Wednesday 21 September 2011

If you were mega rich, would you...?

(or if you are mega rich)

would you change one person's life a lot?

or lots of people's lives a bit?
If you were mega rich, would you...?
one persons life alot so that they could carry on the chain

Good question

Its nice to know that some people out there are still selfless and helpful
If you were mega rich, would you...?
I would change everyones life a bit

Lots of people's lives a bit!
Lots o peeeps atta tyme
Lots of people a but, and with the %26quot;Pass it Forward%26quot; theme, they could then spread the love faster!
I would change a lots of peoples lives just enough...
lots of peoples life's a bit
lots of people's lives a bit

that way everyone gets a sharee :)

Lots of peoples lives a bit!!

Share the wealth!

= )
give some to charity's for sure.....great tax write off!
Depends on the person and the people. It would be nice to help lots of people, although I could make a bigger difference on just one person.
i would do like Bill Gates does, I will put 3/4 of my money in a separate bank account, and give the interest earned to the poorest people in the street.
i would use it to help people help themselves more!so thet way every1 can be happy:D
I will help lots of street kids and poor people. I will feed them and give them shelter too for them to feel good. So from there there would love GOD more ,,,,
Many people. I would find ways to help out many people for long periods of time such as contributing to college educations, purchasing homes for abused persons, feeding needy people during the Holidays or anything that contributes to a healthy society.

no..ha-ha first my self and then others but if i had the money yes i would help others
If ever I became super or even mega rich then I can finally affored to buy a expensive Yellow Snow on a summer.
One person, mine.
yeah, my moms... which i already did... i paid off her house, car and gave her a good amount of money. i take care of my family.... i'm not filthy rich... but i'm extremely stable...

i'd rather give my family money than a random stranger.

If I were Mega Rich then I would give some to Charity, some to my parents and some to my sister. The rest I would use to change lots of people's (the poor ones) lives a bit.
lots of peoples lives a bit. A few hundred or thousand here and there to people who really need it.

I mean it would be so lovely if a cheque for 拢1500 came through the door right now, just to get me out of my pickle, lol
if I was mega rich, I think, I'd change lots of people's lives a bit.. I'd try to.. First of course I'd make my and my families life better, and then I would give money to charity.. to poor people and children without home.
i change lives every day. just by simply entering a room. i love helping people
I would first pay off my parents home. Then buy my dad a new truck, Next I'd buy me some land and have me a house built. After that I would like to build a good community center and mission in my city. One that could feed, clothe, and provide shelter to any one in need. I would like to have constructive activities for children and adults. I would employ people with counseling and first aid backgrounds. That way they could help the troubled kids. There would be someone qualified to be there in case of an emergency. That way I could reach a lot of people with my money. I could change lives and shape futures.
lots of people's lives a bit.

it may be little, but it made a great difference (:
people's life a bit...maybe 50% hehe