Saturday 24 September 2011

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Fairy tales are usually told to children because they give a sense of good morals and personalities that spark children’s imaginations. The stories usually involve characters with broad characteristics that children can relate to. These stones allow children to escape their own reality to a world of their own although their imagination can be pushed too far. Fairy tales can teach children lessons such as right and wrong and don’t talk to strangers. The Ugly Duckling sends children a positive message to the following topics: lessons of happiness, the idea of beauty, being accepted by the community, and family relationships. It teaches children the moral lessons that hold true throughout their lives.

In the Ugly Duckling, the duckling wanted to find happiness and be treated equally as the other ducklings. The ugly duckling doesn't fit in with the other ducks and feels unaccepted but ends up finding a duck that he fits in with but ends up getting shot. The duck copes with reality and realizes towards the end of the story that he is no different than the other animals and he actually is a swan. “I’m ugly and no one wants to be around me “. The ugly duckling sends a message to children the world goes on even when the world seems against people. “I believe I must go out into the world again.”Even when someone is in a state depression they have strive to make it through life. The negative impact still gives people the impression that positive things can happen if they keep on their journey to success. If someone don’t exceeded the first time they try again until they succeed to their expectations. “He felt quite ashamed, and hid his head under his wing; for he did not know what to do, he was so happy, and yet not at all proud”. Happiness is seen as the object that holds close to the heart when pride is a feeling that fades with time and only last for a little while. Dreams can come true with the will strive for acceptance. “I never dreamed of such happiness as this, while I was an ugly duckling.”Happiness can be received as the commitment to help with confidence throughout people’s lives. Suffering from sorrow can cause a change of the outlook on different things.”He now felt glad at having suffered sorrow and trouble, because it enabled him to enjoy so much better all the so much better all the pleasure and happiness around him.”Enjoyment comes from suffering but the consequences are very minimal since pleasure and enjoyment become reality.

The idea of beauty is seen differently through the eyes of differently through people’s perspectives in life. Beauty goes beyond the outside appearances. “The new one is the most beautiful of all; he is so young and pretty.” And the old swans bowed their heads before him.”Even as people age they show loyalty towards people in the younger generation. Beauty is revealed as a comment that as people age their beauty grows within them. It gives children a positive outlook on their self image for the future. It goes as the old saying that beauty is only skin deep.

Being accepted by the community is knowledge of trust that a large that people want to feel. “You Are not in a warm room, and in society from which you may learn something.“Along the way there are many paths to take and overcome feel accepted by the surrounding community. The hen gave a piece advise to the ugly duckling to help him along his journey to find someone that he fit in with. The challenges arrive from lessons can be learned so that the same mistake is not made twice. Trust is derived from the fact the community has an effect on personal influences.

The family relationship between the ugly duckling and mother grows deeply attached as she accepts him for who he is. She has a positive outlook at looking beyond the outside appearances.”He is my own child and he is not very ugly after you look at him properly. A mother stands beside her child when she cares them” Personalities and your heart remarkably count more than beauty itself. As the other ducklings violently peck him on the beak the mother defends him.”Let him alone. He is not doing any harm.”It infers that with strengthening confidence can help one’s self esteem and being accepted in the world without their self image being directly reflected.”He is not pretty; but he has a very good disposition, and swims as well or even better than the others. When being put at disadvantage it takes to achieve a higher outcome than the people with advantages. The mother treated him equally as the other ducklings despite as how others treated him unfairly. The bonding between them gave the mother duck a clear understanding of how others looked down upon him and how she wanted him to be able to fit in with the community.

Fairy tales give children building blocks to learn and develop from. The inspiration to achieve goals even when there is many disadvantages. Children feel the need to have a hero or role model to look up to. This gives them confidence to help to d
Suggestions to improve this essay?Please?
get rid of the word usually and do your spell check
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