Friday 16 September 2011

A Few Questions for Twilight Fans?

Okay, since I%26#039;m afraid I%26#039;ll get murdered if I ask any of these questions to fans in real life, here they are:

1. Why are Bella and Edward together? Honestly, I read all the books--except Breaking Dawn which I couldn%26#039;t stomach--and I can%26#039;t for the life of me see any chemistry between them besides physical attraction.

2. Why do so many fans take negative comments about the series/characters as personal attacks?

3. I%26#039;ve seen a lot of posts saying that Twilight has changed people%26#039;s lives? How so?

4. Why is Bella perceived as a %26quot;deep%26quot; and %26quot;intellegent%26quot; person when she clearly shows herself to be a shallow and rather dumb individual in the books?

5. Why does everyone seem to hate Jacob/Mike/Eric?

6. Why are there only comments about Jacob being a danger to Bella, when she%26#039;s only ever been in danger when she%26#039;s with Edward and the other Cullens.

7. Lastly, if you knew that other Twilight fans actually threaten to kill anti%26#039;s/non-fans like myself, what would you say?

Thanks so much! This might help me undeerstand things about this fandom a lot better!
A Few Questions for Twilight Fans?
I%26#039;m not sure why they are together. I agree with you that the only thing that really seems to be between them is their physical attraction. They decide they are deeply in love almost instantly with nothing really between them at all. I suppose that%26#039;s why a lot of people like it. They have nothing really in common and their so called love lasts based solely on that.

I think they take them as personal attacks because they really love the books and the characters. If someone attacked something I loved, even if it was just a material object or a fictional character as it were, I%26#039;d be offended that they would dare attack something I loved. I suppose by attacking something that I love they are in a way attacking me.

I don%26#039;t understand how it could change their lives. Maybe it%26#039;s just opened their eyes to reading more, or the romantic notion that love can overcome everything, even loving someone that could destroy you completely and the love overcomes even that. I really don%26#039;t know. It doesn%26#039;t make sense to me.

She isn%26#039;t deep to me. She%26#039;s very shallow. She seems to love Edward because he%26#039;s unnaturally beautiful and he%26#039;s forbidden and he%26#039;s one of a kind. I%26#039;ve always seen him to be more of a prize to her than someone that she loves wholeheartedly. Maybe she%26#039;s seen as intelligent because she%26#039;s read quite a bit of classic literature like Wuthering Heights and Romeo and Juliet. I find her to be very irritating. She sulks when things don%26#039;t go her way and she%26#039;s very dependent on others for her own happiness.

Because they aren%26#039;t Edward. There%26#039;s one hero and therefore, because there%26#039;s no middle ground, if you aren%26#039;t the hero, you must be the villain. I have to admit that I wanted Bella and Edward to end up together. Because they do deserve each other. She%26#039;s whiny and shallow, and he%26#039;ll do everything he can to please her, and also very melodramatic and full of his own importance.

Jacobs the danger because... I have no answer to that. I suppose it%26#039;s because the comments were made by the Cullen family.

It%26#039;s only a novel and soon to be released movie. It%26#039;s not worth getting violent over. I wouldn%26#039;t risk jail time because someone didn%26#039;t like a book I liked.
A Few Questions for Twilight Fans?
1. They aren%26#039;t together just for looks! You got it all wrong! They%26#039;re together because she%26#039;s mysterious to him because he can%26#039;t read her mind and she smells nice!

2. Because fans tend to get a little carried away at times. Sometimes even thinking Edward is their husband...

3. Are you kidding me? Twilight is a LIFE CHANGER! It helped me so much of what to not look for in a book. (Maybe not a big deal to you, but it is for me)

4. Because she is shown to make wise and thoughtful choices throughout the series?...

5. Because they%26#039;re not Edward. Annoy Bella.

6. Because Edward if perfect and don%26#039;t you question it.

7. I would say what I always say: %26quot;I lol%26#039;d.%26quot;
1. I%26#039;m not so sure about that. I don%26#039;t see the chemistry either -- Maybe the thing about Happy Endings %26amp;%26amp; the mistery he is to her?

2. I guess that happens because so many are obsessed with it that it somehow ties up them.

3. I am not sure about this one...I assume that fans then believe in fictional characters and think they are real~

4. Hmm...I actually wonder that too. Maybe because it%26#039;s in her perspective of view?

5. People say it%26#039;s because Edward is better and I think in the third book, Mike and Eric think that Jacob can beat Edward in a fight. Many also see Jacob as the enemy because he tried to gain Bella%26#039;s love when he knew he would have less of a chance to win.

6. I don%26#039;t really know how to answer that...I thought Edward was the danger to her and not Jacob. Maybe %26#039;cause they%26#039;re tied up with Edward being perfect in everyway.

7. It%26#039;s a book. It%26#039;s not real. The character are not real, they are from a book. The actors are people who the producers thought they fit the character. But, they%26#039;re not the actual characters from the book. Other than that...I would just laugh.
I know i am a big fan but i also know the difference between reality and fiction lol
I am a big Twilight fan and it%26#039;s okay to ask these questions, everyone has their own opinion%26#039;sof the books.

