Friday 16 September 2011

Mountain high books trying to prove the Bible wrong & still fail!?

Why for 2000 years, with undisclosed number of books, theories, stories, philosophies people tried and tried to prove the Bible wrong, %26amp; still fail.

Still don鈥檛 get it!

When people鈥檚 lives change, when GOD answers prayers it is the Prove %26amp; no one can deny HIM
Mountain high books trying to prove the Bible wrong %26amp; still fail!?
When the Bible IS proved wrong (which happens all the time), you nudniks weasel out somehow.

For instance, in 1 Kings 7:23, the Bible sets the value of the mathematical constant PI to be 3 (30 cubits/10 cubits = 3). Now I have heard all sorts of weasel-word %26quot;explanations%26quot; for why a circular basin would not conform to mathematical fact, but they all miss something. This is supposed to be GOD's WORD. Surely GOD should know the value of PI. How could HE leave any doubt about it when it is simple to verify and/or debunk. The easiest answer is that God is simply not involved, and the people who wrote the text were just fallable men, not guided by any higher purpose.
Mountain high books trying to prove the Bible wrong %26amp; still fail!?
They can't prove the Bible wrong because the Bible is not a single work or philosophy. It's like fighting a swarm of bees with your fists.
The Bible is obvioulsy a bunch of myths and legends. Any child can see that.
I love this question, and I still ask myself why people try to do it. Even the guy who wrote %26quot;The Case For Christ%26quot; tried to do it, and now he is a devoted Christian. God Bless. :)
Pretty simple actually....the bible is nothing but a fantasy. How can you prove a fantasy wrong? It's just a fantasy.....
You have it backwards. No credible, objectively verifiable evidence has ever been found that supports the bible stories.

Going to prison, winning the lottery, getting married, having children, graduating from (anywhere), ad infinitum also changes people's lives, but it has nothing to do with superstitious beliefs.
Bible has been disproved a million times, but its ignorant followers just won't accept it. You DO have to write thousands of books just to document all that is wrong with the bible, that is correct.
Two things:

1) There is simply not enough information available about that time period to definitively disprove the Bible. Of course SOME parts can obviously be disproven simply with logical arguments (Noah's Ark comes to mind), but there is not enough information to disprove, say, Jesus's resurrection. But, just because you can't DISprove something, doesn't mean it isn't wrong anyways.

2) God doesn't answer people's prayers. Either they or other people around them affect positive change in their lives, or they get lucky.
Why do Christians have such a hard time understanding the meaning of the proof? The Bible proves nothing. It's made up, just a fairy tale designed to control the masses (like you). Wake up, expand your mind and try thinking for yourself. Common! You really believe Jesus rose from the dead? Noah built an Ark big enough to put a pair of all Earth's creatures in it's hold? The Red Sea parted? The earth is only 7000 years old? It's really so incredibly hair-brained. I'm always amazed at how gullible people can be.
As we know out of 30 gospels by the apostles, 4 remained and the rest destroyed by the Vatican Church that does not fit the story they wanted to be told. Then this 4 remaining gospels of John, Luke, Matthew and Mark was written after these people died. So who's words was it? It says itself %26quot;The Gospel ACCORDING to John%26quot;. According? Why didn't these Apostles wrote it themselves or have it written when they were alive?
You could invent a story..let's call it %26quot;Star Wars%26quot;. And you could get LOTS of people to read it / watch it, etc... and then...THEY COULD BELIEVE that it's TRUE! Then, it could become a religion. They could have meetings about it...and wear costumes and quote it chapter and verse.

That doesn't make it TRUE or REAL. It just makes it something that you spend time on. Sure, you could say it was written by men who were %26quot;inspired%26quot; by the %26quot;Force / God%26quot;. But it's still a fiction created by men. All you have to do is look at who wrote it and ask what their motive was.

Does it bring you any closer to a deeper understanding of yourself? Does it bring people together? Does it help?

There are over 10,000 religions practiced on Earth. There are 33,830 denominations of Christianity alone. With SO MANY versions of religion and the origin of man, which one can say theirs is ABSOLUTELY right? They all can. But, that doesn't mean any of them are correct. They just BELIVE they are.

I wish you Peace.
There have been thousands of attempts just like this to prove the Bible wrong, and every time, I repeat EVERY TIME!They prove it 100% true, every time.Just ask Darwin, Oh that's right you cat he died, but not until he recanted his theory and accepted Jesus.
I don't want to bash you.

In my country every high books have prove the bible wrong and they did it successfully.

I think you must do a survey over the world and get the result. %26quot;Don't you see that CHRISTIAN is not the majority%26quot;. It become less and less. Why? Because the books had succeeded
There are several stories in the Bible which are documented in other cultures. For instance, the Great Flood (Noah's Ark) was documented in Sumerian culture. The Philistines did in fact fight the Jews, did in fact have a giant (who was like 7 foot or higher) and did in fact lose.

Everyone can deny God while on earth, that's one of the reason they killed so many Prophets. Just because someone knows the truth doesn't mean their ego likes it. Those ignorant of the Holy Spirit can't sin much against it, but those who do know It, and despise it for It being greater than them, are the great revolters.

Most however are benefited greatly by knowing it, and this is an inescapable conclusion by even agnostic heavy groups like psychologists, who recommend many of their patients join a religion because it improves peoples lives continuously in ways nothing else can.
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