Wednesday 21 September 2011

What do you think about my story for a 13 year old?

Title: I don’t know ? not the title! :D

1st intro!

Dear diary,

There comes a time, in a place where things never seem to go right… where you ask god why me…? Why does he punish only the good, and never the bad! You never think it will happen to you till one day the worst to its limit is on your back. You try to act fast, but can’t think because of the adrenaline rushing through your mind, in which captivating your soul. It was going so well, never thinking it to be so unexpected. Suddenly throwing it all to your face, knowing how your heart would throb instantly, trouncing out of my chest at any cringe of sorrow or pain. Knowing your essence is like a malleable cushion, so tender and soft and would be shattered into pieces when hearing the truth beneath the lies. When life goes wrong, it feels as if the world has turned on its axis, it feels as if life is a waste! I ask my self, why god creates us when he will kill his own creation in a matter of seconds. What is the point of putting humans on earth when we are just going to exterminate each other, because of the diversity of our skin, or the wealth of our community! “I am sorry” I just feel so insecure, I feel all confidence fading away, I feel as if all senses through out my body are quickly numbing through quickly. It’s hard to have no feeling of touch, no sense of smell, no vision, of what life holds for us in the future. Many times in my life, I have been warned, been told by my elders”: “appreciate the food you have in front of you. Be happy you have a roof over you head, be understanding that you have 2 parents who love you”. Always, did I take that for granted, treating it as if god NEEDS to give me two healthy, strong parents that have nourished me? Who have given me life. I’ve been blessed for such luck, because in this world, everything you have, can be taken immediately from you’re belonging… Just as how my parents were taken away from me. The only for sure thing I have in my life, is you…

Dear diary,

Have you ever felt lonely, when so many people surround you…? Have you ever felt haunted when all happiness envy’s you, when nothing in life should exist because you feel it has no motive? Well I have…


My name is Jennifer; born March 23 1995, and this is the story of my life… My life is like any other, or it was… I knew life wasn’t perfect, but never did I know that it could get this bad.

I hadn’t seen light gleam on the surface of my soft, rosy cheeks in a long period of time, and I had forgotten what expression appears on your face, when you’re happy. I hate it; I never thought this would happen to me, I never thought the days of hell would appear right before my eyes! I can’t believe how blinded I was to see what was coming, how sightless and blank minded I was. Do you know how it feels when something so close to your presence could’ve been stopped in a matter of seconds but instead, you’ve continued to go along with your life not knowing what catastrophe was ahead for you, in the upcoming. Many days of the years, I have regretted my action. I knew what was ahead, but yet I acted selfish, heartless…stupid! Everyday I wonder how life’s twists and turns occur. How much they affect people’s lives.

I never really considered the fact that people suffer everyday, worse then me, because their mom’s and dad’s are in war, millions of people get killed everyday… and the worst part of it… in those millions of people who died… it had to be BOTH my parents. I thought love was the purpose of life, and when you don’t have that four letter word close to your body, it’s not worth living. You try closing your eyes, acting as if all this were a dream… but sadly your eyes opening in disappointment still finding your self in the exact… same… position… Precisely Saturday, February-07-07, at twelve hundred hours, my life had changed… Confused?? Let me start from the beginning…

The story

Chapter 1: The beginning, of nothing…

This morning, I felt weak; I felt pain lingering through my fingers, forcing them to budge from beneath my thighs. I expected the sun to glisten through the flourished pink curtains, shimmering through the suns rays, and to be awoken by my ignorant alarm, but today was different… today I wasn’t in my normal stage. My fragile eyelids shuddered, as they struggled to open. When I finally had done so, I had been introduced to a whole new world… I had been introduced to monotonous gray curtains, with dust arising from every aspect of the room. The wall was painted plane white, with blotches of slight beige spots. You could distinguish the old, rusted paint chipping from the wall, leaving fragments of cement perking from behind the pigment. There was no design in any part of the room, except for slight embroidery on the edge of the shabby sheet, in which was covering my aching body. As my eyes had adjusted to it’s lighting, I had realized where I was… It wasn’t pleasant to grasp this situation, but as
What do you think about my story for a 13 year old?
Okay. That is to much for me to read. I read the 1st entry though. It was pretty good!!! A few gramar errors, but i totally agree. Why me? Why do we get punished when there are such mean people in the world? Why is our world this way? Why are people so mean!!!? It is so ture! keep writting....!