Saturday 4 June 2011

How too get a producer too look at a movie script??

my dad wrote, what i think, is the script for the best movie ever. hes been working on it for maybe six years at the back of his mind. he took two hours explaining it to me on a four hour car ride, describing it to me and i could really picture it. i cried twice, and i never cry in movies. ever. i wont tell what its about. but its amazing. i think if anyone watched it, they%26#039;d walk out of the theater and their lives would be changed. its extremely powerful. anyway, i%26#039;d like to have him write down a script and see if a producer would look at it. i think if anyone read it, they%26#039;d say %26quot;that needs to be a movie. that will change people%26#039;s lives%26quot;. so how can i get it looked at by a producer/director??|||Well if he hasn%26#039;t written it into a scrip yet he should really invest in getting a script writing computer program. There is some really nice ones on amazon for about $180.

Also I think he needs to try to set up a meeting with studios for his script to be read.