Saturday 24 September 2011

How should i end my essay?

It on life before and after the industrial revolution

this is what i have so far

The Industrial Revolution was a period in the late 18th and early 19th centuries where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, production, and transportation took place. The Industrial Revolution was a major turning point in human society and influenced the development of almost every aspect of daily life.

Before the Industrial revolution life was hard in the United States. People made their own clothes and farmed their own food. Life was mostly focused on farming and providing for your family. The Industrial Revolution would shape the United States agricultural economy into what it is today though, the largest and the most technologically powerful economy in the world.

The Industrial Revolution was a time when new inventions were made that benefitted people’s lives. People no longer had to labor for many hours separating seeds from fiber after they had picked cotton when the cotton gin was invented. And when the steam engine and steam boat was created people could travel up river and transport goods more easily. One of the most important inventions was the invention of interchangeable parts. Products could be manufactured more efficiently and faster with interchangeable parts and greatly influenced the manufacturing assembly today.

The progress in manufacturing inspired people to find ways for better transportation. The steamboat was one form of transportation but an even bigger one was the train. Thousands of miles of railroad track had been laid over a couple of years and just about every city could be reached and traveled to. The economy was now located in cities where goods were transferred and where factories were instead of out in the country on farms. People were forced to move to cities to find jobs and leave their farm life behind. Many people from outside countries also immigrated to American cities to find jobs and to find a better way of life.

The rapid growth of cities led to some disadvantages though. There was no clean running water, no public health regulations, no healthful ways to get rid of garbage and human waste, living conditions were often dirty, overcrowded, and unsafe and the jobs hours were long and dangerous. All of this led to disease and epidemics that spread rapidly and killed thousands of people.
How should i end my essay?
the best way to end an essay is using your topic as a first sentences then mention again the tree facts you use to support you essay and then give your final sentence whether could be (The economy was now located in cities where goods were transferred and where factories were instead of out in the country on farms) just try to change it a bit...that way you are not out of topic...

by the way good topic...
How should i end my essay?
In conclusion...

and then refer back to the essay question/title.

Big marks in an exam :)
The End.