1. Bella and Edward are together because they love each other, people tend to want what they can%26#039;t have. Edward is attracted to her because she is interesting. He has an ability to read minds and for some reason he can%26#039;t read her%26#039;s. He finds it frustrating and it stumps him. He is also attracted to her scent.

2. People don%26#039;t take critisism well at all. period.

3. I don%26#039;t think Twilight has changed my life, it just makes you look at love differently, and people have changed their standards for men.

4. I don%26#039;t see her as intelligent but skillful. As shown in the last book.

5. People seem to hate Jacob because he%26#039;s getting in the way of Edward and Bella. and I dislike the other charcters listed sometimes because they jump to conclusions and do not understand bella and jacob%26#039;s relationship.

6. If you read the book carefully it%26#039;s explained. She calls Edward out on that one. But in the book where Edward breaks up with her, she does stupid stuff when with jacob (Motorcycling, Jumps off a cliff.. exc)

7. I would say people have there own opinions of the book.

I suggest reading breaking dawn its my favorite, it has a great ending
ok this is gonna take a while:

1. I know that Bella loves Edward because she thinks he%26#039;s such a good person for choosing to hunt animals instead of people, despite the pain and trouble it causes him.

2. I don%26#039;t really take it personally per say, but it%26#039;s a bit like if someone starting ragging on your hair. You feel like it was your choice to have it that way (or in Twilight%26#039;s case, read the book) and you like it. So it%26#039;s natural to be insulted a little. It%26#039;s not going to upset me if someone says %26quot;I don%26#039;t like Twilight%26quot; but if someone says something like %26quot;Wow, Twilight is so retarded%26quot; it feels kind of like they%26#039;re saying you%26#039;re retarded for liking it.

3. I don%26#039;t know if it%26#039;s necessarily the book that has changed people%26#039;s lives as much as the fandom has. Fans meet other fans and become friends. They have new, exciting experiences when going to book or movie releases or parties. They must figure that had the book not been written, they would never have had those experiences.

4. Bella kind of bugs me too actually. I don%26#039;t think she%26#039;s particularly intelligent, but I think the whole angle of Bella is that she%26#039;s really really normal. I don%26#039;t think she%26#039;s really deep either, but I suppose anyone can be deep when they want to be.

5. They really just hate them because they%26#039;re/were potential competition for Edward and there are just too many Edward fan girls (yes, I am guilty of this)

6. Again, Edward fan girls die hard. They will look for any point to make against Jacob, no matter how unreasonable. Maybe they think he%26#039;s a danger because he allowed her to do things like ride a motorcycle, when Edward%26#039;s always looking out for her and trying to protect her. ( Not exactly my opinion)

7. I would say that they%26#039;re totally overreacting and that anyone who is even semi-serious should check them into a mental hospital right now. Chill people! I love the books too, but I%26#039;m not going to threaten to murder someone because they have a different opinion than me. I probably hate their favorite band but you don%26#039;t see me pulling out a shotgun!

Thank you for the distration from my homework, but crap! Now I have to hurry!
1. because they love and care for each other and you can%26#039;t describe love it just happens.

2. because they know what a great book it is and the people saying bad things have probably never even read the series.

3. because it has showed so many people what love is about.

4. she is not shallow she just doesn%26#039;t like to show what she really thinks.

5. not everyone hates mike, eric and jacob. i personally LOVE jacob hes a mad dude! and i don%26#039;t mind mike either (i dont really know much about eric so i can%26#039;t say much).

6. because he can%26#039;t control himself as well as the cullens can.

7. i would be extreamly disapointed in them because everyone has a right to think what they like about the books.

Although I agree with nearly everything you said, I think why Twilight is so popular is because

a) there%26#039;s fantasy (vampires, etc.)

b) it%26#039;s a teen romance (emphasis on %26#039;teen%26#039; plus it%26#039;s very Romeo Juliet) and girls who%26#039;ve had (a) boyfriend(s) can (somewhat) relate to it,

and Bella%26#039;s relationship with Edward is what some girls, who%26#039;ve never been in such a relationship, only dream about.

I think Twilight gives unrealistic standards on relationships. I know several people who love the series but disapprove of such relationships (Bella smells nice and Edward is gorgeous) in reality.

I personally enjoy the story line and the mood/atmosphere Stephenie Meyer creates, but I don%26#039;t find the writing particularly adept, which is probably why Bella seems shallower than she should be.

And how it changed each their own, people take things (phrases from the book) differently based on their experiences
im with you
1. They%26#039;re together because that%26#039;s the way Stephenie Meyer wrote it.

2. They take them personally because most of them are obsessed with Edward/Jacob and a lot of the negative comments are about both of them.

3. A lot of them have become dumb annoying people!

4. People only believe what they want to believe.

5. The girls obsessed with Edward don%26#039;t them because they%26#039;re trying to take Bella from Edward.

6. She%26#039;s in danger with both of them.

7. Oh I know they do it, and they make all the Twilight fans look bad. I%26#039;m a Twilighter and I respect others opinions and even understand them! Seriously, I cannot believe that four books have done this to a lot of the teenage girls. It%26#039;s AWFUL! And really annoying.