Wednesday 21 September 2011

Please Proofread my essay/comments?

It's a reflective essay final i wrote for English class. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

thank you! :)

“Beauty is a simple passion, but, oh my friends, in the end you will dance the fire in iron shoes.” What people see now as the most important quality won’t matter the least later in life. It would be beneficial if people saw the big picture and tried their best to do something that benefits themselves along with others around them. Poetry and music have a lot of impact on people and the way they live their lives. As I read the texts “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” and “If Everyone Cared,” I have learned that how people view themselves and the actions they make depend greatly on how others portray them along with what happens around them.

Anne Sexton wrote “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” which is told from her perspective of life, instead of the original fairy tale. In the story she illustrates how people depend majorly on looks and appearances and base their actions upon that. In the text she writes “Suddenly one day the mirror replied, Queen, you are full fair, ‘tis true, but Snow White is fairer than you… but now the queen saw brown spots on her hand and four whickers over her lip so she condemned snow white to be hacked to death.” This helped me realize that what others tell people is how they begin to see themselves. If someone tells a girl that she is fat, she will most likely start noticing imperfections on her body. This has happened to me before, but I’ve never realized how words have such a great impact on people. In another part of the text, Anne Sexton writes “Meanwhile Snow White held court, rolling her china-blue doll eyes open and shut and sometime referring to her mirror as women do.” Many people depend on other’s opinions and ways of life; how to look, how to act, what’s right and what’s wrong is often based on what others believe. Women and young teens, especially, often look at models and imagine that is how they are supposed to look, otherwise something is wrong with them. This text inspired me to try to break that pattern and look how I want to look, do what I want to do, and most importantly, be who I want to be, not who others tell me to be.

There are many actions people can take to make the world a better place to live in. “If Everyone Cared” by Nickelback talks about being unique and different by not depending on media and others to tell people how they should be. In the text he writes “From underneath the trees, we watch the sky confusing stars for satellites. I never dreamed that you’d be mine, but here we are, we’re here tonight.” There is so much media and technology out there that it is not a surprise why so many people look up to it; it confuses reality with fantasy and causes people to look at all the negative instead of the positive in life. I’ve noticed that many have become dependent on others telling them how to be; they feel that in order to fit in they must keep up with the rest of the world. Nickelback writes “If everyone shared and swallowed their pride then we’d see the day when nobody died.” By this he means, by changing people’s behaviors the world would be a happier place to live in. As I read this text I realized how many people want to fit in and live like everyone around them; I’ve decided that by changing my views on life, others would see how life can be without depending on others and technology, but instead living an individualistic life.

By reading “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” and “If Everyone Cared,” I have gleaned interest upon how much people base their actions on what others tell them and technology. A person who is told something negative will most likely improve the “flaw” and try to perfect themselves; many look up to others to be just like them, instead of standing out anf being different. As new technologies come out and people get them, others will strive for them until they also have them. If people realized that fitting in with society and others around them is not of great importance, this world would definitely be a better place; People would strive for the good of other instead of just filling their needs and desires.
Please Proofread my essay/comments?
I could point out a few obvious grammatical errors, but that would not help you in the long run. You obviously have below average talent and so should be encouraged to reach your full potential. Good luck!