Friday 16 September 2011

People Are Chameleons?

I stopped a lady on the street

As she was passing by

“My father died last year,” I said,

“Left Mom, my sister, and I.”

Her eyes widened in shock

She stammered apologies

But I just smiled back at her

Calm and collected as you please

“It’s quite all right,” I said,

And I felt her relax

“I’m used to it by now, you see,

It’s just a matter of fact.”

She gave me quite a strange look

But then she smiled back

“I guess it’s not such a big deal,

If you’re so matter of fact.”

Then she continued on her way

And I turned back myself

As I started for my house

I saw a man all by himself

“Hey, kid, what are you doing?

Out all on your own?”

“My parents are real mean to me

That’s why I’m out alone.”

He stopped and looked at me

“I’m sorry, kid,” he said

But I just said cheerfully,

“Well, I could be dead.”

He stuttered for a moment

Thinking of what to say

But then he shrugged his shoulders

“If you really feel that way . . .”

I smiled, and nodded

“Yes, I really do,

Some people’s lives are awful

Feel bad for them too.”

He gave me a strange look

But then he smiled back

“I guess it’s not such a big deal,

If you’re so matter of fact.”

I said to my friend

At school the next day

“Do you know what happened

To me yesterday?”

She sighed and said, “Tell me.”

And so then I did

She rolled her eyes at me

“Oh gosh, heaven forbid!”

I rolled my eyes right back

“You’re real silly, you know.”

She smiled, a bit abashed

“I guess I’m very much so.”

“If I said you were stupid,

Would you just agree?

Or would you turn the tables

And get real mad at me?”

She thought for a moment

And then she answered me

“People are chameleons

Who change for all to see.”

Is it good and how can I improve?
People Are Chameleons?
I like it a lot, especially the end. It's very original...