, the younger audience should be (only) allowed to buy CDs with an adult present until they reach a certain age. Also CDs should have advisory cautions that are clearly labeled. Parents should control more %26quot;to%26quot;(delete) what their kids are listening to, and then they can help stop violence, drug use, and alcohol use from happening. If they stop them from buying unsuitable music then maybe it will help stop bigger worse things from happening. Kids are the future, and the world doesn’t need a bad one. (Therefore I feel that young teens and kids should not be allowed to buy CD's.)
Can someone proof read this essay.its supposed to be a persuassive essay. let me no if there are errors thanx.
Music is a powerful mode of expression, – Children’s healthcare services. It doesn't make sense here. Children's healthcare what? Explain to the reader about Children's healthcare