Friday 16 September 2011

Why would an omniscient God test people's faith? (Read On)?

If God is omniscient, he knows the results of any test prior to administering it. Yet he tests people throughout the Bible, and supposedly continues to do so today. Abraham and Isaac is the most obvious example of a test. God asked Abraham to kill his son Isaac, and when Abraham said he was willing, God admitted that it was simply a test of Abraham's faith.

If someone fails a test, God knew they would fail, and administered the test anyway. This means he intentionally caused the subject to fail the test, knowing he could have administered an easier test.

If someone passes a test, it means God wanted them to pass, because he administered a test that he knew they could pass.

It is therefore entirely on God's hands whether we pass or fail any test he might administer. So why does he test us? And how does he decide whether to give us a passable or unpassable test? If he really wants us to pass the test, then all he must do is give us a test that we can pass. Every test we fail, we do so because God WANTED us to fail鈥e set the test up such that we would.

If a test is for *our* information, then is this really the best way to convey information? Wouldn鈥檛 a simple sign (which Christians apparently see every day) suffice?

Lastly, has anyone noticed how much 鈥榯ests鈥?have changed since the old testament? It used to be God spoke and tested us directly such as in the case of Adam and Eve, Noah and his sons, or Abraham and Isaac. Nowadays the only 鈥榯ests of our faith鈥?I hear about are when people鈥檚 lives take turns for the worse 鈥?is this the best way to strengthen someone鈥檚 faith? What is God doing up there?
Why would an omniscient God test people's faith? (Read On)?
Why would an omniscient god have created the universe in the first place? He would have already known everything that would ever happen within it prior to creating it. That renders the actual act of creation completely pointless.
Why would an omniscient God test people's faith? (Read On)?
This has to do with the concept of free will versus God's sovereign control. I believe God knows what paths each of us will choose of our own free will. So, we are responsible for the consequences of our decisions but God knows the outcome ahead of time. I tend to agree with the answer on this subject provided by FREEDOM a few days ago: God knows events before they occur and the character and choices of men before they are born (Ac. 2:23; Ro. 8:29; 11:2; 1 Pe. 1:2). God planned man's salvation before the creation (Ep. 1:5,11). This does not mean God arbitrarily chooses who will be saved and who will not be. He has revealed that He wants all men to be saved (1 Ti. 2:3,4; Jn. 3:16; 2 Pe. 3:9). God knows the future and knows who will receive His offer of salvation; predestination is based on God's foreknowledge and has more to do with what the Christian is predestinated TO than WHO is predestinated (1 Pe. 1:2; Ro. 8:29). Predestination assures eternal salvation.Forordain is God's prior knowledge of and bringing to pass of events according to His will (1 Pe. 1:20). Foreordain is translated from the same Greek word as foreknow
Here comes the %26quot;It is fateful free will%26quot; answers
He wouldn't, of course, unless he was either evil and insane, or if he was simply a creation of man.
If He doesn't test us, we don't get tested, therefore, there is no results. It's a paradox. God has to test us for there to be results.

What difference does it make how He tests us? A test is a test. Mankind has changed. Before, nobody doubted God's existence, so the tests He gave us were to test how much we trust Him. These days, the same holds true, but now we also have to remain faithful, as many people fall out of faith
You are right God does know if we will pass the test as you call it. However, think of it this way, God is in control, but but He has not made us puppets either- here again free will comes into the picture. My family has been tested big time these past few months. My husband has been diagnosed with cancer. What did it do? It upset me, I am concerned for him, however, it has also done the work of bringing me closer to God- I could have chosen to have this pull me away. God doesn't just test those that will pass the test. Any more than a school teacher will not give a test to a student that he/she knows will most likely fail. I know that I have a choice to allow the test to grow me or destroy me. I CHOOSE GROWTH.
He tests us so that WE will know the results. That way we know where we stand and the foibles on which we need to work.
Yes, God is all knowing, but he uses this power selectively. Humans have free will. If God allowed himself to see the final outcome of all things, then there would be no such thing as free will. It would be meaningless.

Therefore when Adam, Eve and Abraham were tested God did not know what their choice would be, but he could see into their hearts and see what the possible outcomes would be. God allows tests of our faith so we can make improvements where we are lacking and also to allow us to have the joy of proving ourselves faithful by passing the test-1 Peter 1:6, 7; Romans 5:3

Think about Cain. God warned him that he should turn to doing good or disaster would follow. If God knew what he would do, what sense would there be in warning him against a bad course? Cain ignored the warning and let unwarranted resentment and bitterness well up in him to the point that he murdered his own brother. Adam and Eve were warned of the consequences of disobedience. They ignored the warning, choosing to use their God-given free will to rebel against their Creator-Genesis 2:17; 3:1-19; 4:1-8
1) Why would an omniscient God test people's faith?

As a lesson to the people - not for his own edification. Look, for example, at what an astounding example Abraham's test of faith is FOR US.

Look at how Adam and Eve's failure helps us to understand the sacrifice of Jesus!

Listen evil surmising breath, your enemy isn't God its satan. If you believe in God you have to then know there's a devil. %26quot;Know you not, that to whom you yield yourselves as a servant to obey to whom you yield yourself a servant whether of sin unto death or of obedience unto righteousness%26quot;Romans 6: 16

How simple anyone can say Jesus is Lord, and then live a life in such away that not one angel looking down from heaven can be fooled, that it is evident that you live as though Satan is your Lord.

To whom would the Lord have to ask: %26quot;Why call me LORD and do not what I say%26quot; if just by saying LORD LORD. And where is the grace you say you believe you are saved by? Do you not know that it says we are saved by grace %26quot;THROUGH FAITH%26quot; Ephesians 2: 8

In the natural try telling your wife you love her, and then only see her once a week on sunday for 45 minutes and see if that gets off the ground.

If the devil isn't attacking you , you are no threat to his kingdom, if you don't have a real deal love for truth and Love for Christ and consider all things to be as dung and run the race of apprehending Christ, well just begin your life of agnosticism or become an Atheist.

Don't be like that women whose son was killed in Iraq as if he wasn't a marine, and real bullets were not figured into the equation of WARFARE.

Get your head out of the game and put your heart into it, and get out of the gospels and get into the letters of Paul and learn something other than your sins being forgiven.

In fact if that 's all you know, than why are you foiling over being tried? If that is all you believe the gospel to be is the God forgives you of your sins then why foil over your faith being tried?

If you had the ONE and Only true faith, Ephesians 4: 5 you would be strong in it, and not foil under your own faith. Abraham was strong in faith and did not stagger at the promises of God, through unbelief. If you r faith was the ONE and only true faith, your faith would be grounded and settled on the promises of God, and not over some air castle belief system making God out to be a Genie