Wednesday 21 September 2011

To my fellow Christian believers?

I have witnessed real miracles in my Church, but I still think that the most amazing miracle of all is that of changed lives. Isn't it amazing what the power of the Holy Spirit can do on people's heart? I have seen people who changed point blank - and were never the same again.

Any testimony you would like to share?

Thank you and God bless
To my fellow Christian believers?
I believe that the greatest miracle is the one of salvation.

I was a very good sinner, you name it, I did it, I was in and out of jails in New Mexico,California, Washington State, Florida, Tennessee, Texas, back to New Mexico, on to California again, extradicted back to Texas. I was awaiting a parole board hearing after being extradicted to Texas and told God that if He was what He claimed to be and could keep me out of jail ,the only time that He would ever see me in jail would be on a prison ministry team. That prayer was said in June, of 1994, and, I have kept my word, I am on a prison ministry team.The day after I prayed that prayer,my chrystal meth habit was gone. The addiction of pain meds I had was gone, the anger that I had and the desire to hurt others? Gone, all covered by the Blood. It gives me great pleasure to tell people that the enemy is a defeated being that the Holy Spirit has placed under my feet. He really should have killed me when he had the chance, because now I make it my mission to try to fill up Heaven and see hell empty. It is so true, what God has done for others, He can and will do for you.Every scar has a story, and I love to tell about my scars because they lead to calvary!
To my fellow Christian believers?
I was a biology major and thoroughly convinced of evolution when I also experienced the life-changing power of Christ in my life.

I remained a biology student and had many conflicts of faith until I took a class in genetics. Evolution is scientifically impossible. Evolution cannot take place because no new information is ever introduced into the genetic sequence of the DNA strand.

It is true that the truth shall set you free. Those who TRULY study science (not just pseudo science taught in High School) will understand when they open the black boxes between theory and conclusion that true science is exactly what the Bible predicts. Animals reproducing %26quot;after their kind%26quot;. Adaptation is a 'quality control' mechanism built into all life forms, but they cannot develop the additional information to transform into another kind of animal.

It's interesting that evolutionists are increasingly refusing to debate creationists because they rely on imagination more than substance. An evolutionist's argument is generally %26quot;faith-based%26quot; and not fact based. It's necessary to 'believe' in evolution because no proof exists.
Seek him and He will find you. The Holy Spirit can transform anyone. I don't care how bad you think you've been. God can do away with all that. Repent of your sins and trust in the savior. Glad to hear the good news.

Just My Thoughts!
hey whatever helps you change for a better person thats cool. Some ppl use Jesus myself...self evaluate and change what needs to be changed accordingly. *shrug* some ppl need Jesus others don't.
Amen to that. :]
To Christy H

everyone needs jesus!

A great story of god's love and grace is when i was born i didn't have the ability to speak. As i turned three i still couldn't. My family and church prayed for me so much and one Sunday as i was being babysat by my aunt and my parents went to church and they held a special prayer for me. That very second i started saying words to my aunt!
I'm Catholic, and after I receive the sacrament of penitence, is like my soul returns to life, full of happiness and life and then to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion, is like great rivers of life swell within my soul
Great if it works, not for me though, I have done just fine without it... calling it a miracle though is going a bit far... it was the excuse these people needed...
People who change with the snap of a finger don't have the will to think.

What proves my point is that they were in a church upon change.

People change because they lived a shitty life, and believe that

they will go to hell. So even in their heart they are still evil,

you think they are %26quot;saved.%26quot;

Teach people to live honest and good without your scare tactics

and threats.
I would like to witness that myself. :o)

Thanks for sharing...
This is a great question. Yes, it is amazing to see what faith in Jesus Christ can do to people. I have known of men and women who have given up alcoholism, drug addiction and anger issues without ever going back.

Unfortunately, I see that many unbelievers have responded negatively to your question. I pray that one day they come to know God and dig themselves out of their pessimistic mentalities.

I agree so much. I hope you don't mind, but I got this email today, I think it touches on your point so well, I really want to share it with you and anyone who cares to see. It鈥檚 a bit long, but it is so worth it.鈥?/a>

I have personally seen the change that God can create in someone's life. I once felt hopeless, and alone. Everything that I had worked so hard to achieve was gone. My career, my health, my loved ones were gone as well. Depression and eating disorders took over. My life was out of control.

Until someone told me, %26quot;Why don't you pray to The Lord%26quot; God is the only one who can transform your life. I got down on my knees and I humbly asked The Lord to help me because I did not have the strength to live my life any more.

To make the long story short, my depression is gone. God healed me from my eating disorder and I have a reason to live. I now help teenage girls learn about the love of God, and about how empty a life without God can become.聽

I teach them that,

_They should pray to God whenever they have problems. Praise God even in the darkest moments of their

lives.And believe in His promises.

I thank God for that person who suggested that I pray, it truly changed my life. God truly changed my life.
I have a testimony:

I was paid to pretend that your preacher healed me of my problems.
God doesn't exist.