Saturday 24 September 2011

Who can I call ? to ask about this

Ok so I have a friend that lives in all bill paid apartments ,she just moved in .in July.. well come to find out this month, they were in the process of all ready selling the apartments, and didn't let her know when she moved in.. well the new apartment owners, is trying to change the apartments into a not all bill paid apartments, next month(Sept) and half of the residents that live in the complex is spanish speaking only. now can they just up and change people's leases like that? they want residents to pay $700.00 a month and for what the apartments look like they are or not worth no more then $600.00 a month. who can i call and talk to about this.
Who can I call ? to ask about this
A real estate agent.

Housing prices are way low now and it would be a perfect time for your friend to buy a home of her own.

Keep this in mind.

If your friend is going to continue to pay others for the privilege to live in their house than she must pay what they ask. I'm sure there are some places where your friend can go and complain but the bottom line is the apartment she lives in belongs to someone else.

People should be allowed to ask what they want for the rent on property they own.

Your friend has the right to move somewhere else.

Tell her to buy her own property and she can do with it whatever she wants.
Who can I call ? to ask about this
Not sure of where you live, but when you buy a business, you buy the existing contracts (leases) that are existing. That is the law in my state. When the existing contracts are up, they can be changed. I had the same thing with a quad that I bought a few years ago. I had to honor the existing leases, although I could control the thermostat %26amp; restrict car washing with common water. Have her contact an attorney that deals in realestate.
If your friend has a lease, the landlord's out of luck until the lease expires unless the lease agreement specifically allows rent increases before the end.

She doesn't have to call anyone - she just continues to pay her agreed rent, no matter what the new landlord says.
Depends where you live, all counties opperate differently and have different laws, although some are federal so all states, cities %26amp; counties have to abide.

Try contacting your local Legal Aid office or any housing rights organization in your town - you're looking for the categories of:


housing rights

The lease must be honored for the life of the lease. When it is time to renew the lease, they have a right to up the rent.

Contact a real estate attorney, or contact the HOA especially if you feel this is an ethnic issue (you mentioned their ethnicity).
don't she have a lease? i imagine the new owner has to honour the terms and conditions. call all most any law firm, they usually offer a free 15 min consultation.
A lease is a contract and regardless of what a landlord wants to do they must honor the contract for its duration. Have your friend read their lease. The landlord can only change terms that the lease allows. When the lease expires then they can change whatever they like in a new one but until the lease is up the landlord is bound by it just as your friend is. I have never heard of a state within the United States where this isn't true.

So first read the lease to see exactly what is or isn't allowed. Then, if the landlord attempts to change terms that are not allowed have your friend contact a lawyer. One other thing to tell your friend is that if the lease protects form a rent increase or utility billing then do not comply with a landlords demand to pay it. Call the lawyer after warning the landlord that they will do so.