Friday 16 September 2011

Why do people complain about rain?

What's so wrong with it? Why do people change their plans when it rains? Rain is awesome! Okay the road is a bit slipperier,but people should walk once in a while anyway. What is it, are they afraid to get their hair or clothes wet? I just don't understand why rain in the forecast seems to be such a deterrent to people's lives. People act as if rain is something to be hated or feared. They run for their lives when a drop of rain comes down. why? what the heck is wrong with getting a little wet? it comes from the sky! it's water! it's natural!! and it feels good!! i love rain!! what's wrong with it??!
Why do people complain about rain?
I love your question. You're definitely a lover of life to appreciate rain; I also think everybody should.

Obviously people prefer sunshine. They prefer to have distant horizons, instead of restricted views from rain falling; they would rather not worry about running into people because an umbrella blocks their view, or a driver can't see very far; yes, they're sometimes worried about their hairdo, or the wrinkles in their clothes. Weather reports play into people's mild dislike and play it up. That's %26quot;hyping%26quot; something negative to get more listeners or viewers.

Enjoy the rain; laugh at the people who run to stay dry; notice things others don't: the birds usually look for cover; the worms come out; sometimes the sun pokes through; kids splash around; drivers in a hurry run through puddles and drench people; almost nobody looks up -- most look down; people fight with their umbrellas, and open them up to travel 100 feet. Good for you.
Why do people complain about rain?
i love the rain maybe people are afraid they might melt in the rain lol
I dont complain. I love rain. I get excited when it storms out. Rainy days are my perfect days.
I don't understand that either! i LOVE the rain. I'm even in a better mood when it's raining.
If it's warm and raining.. perfect..

but in some places, like in my city.. if it rains.. it chills you to the bones.

It ruins plans
I feel EXACTLY like you.........

It feels great to see that there is another person who feels just like me about lovely rains.....

otherwise I have not met a single person till date who dont think that Rains are troublesome.........

I always welcome rains with an open heart and a big smile.......

My heart dances when I hear clouds thundering, see rain pouring, smell fragrance of soil and fresh new lively trees.....

Even if its my final exam day or interview day, even then rain causes no problem to me.....Nature is at its best when it Rains !!!!