Friday 16 September 2011

Need help changing my life?

ok this question is a little weird..but for the past few months i've been in my job..i've confided in my manager about a few things..i've been through a lot and i feel i should write a book lol!! i've had 2 miscarriages, been sexually abused frm quite a young age, had an eating disorder and dabbled in alcohol and friend died a few weeks ago in an accident...last week was the 1st month anniversary of her death and I decided to wise up!! i began going to church and have given up partying and taken cocaine and abusing my body and sleeping around!! in my job im usually outspoken and loud and I usually always melt people's heads.. i want to prove to people that i've really can i go about doing this, i've already broken up with my violent boyfriend and moved although i'm still in the same job...this sounds weird but i always felt different in my job because they're all very well to do and have been all their lives and i'm from a council estate where i'm probably the only person who doesn't live on benefits in work i try to be quiet and speak only when spoken too but find this impossible to do, i'm just a natural born talker!! i gossip, i b**ch it's what girls do.. but i want people to know that megan's death has changed me for the better and that i'm not the same person...i don't need counselling, i combated what i've been through on my own!! i look to my colleague for support and know that it's there when i need doesn't seem like a big problem but i need help with it, i don't need stupid people writing give up the drugs..i never had a drug problem, i just did it as a social thing and i gave them up weeks ago

thanks guys =)
Need help changing my life?
Each new day is a fresh new start. If you want to change the way you are, work on it with a new day/new start mind. Some of us get into bad habbits of behaviour and if you want to change peoples opinion of you then just act the way you want to be, before you know it its become a part of the new you! Having a job that you are happy in is great for self esteem and confidence, good on you for seeing that you are bettering yourself everyday in everyway.

Good luck and keep on being strong. Well done

Need help changing my life?
I'm so sorry about your friend. It looks like you're off to a really good start. Just keep doing what you're doing and you're going to do great. And never underestimate the power of prayer.Bless you.
first of all congrats for bein so strong. you have already changed your life, why does it matter what others think of you?

carry on doing as you are doing dont worry about informing others of your change.

being from a council estate does not mean that you are a bad person or not as good as those that are not. good luck with your new life.
You've had to go through a lot! I think time will let them see you've changed. It sounds like Megan's death was a wake up call to you and forced you to take a good hard look at yourself. I think she'd be proud that she inspired you to make changes for the better for yourself.

For now, don't worry about what others think about you... but rather believe in yourself. They will see the changes. Good luck!
Hello Miss Nasty,

Wow, what a question - its not very often i feel compelled to type something serious but on this i guess i feel i at least have to try.

A few years ago i looked back on my life over the past few years and realised that i needed to change. I thoght of changing job, ignoring old friends and making a fresh start but i found it nearly impossible to do as no matter how much i resented my old life i still liked certain aspects of it. For all my good intentions i still didn't want to step outside my comfort zone. In the end i thought to myself %26quot;enough is enough%26quot; so i moved about 200 miles away and started a new life where NO ONE knew who i was. Doing this enables you to start your life all over again from scratch... I've made a completely new start and have never looked back. Sure, you may miss some people but it is those people that are unknowingly holding you back. I wish i could compose myself better - i'm no writer. All i can say is that if you need any help/advice then drop me a message and i'll do my best to help.

- Get off all drugs

- Don't sleep around

- Make new friends

- Go and find a nice polite, young gentleman

- Tell all of your family, you are going to change and turn over a new leaf!

- Decorate your house, and buy a pet

- Clean up all of your house

- Go on a shopping trip for clothes and food.

- Get a new job, then get into a sleep routine, go to bed and settle down with a book, watch a nice girly film, have a laugh and invite mates over for a giggle and a few drinks.

Sorry to hear about your friend, try to do as many of these as possible, and if you smoke quit or cut down. Good luck =]
First i'm sorry to hear about your friend...but the thing is you're you! You can change certain aspects of your life but you can't change everything! People have bad habits I know I do! But it's just when these certain habits really take over and control your life that you need to stop them. You're a strong person to get through it all on your own..i've had counselling a lot over the past few years for certain things that have happened. You need to be around people that appreciate you for who you are..don't change for people! If you're having difficulties changing these aspects of your personality then that's just you! Who are you harming by being chatty and loud? Nobody! Just be yourself! If you're truely happy what else matters! Good luck!
Sorry about your friend! If you want to stay in the same job then it might take your co-workers a long while to see you have changed. However no matter who you are now that was not the person they got to know! It's hard to change that. I know, because I have tried to change in a work place however the other workers would not let me. They just kept talking behind my back. If you have went on the straight and narrow now then what and who will everyone talk about NOW!