Wednesday 21 September 2011

I am a disgrace are you this crazy?

My actions over the last 6 monhts have been autrocious, sicne returning from overseas i was ok for the first couple of months and then i just turned into this horrible person, unable to make deicsions, changing my mind about everything, until now it ihas been 6 months and i havebarely left the housem refused ot go out with anyone and spent most of my time lying on my bed htinking, and crying alll the time, i'm so lost and have no idea how to get out of this horrible pattern, it is only my lifethat is suffering and i 'm now a horrible selfish person, I dont clean anything, i barely eat, barely sleep, i dont do anything to relax and i hate myself, i have no idea what is going on in other people s lives , people have given up talking to me as i m' no fun.......ihave no idea how to fix this......are you like this and is ti a result of depression? i hvae seen a counsellor and taking meds
I am a disgrace are you this crazy?
Try answering other people's problems in Yahoo answers and it may perhaps help you to forget your own problems.
I am a disgrace are you this crazy?
breathe honey, it's gonna be okay.

my step-brother was just like this after he returned from serving overseas. it takes a while to get back in the groove of normal life again after being over there. Try exercise, this will increase the natural feel-good chemicals in your body, and will help settle your nerves a bit. It will also help you sleep.

you probably feel like you've been out of the loop in your friends' lives because you've been away for a while. they will come around, just go out once in a while when you feel like it. Don't force anything.

It's hard going from the fast-pace and the insanity of what's going on over there, and get dropped back into your old life-like nothing happened. It's going to take time.

I would keep seeing your counselor and talking out as much as you can. It's okay to be feeling everything you are, it's normal. Just get it all out there, in the open. You've probably got a lot of stuff bottled up that people just don't understand because they didn't go through it.

You'll be okay, don't worry :)