Friday 16 September 2011

Can anybody proofread my essay please :] thx?

im not sure about my conclusion

The Bacterial Attack

Plague is a type of disease that is cause by Yersinia pestis. There are three main forms of disease: bubonic, septicemic, and pneumonic. There are three great world pandemics. It can last very long and kills millions of people. Plague swept through every part of the world. The plague’s contribution affected Europe's population and also its economy. Another contribution is that it change people’s life, the church, music and art, and many other things

“During this great epidemic of death more than eighty died of every hundred, and the air was so infested that death overtook men everywhere, wherever they might flee. And when they saw everybody dying they no longer heeded death and believed that the end of the world was at hand.%26quot; (“The Black Death,” History of Western Civilization).There are three great world pandemics. A pandemic is a disease that occurs throughout the entire population of a country. The first pandemic appeared in Europe, in A.D 542 and lasted for 60 years. The plague was called Justinian’s Plague because it began during the reign of Justinian, Emperor of the Byzantine Empire. It killed millions of people and decreases the population of Europe by a half between the year of A.D 542 and 700. After that it disappears from Europe for about 600 years. The depopulation causes shortage to labor. There weren’t enough people to harvest crops, tend animals or do work. Valuable artisan skills disappeared; those who had skills became even more valuable than the rich people.

The second pandemic appeared during the 14th century. It’s called the Black Death because its main symptom was the appearance of black patches on the skin. This is because of large trading spots, and rats coming off the ships. This is the most severe of the three plague pandemics. It began in central Asia in the mid 1300s and last for 40 years. Before the Black Death, music was happy and often heard. During the Black Death music was played very grimly or never played at all. Art was also a victim of the Plague because paintings are a lasting record. The art is still an easy thing to find and a good historical reference. Artists at that time were so depressed by the death that surrounded them that they began to paint pictures of sad and dead people. “As the chroniclers said, the plague touched everyone, rich and poor alike” (“Plague”). Many priests and bishops died and no one could hear confession. The final pandemic began in northern China, which reaches Canton and Hong Kong by 1894.

The plague did not go anywhere; it’s still here, everywhere in the world but not as much anymore. Today, scientists had made discoveries of plague’s vaccination, so it’s safer for us to live in this time of life. The contributions of the plague had change Europe’s population and it also give us new ideas about paintings and music.
Can anybody proofread my essay please :] thx?
Your wording in some places is very poor.

%26quot;The contributions of the plague had change Europe’s population%26quot;

makes no sense...

%26quot;Today, scientists had made discoveries of plague’s vaccination%26quot;

trouble with time of tenses

%26quot;it’s still here, everywhere in the world but not as much anymore%26quot;

grammatically incorrect, and worded in a really juvenile manner. %26quot;but not as much anymore%26quot; really doesn't sound right at all.