Friday 16 September 2011

Athiests, if you did believe -- what would you want God to be like?

I'm observing that one of the reasons you aren't into God is because you see hypocrites who profess him.

I also noticed, you don't see any evidence of God scientifically.

What would you like a God to be like in order for you to understand him and believe in him. (Ex. %26quot;he'd be visible%26quot;, %26quot;he would talk loudly to me, %26quot;I'd see more evidence of a change in people's lives%26quot;.)

Athiests, if you did believe -- what would you want God to be like?
I could appreciate a god where their message is non-debateable, by anybody. A clear, concise message that cannot be broken down by any sect, any group, or any individual. It couldn't be misinterpreted, it couldn't be misread, the message could only mean one thing, and one thing only (whatever that might be). No %26quot;signs%26quot;, or %26quot;mysterious ways%26quot;; just shoot straight with us.

That said, %26quot;believing%26quot; and %26quot;worshipping%26quot; are two completely separate things.

I could possibly be convinced to being a deist; a small part of me would actually LIKE to believe. I would never become a theist.
Athiests, if you did believe -- what would you want God to be like?
Sexy brunette, 5' 9%26quot; or so... Smile like no tomorrow!! And she doesn't even need to know how to cook ;)
He'd %26quot;tell His story walking%26quot;.

Depart to terrorize some other galaxy.

We've had quite enough, thank you.
I want him to have a cool jew 'fro :D

So I could stick my hands in it.
I don't know if I'd call myself an atheist... I'm a former Christian.

I would like to see God do something about all the pain and suffering happening to innocent children in the world... and to good people who don't deserve it.

I'd like to forget about the parts of the Bible where God killed people mercilessly and I'd like to keep the image of God I had when I was a child... loving, kind, father figure, etc.

There are just too many sick things in the Bible...
The one and only reason why I'm %26quot;not into God%26quot; is because I do not believe that such an entity exists. I'm not into God for the same reasons you and I are both not into Zeus, Hera, Quetzalcoatl, Thor, Freya, Anansi, and Coyote. There is no evidence that they are anything but myths; therefore you and I do not believe in them. The same is true for your God, but for some reason you have failed to see how he is exactly like all the other gods you don't believe in. I used to believe in him, until I realized that there is no more evidence for the Abrahamic God than there is for Zeus.

The hypocrisy of god-believers is just the amusing icing on the cake.

I'd like God to show any signs at all of existing. Then I'd believe in him.
Miracles would be available for the asking -- but within limits (no instant healings, no instant comforts, no instant benefit... that would remove any reason for HUMANS to get off their butts and do good).

For example. %26quot;God, the pen on my desk, just to prove your existence, have it scrawl the Sh'ma prayer on my dry erase board.%26quot;

Of trivial value in helping someone, but a very significant violation of physics and mathematics.

Otherwise -- pretty much he should just leave things alone. What good is life if we don't have to work at it?

All I want is the evidence.

Look to me Atheists are greater than Christians who are so selfish that send everyone to eternal hell.I love Atheists more than Christians all together.
See, that's just the thing. I don't go into my search for truth with a predetermination of what I will find or even what I want to find. What I want is truth.

I don't care what it is, as long as it is.
All I asks is that if the hypothetical god wants us to do somthing that he let us know. Otherwise, I don't suppose it matters. This whole BS involving ancient texts is crap.
I'd like him to instantly end all suffering on earth. Not that I'd believe in him if he did, I'd just like him to do it.
a big chocolate donut who hands out money.
Like Joe Pesci, he seems like a guy that can get things done.
No, I don't believe in a god because there is no proof of any god. Period.

As for the hypocrites... well thats the reason I don't follow their religion.

The two things are very different.

I'm Wiccan (which means I follow a religion) but I don't believe the gods are actual beings, just concepts created by the human mind. There is no proof of the gods actually existing.

As for what I would like them to be like... like the Wiccan gods who do not profess love or hatred, who do not try to control their followers with fear and who do not give us dogmatic crap to follow like their personal slaves.

The Wiccan gods are neutral in all things, and nothing anywhere professes a %26quot;great plan%26quot;. They do NOT make their followers into their personal slaves so they can hear about how wonderful they are all the time.

The Wiccan gods do not profess to childish human emotions like anger, hatred, love, and jealousy.

THEY are gods I could believe in. If there was proof.
Not the god that theists imagine exist

cause he's not a nice chap