Wednesday 21 September 2011

Is this speech good?????


Imagine living in a world where being “yourself” is a crime. If you walked on the path instead of the gutter and if you are not wearing the yellow Star of David on your clothing you could be arrested and sent to a concentration camp and never be heard from again. Adolf Hitler changed the life of many people. Not in a good way, in a bad way. He made the Jewish people’s life HELL. Most of them wished they were dead instead of alive, he sent them to concentration camps, they weren’t given food, and they starved to death. The Jews had to go through a lot in the concentration camps. First the kids and the elderly got gassed, because they couldn’t do the work. They were too un-fit. Some men and women was sent to the Gas Chambers as well. The women that refused to give their baby up were immediately sent to the gas chambers -which can hold up to 2,000 people - toxic gas was dropped down from the roof. When all the people in the gas chambers were dead their bodies were cremated or put into pits.

A young 13 year old girl named Anne Frank was a Jew, she had a family, she had friends. She went to school and she lived in a nice cozy house. Until she had to go into hiding. Because Hitler was rounding up all the Jews and sending them to concentration camps or to get killed.

Anne Marie Frank was born on the 12th of June 1929 in the city of Frankfurt, She was a very pretty Jewish girl, with dark curly hair., Her mother was Edith Hollander and her father was Otto Frank. She had an older sister called Margot Frank she was sixteen. On the 13th of March 1933 elections were held in Frankfurt for the municipal council, and Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party won, The Franks began to fear what would happen to them if they remained in Germany. So they fled to the Netherlands, where Otto started a company in Amsterdam. Over 300 thousand Jews left Germany between 1933 and 1939. By February 1934, Anne and her family had arrived in Amsterdam,In May 1940, the Netherlands was invaded by Germany, and the new government began to persecute Jews, so Anne and her sister could only go to Jewish schools. Jews couldn’t ride bicycles, they couldn’t use cars, couldn’t meet their Christian friends, they couldn’t go into restaurants, they weren’t allowed into the theatres or swimming pools, they had to wear the yellow star of David on their clothing so everyone could clearly see them as Jews.

Then it got worse, the franks decided to go into hiding for awhile. Otto said it will only be for two or three months. On the morning of Monday, 6 July, 1942. the family moved into the hiding place. Otto Frank left a note in their old house that said they were going to Switzerland. The secret annexe (that they were hiding in) was a three-story space entered from behind a bookcase on a landing above Otto’s business.

four people were the only employees who knew of the people in hiding. the helpers catered for all of their needs, ensured their safety and supplied them with food and other supplies. All were aware that if caught they could face the death penalty for sheltering Jews.

On the 13th of July, the Franks were joined in hiding by the Van Daans family.

Anne kept a diary with her, she wrote everything that was happening in her life. She called her diary kitty, that diary was the only thing that was keeping her company. She had no friends to talk to, only 16 years old peter who was always in the attic (his room). Anne hoped, when the war ended – she would find her friends and tell them that she hided from the Nazis and how she survived living in such a small space. With only small amounts of food a day. But that day never came. On the morning of August 1944, the German Security Police found out about the jews that were hiding upstairs in the office.. On September 3, the group was deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp, and arrived after a three-day journey. The men were forcibly separated from the women and children.

The women were forced to strip naked to be disinfected, had their head shaved and tattooed with an identifying number on their arm. By day, the women were used as slave labour and Anne was forced to haul rocks and dig rolls of sod. by night, they were crammed into overcrowded barracks. In March 1945, a epidemic typhus (Also called Jail fever) spread through the camp and killed approximately 17,000 prisoners including Anne and Margot Frank. Edith (Anne’s mum) was selected for the gas-chamber. She escaped with a friend to another section of the camp, where she remained through the winter, but died of exhaustion and malnutrition in January 1945 at the age of forty-four. Otto Frank was the only survivor who was hiding from the Nazis. He later found annes diary, it got published in Dutch - in 1947. Today, her diary has been translated into 67 languages and is one of the most widely read books in the world.

Is this speech good?????
Too long for three minutes. Being yourself means in feeling and thinking. The Nazi's condemned the Jews for their race. Like the Gypsies. People often received letters from relatives in concentration camps. Hitler changed the life of many people? He made the Jewish people's life HELL - it was not like that sophie. They weren’t given food, and they starved to death - actually the Germans used many more ways to kill people. In the end that was in such a hurry they did not bother humiliating and abusing people but killed the ones that were no good labor forces the same day they arrived.

Reading this reveals many things wrongly understood. You have to start all over again or this will not be interesting. Try to grab peoples attention with better information. Anne Frank was not a pretty girl but an ordinary girl. Her diary is interesting due to that fact. It would not have helped us if she was the best or well known or good looking or whatever. I wanted to mention that but let someone read it if you have re-written it. I would have used the word Imagine much later for suspense. Better not in the beginning. First facts and then Imagine the worries...