Wednesday 21 September 2011

Who Cares More About The American Disabled, Obama or McCain?

I need to know, please. I fight every day to push forward and to keep my head up. I mean I have never experienced life as hard as this year.. I am a quadriplegic, C7 spinal cord injury survivor and ongoing-patient.

When I became paralyzed 12 years ago after I got shot 3 times, I started counting my blessings. I didn't care about wealth or popularity status anymore. All I cared about was my family because none but them took care of me.

Now I am thrown into one of earths world crises that centers around U.S.A. It may be a thrill to some [as media reports laugh it out], it may be depressing to the rich and some %26quot;middle class%26quot; [who worry about their SUV's fuel], it may be sad the poor are [or did lose their house], but what about the disables like me [the ones who rely on life support]?

Life Support: If left alone, they will die unless machine or muscle support is given to preserve life.

I see Sarah Palin's child is disabled but she is rich. Her child is set for life with the best help the best hospital can give but it says nothing about me.

I am an American, born and raised in California, and United States is supposed to secure and protect my health. The statute of Liberty says, %26quot;give me your sick,%26quot; to foreign countries, so how much more %26quot;giving%26quot; is U.S.A. supposed to give its own?

I hate going to the hospital. I get constant bladder infections, and now I have a bone infection. My health is detoriating, bone and skin. I need help, and the way the system is setup nowadays, I don't get the treatment I need.

The bone infection I could die from but I have won every health battle life threw at me. Thank God.

I'm sorry I need your tax money to survive. It It hurts to have to take from anyone. All I wish in life is to make a difference in other people's lives - Be THAT Change like Martin Luther King Jr, Malcom X, Caesar Chavez, even Abe Lincon.

What drives me that way is it cost the state $2,000 each ER and specialist visits, and most times those visits are 15 to 40 minutes with specialist and hours upon hours waiting for help in the ER, leaving with antibiotics and pain meds that don't treat Autonomic Dysreflexia [refusing me proper pain medication].

I am hurt when I am treated like a drug addict. I could get street drugs anytime but I don't. People on the street, poor streets, would back me up if I needed help but it is not their job too. It's U.S.A. responsibility to make sure hospitals are not taking all they can squeeze out of medical and medicare and trying to give the lowest, cheapest, quick fixes.

The state has even started to cut from CareTakers, saying %26quot;Once you take your hand off the patient, payment stops. Once you remove your hands from a burning pot or pan, you stop getting paid until you touch it again.

My mother, My CareTaker, takes care of me 24/7. She works harder and longer than any nurse or doctor and my mother gets paid little above minimum wage [and the state wants to give her the hours she deserves].

Anyways, Until I get better from this bone infection, my dream is on halt for now, and now I need to do what's best for my country, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and hope I vote for the right person.

Thanks, everyone. I appreciate everyones answer and thoughts and time.

Thank you
Who Cares More About The American Disabled, Obama or McCain?
I hate to tell you this but the Republicans believe you're lazy and don't deserve help because you don't pay enough taxes. I'd vote for Obama.
Who Cares More About The American Disabled, Obama or McCain?
I'm sorry to hear this happened to you.

Have you applied for Medicare? You'd surely be covered.

Take your pick, Obama and McCain are offering health care plans. With Obama's, you'd be covered, but the government runs it, you only have one choice, and your needs will be weighed with the needs across America.

With John McCain, you will be able to choose from ANY HEALTH INSURANCE PROVIDER from across the nation. Surely you'd be more likely to find a plan that covers you better with McCain.

If you want more info on how McCain's plan can help you, please email me, and I've had experience dealing with Medicare so I might be able to offer some advice.
McCain cares about the rich and himself. Do not believe all the lies he and Palin tell you, they are nothing but shills for the rich and the corporations. Obama personally cares about people like you. He cares about the people who actually need his help, unlike McCain. He is willing to have the government pay for your health care, unlike McCain. He is willing to tax you less, unlike McCain. You need, and this country needs, Obama.
I am very saddened yet encouraged by your story.

you are very strong and you give me hope in a hopeless time.

While i am an obama supporter, i do not know who deserves your vote in this situation. i simply cannot say.

I wish you all the best and i send my love and good wishes.

McCain, I have a son with disabilities and every time I deal with a Democratic administration on the state level, it gets harder and harder to get help for him from medical to education. It would seem the pro death democrats are pushing for families have to choose abortion for their children if they even think there is the slightest chance of something being wrong.
I personally think Senator Obama has a better strategy for aiding the disabled than Senator McCain.
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