Friday 16 September 2011

If you were a celebrity and made millions per year.. what would you do?

So I look at Oprah who always asks people to contribute to her angel network and says that she contributed a million dollars. Well, a million dollars to her is ten cents to me.

How would you spend your millions if you made them.

I'll give you my answer because i asked:

1. I'd spend it where i made it.. in the U.S. I'm not cutting down other places.. if I could then afford to help others i would.. but I'd START in the U.S. BUT..I'd concentrate on those who really had no opportunity.. and had a hard life.

2. I'd find ways to make my money %26quot;pay back%26quot;. We all know the idea.. I'd make my money do that.

3. Just for personal gratification I'd change the lives of a lot of individuals simply by hiring a team to change homeless people

s lives.

4. I'd build homeless shelters for a long as as far as my money would go.
If you were a celebrity and made millions per year.. what would you do?
I've thought about this myself ... I can't help but think if I was in the position some of these celebrities were in I'd put my money to much better use ..

1) I'd donate a few million dollars to the school board of my town to further the education of people that grow up where I did ... the schools where I live are overcrowded, understaffed and not air conditioned and it could use a nice new football field

2) I'd donate 10% of what I make on a weekly basis to the Reformed Church of America ... since my church alone doesn't need millions of dollars at a time to play with, I would cut off the vines and donate right to the source to help further education about God and missionary work across the globe

3) I'd donate a good portion to cancer research ... my father died of cancer last year and my doctor thought at one point that I may have cancer too ... luckily, I narrowly dodged that bullet, but there are many people that don't and I would like to be able to contribute to a possible solution

4) I would like to own my own business on the side of whatever is making me a millionaire .. I am a fanatic for music and have an idea of a dream record store where I can sell old records, tapes and CDs at very low prices ... it would also sell patches, stickers, posters, and whatever else music people like to have at their stores =)

5) I would travel ... there are many things I want to see because at 22, I've never been out of the country ... I would love to see the 7 wonders of the world, ancient and modern, go to Paris, London, Moscow .. visit museums, learn about the culture ...

I'm sure there are many other good things I could do with the money, but I believe the line from Forrest Gump that goes something like this: %26quot;there's only so much money a person needs and the rest is for showing off%26quot; ... I only need enough to fulfill my dreams ... I don't need one of those houses from 'Cribs' ... I'd find a way to do good with the rest
If you were a celebrity and made millions per year.. what would you do?
I'd have a contest and give a million dollars to one adult and one teen. The adult would have to be a hard working person who always tries, the teen would have to be a fun-loving, girl-chasing or boy-crazy teen who doesn't have to be a genius but isn't ignorant of politics.
I would buy my parents a house with the works. I'd finish my education and pay off my college debts. I would help ppl that were less fortunate than myself. I would also love to help out ppl like teenmoms that are trying hard to get ahead, or single mothers that are great moms.I would def. want to use my money for research on diseases like cancer, and AIDS.I would save it as well and work a normal job that i went to school for.
Rich people unfortunately do not see poverty around them and do not like helping their fellow people because there is little PUBLICITY in that. But look for a small village in AFRICA and spend a few $$$ and get in the news and its all GREAT!!

S*C*R*E*W Oprah!!!!
If I had that money I would be reclusive as all get out. Of course, I would look for ways to give back to my old community and of course my immediate family but that's it.
i would help out on global warming like plat trees and i also would help the research of dieseases and cancer. and i would buy a house for my family
I would feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, raise the parentless, give medical to the needy and educate the uneducated!
I'd learn to invest on real estate and make the fortune even bigger than it is. Plus I would find a way to stop global warming
i would pay lots of money to charity , but ill never deprive ma self from any luxary
I'd stage my death and retire to a private island.
wow i think it's noble
if it is too much for me.... i'd rather help poor people...
other than helping family and friends...

I would start education programmes for under privileged teens and teen mothers

I would run empowerment programmes for battered women (and battered men!) to 1. enable to get back their confidence and learn how to make friends again. if you've been isolated for years then you'd have to learn everything again

i would sponsor a young person every year through university

i would put a certain amount into the arts.

i would save and restore buildings of historical significance from parasitic vile horrible property developers

i would introduce educational programmes alongside your homeless shelters to restore self esteem, money management, lifestyle management etc etc etc. if we ever become multi millionaires we should look eachother up lol

i would run educational programmes in schools teaching youngsters and teens about domestic violence. get em young!!

and i would give a ton every year to charity