Friday 16 September 2011

Is Sasuke a better main character than Naruto?

Ok, just for the record I am a Sasuke fanboy, but I will try to be as objective as I can here.

I feel Sasuke has been a much MUCH more interesting character than Naruto throughout the whole series, but especially in Shippuden. Pretime skip, Naruto was a good main character. He was outcasted by the town, he had no friends and family, and had to bear a terrible burden of loneliness. He worked hard and got stronger, and made friends and changed some people's lives, it seems that all of Naruto's character development was done pre-time skip. I think in Shippuden, Naruto has been an unrealistic whiney loser. All he wants to do is bring Sasuke back to Konoha. Has Naruto ever even thought what would happen if he beat Sasuke and brought him back? Sasuke would leave the second he was healthy enough. What is Naruto going to do, permanently break his legs to keep him from leaving? When Tsunade informs them that Sasuke killed Orochimaru, Naruto goes, %26quot;does that mean Sasuke is coming back?%26quot; DERRR NO IT DOESNT YOU IDIOT!!!!!!! Does he even know Sasuke? He willingly left to train under Oro, not kill him!!! His goal is to kill Itachi you freaking moron!! And the fact that he has no variety doesn't help at all, Rasengan was cool about 150 episodes ago, learn some new moves will ya!

Sasuke is more interesting because he is always changing to new information, he isn't set in stone like Naruto. His backstory is just as interesting to me, if not moreso than Naruto's. Having his family and everyone he ever loved killed off by his own brother is a horrifying ideal, and having those bonds and losing them is more painful IMO than never having them like Naruto. Fast forward a little bit, and he was so set on revenge on Itachi, yet when Kakashi talked to him after his fight with Naruto, you could see Sasuke struggle with his emotions. He did have good friends, he had new bonds with people, yet his desire for revenge was so strong, had the sound ninja not showed up then it seems evident to me that he would have struggled more with his decision, I do think he would have chosen to go for revenge though. After finally getting his revenge on Itatchi, Madara reveals the truth (maybe) that Itachi was protecting Sasuke all along. Sasuke clearly struggles to accept this, as this would mean his desire for revenge has been pointed at the wrong people. After accepting Madara's words, instead of carrying out Itachi's wishes, Sasuke decides to use this new information and try to bring justice to the people who deserve it, Konoha's elders.

All in all, I think Sasuke will continue to be much more involved in the plot and he will keep developing as a chatracter, while Naruto is just kind of hanging around and along for the ride in Shippuden.

What do you think.
Is Sasuke a better main character than Naruto?
really respect you're opinion because from the get-go you admitted to being a fanboy and clearly explained why you have the opinion you do. And almost everything you said was correct. At this point, Sasuke has had more of a detailed and plot-oriented character developement than Naruto. However, Naruto's character developement is not finished quite yet. The way you mentioned how Naruto is being stupid about bringing Sasuke back is the whole point. Naruto is completely naive at this point and he knows it. His story is more of a coming of age story than anything and Sasuke is what is forcing him to grow up. So, Sasuke's detailed plot is completely necessary only because the choices he makes are what forces Naruto to accept the facts and grow up. Right now, Naruto believes he can have everything turn out his way just by sticking to his word that he will bring Sasuke back. If Sasuke attacks Konoha Naruto will have to accept the fact that he may have to kill Sasuke. This would force him to realize that not everything turns out the way they would in a fairy tale and he can grow up. At this point, Kishi can go two seperate directions with the character. One is that he kills Sasuke and realizes that no matter what happens, sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do for the greater good. If Naruto doesn't kill Sasuke, than Kishi goes with the theme that determination can make anything possible and Naruto has showed that to the world. Either way, the point of Sasuke it to force Naruto to grow, besides reinforcing some minor themes of course.
Is Sasuke a better main character than Naruto?
I agree that Sasuke would be a better main character. Sometimes I get so annoyed at Naruto's personality because he's so headstrong, hard headed, talks too much and has the annoying saying that he'll never go back on his word, which really leads to his hard-headedness.

All Naruto seems to care about is ramen, becoming stronger to become Hokage and bring Sasuke back to Konoha.

Sasuke though has alot more character and more of a background than Naruto, which makes him the more interesting character to observe.
If Naruto would die it would pretty much be the end of the story. So no and also we want to see what happens when Naruto and Sasuke vs. each other.
Well, you are correct on what you have said above.

I think you could say those things because Sasuke is more exposed than Naruto is. My sister even complains about the title saying, %26quot;It must be entitled SASUKE and not NARUTO.%26quot;

Anyways, I think, if Sasuke will be the main character, the story will be more serious and dark. I like the way Naruto puts humor with his meager acts. And eventually, I think, he will develop into a better protagonist and Sasuke will be a goo antagonist.
I didnt read all of what you said or the answers (sry too lazy right now) so sry if i repeated someones answer. But you are very right and the reason of this really is the creator of naruto , Sasuke is his favourite character, Thats probably why hes develooped so much more. and dont forget he is the 2nd main character. Another thing to maybe is because the creator of naruto has this bad reputation of killing off his main charater. So maybe this will be a story of sasuke after all some how. or naruto will do something brillant in the end and die because of it. who knows. I dont really like sasuke much but what ever naruto isnt my fav charater either. well thats what i think.