Friday 16 September 2011

Give me your opinion on this?

Okay, so everyone knows the life-long question of why do professional athletes who make millions of dollars while people who make a difference (teachers, social workers, etc.) get paid only a fraction of that.

When you add up the perks that professional athletes get like national stardom, getting into clubs, scholarships to college, and maybe even eating meals for free. Now how many teachers do you see getting that kind of treatment?

Some may argue that athletes get that treatment and salary because they entertain us and risk injuries, but social workers change people's lives.

So, give me your opinion
Give me your opinion on this?
This is completely my opinion, but I think there's no reason that ANYONE should make that kind of money. I don't care how fast you can throw a baseball or how far you can throw a football, it's ridiculous that people get paid that kind of money. On one side, you have dying, starving, homeless, poor people, who have to work hard everyday just to survive, and on the other, you have the arrogant NBA player who makes 25Million a year and threatens to quit if he doesn't make more. That's pure stupidity. It seems sports has become more about the fame and money, and less about having fun and playing the game.
Give me your opinion on this?
thye shouldnt make any money at all for just bouncing or kicking a ball teachers should get higher salary cuz they may be teaching the next albert einstein!!! lol
i think they get paid way too much to play any sport. yes its entertaining, but its still just a sport.
I don't give a damn.

Don't thumb me down because that's my opinion.

If teachers and other social workers started running the 100 metres in 9.4 seconds, I might reconsider.
More money to social workers and teachers who can change lives....

Less money to athletes who work hard on the field to ENTERTAIN!!!

To he'll with the sponsors and ad campaigns!!!!
Because fewer people have the talent to be professional athletes than have the talent to be teachers and social workers. It's simple supply and demand. I'm not saying it's right (although I'm definitely not saying it's wrong.) That's just the way it is.
the armed forces is a perfect example they risk their lives to get a wage that is the same as a traffic warden while sports stars are urning millions with little risk. Its unfair but their is nothing anyone can do
I think it is a shame but this is america if you have kids and send them to a public school be ready to have your kids learn nothing cause in this world all the glory goes to famous people who do mostly nothing and get paid millions

I agree with what you say about the teachers not getting paid but that is the way it is.
I think professional athlete's are a joke. They aren't doing it for the love of the game. Very few can even be named role models.

I think anyone who is selfless and lives their life helping others are the true heroes and role models.
It sucks: that's my opinion.

But, it's what the market bears. And if we get into the business of regulating how much athletes get paid because it's %26quot;unfair%26quot;, well, that's a slope towards communism isn't it?

I do my part by not watching much sports and not being influenced by the stars marketing power. That, and supporting education (you'd be amazed how a little volunteer work on your part will make your teacher's life easier).
It has to do with our value system as a whole. It is sad to say but the consumer will pay an exorbitant amount of money to be entertained.
its the same with all fame is it not. if teachers want more money then maybe they should have gone into acting or the music industry or become an athlete. we have to play with the cards we are dealt with.
Just like actors, if people didn't pay to see them, they wouldn't make that much. People don't spend money to watch teachers.
I completely agree. I believe that the money should be earned by people who occupy pragmatic jobs that help everyone. However, the entertainment industry is so wealthy simply because of us. If people didn't patronize these industries by attending sporting events, going to the movies, purchasing tabloids...celebrities %26amp; sports stars would not have such outrageous salaries.
You are right!!-Athletes are way over-payed but I also think one of the reasons for that(still overpayed) because they are considered some of the best athletes in the World while there are Alot of Teachers...%26amp; they're not necessarily being payed for %26quot;Being the Best in the World%26quot;...I mean you have your good Teachers %26amp; your Bad ones.We wouldn't want ALL the Teachers getting paid tons of money if they were a Bad Teacher..would we ??-Maybe they should have a %26quot;Best Teachers in the World%26quot; competition...%26amp; the winners (Then) should be paid alot! opinion.....BTW...What about Parents???-They %26quot;Teach%26quot; %26amp; mold their kids more than anyone else %26amp; what Glory do they get...Food Crumbs,Laundry,Dishes,No Sleep,Work!
Ok so athletes risk injury, but firemen risk their lives! Police officers are in a lot more danger and risk their lives too as are many other professions. What about the army - they spend years and year training to risk their lives to protect people, including these athletes who are getting paid millions to 'entertain. It is outrageous. Take football, it causes fights, riots, attacks (to name a few) and other people are giving everything to stop it. And teachers, changing lives - getting the new generations ready thus inspiring the future. Of course it's healthy to have competition and good role models - but the role models aren't even good role models. Kids looking up to people who go about, getting drunk, sleeping with strangers etc, while their own parents are working hard, doing everything they can to provide for the child and they still aspire to be the athlete.

It's a messed up world.
many people actually like athletes because they bring glory to their nation or state.yes it's true that they bring glory and makes a particular region proud.on the other hand people who makes a difference get lesser attention and rewards.people often take people who make a difference for granted thinking that anybody can do such jobs and that there are many of them.while they consider the athletes to be something like a super hero or some rare gem.

in my opinion i think i think it's only fair that the athletes get a good treatment because their fame usually doesn't last long but we should be reconsidering about the people who make a difference.they should be respected and not taken for granted.their salary should also be increased and they should also be given more perks or benefits.
well, if you think about it, to me being a teacher isn't that hard, so..