Friday 16 September 2011

Explain the benefits of an empire..?

Explain the benefits of an empire to the british people who are new to the idea of an empire.

Imagine that it is 1886 and you are pro-imperialism.

imperialism means the act of making an empire.

Give details of the new products that can be imported.

Give an explanation of how these will benefit britain - think about the economy and changes to people's lives.
Explain the benefits of an empire..?
If you don't mind exploiting the unpeople, and all you care about is your own standard of living, then you can take this position. The US is doing this right now in a big way. The very wealthy are exploiting most Iraqis, most Afghanistan people, and most Americans for the profits of an elite few with power.

The Brits managed to control trade and exploit human and material resources throughout the globe. You can argue that this is also good for the unpeople, but the facts really don't support this. The Brits encouraged heroine trade for profit, and destroyed many lives in the process.
Explain the benefits of an empire..?
Any introduction of a new product would make the economy mobile. It would bring in food product from other areas during seasonal periods of the year when food supply is low. New Medicine and Medical Advancements to treat disease. Low Wage Labor would be available and Britain's would expand themselves on to the claimed land giving opportunity for Britons to more easily advance themselves for a little bit. new products and ways to produce them gives opportunities for people who would otherwise not have the option a chance to run their own business and profit from it.
Um i guess the economy would benefit also they'll surely need people to govern these colonies it might be cool to go live in India for example might be nice to see other cultures we'll be getting lots of new foreign items cheaper therefore we'll have a higher standard of living than before.
In an empire people write their own history essays. And Imperialism isn't a verb so it can't possibly mean %26quot;the act of....%26quot;
it means that me! and my select few get all the money, power, women, and best food! while rest of nation starves!
Do your own homework.