Saturday 4 June 2011

Is anyone willing to check my report about the Word "War"? I'd really prefer if a High Scool teacher check it

Here is half(I will email whole to anyone willing to check it. Plz desperate help! )

The three letter word, “War” is seen almost daily from many types of media sources, and when looked at with a casual perspective, it does not seem to affect us in any way. And because it is seen so regularly, it is not given the amount of thought that it truly deserves. However, for someone who really cares, it is much, much more than just a three letter word. It can invoke emotions and feelings that could make even a grown man cry. It can devastate thousands of people’s homes and land, and can bring chaos to their lives. It can be the difference between life and death, wealth and poverty, and freedom and slavery. You see, war is more than just a word, it is an event that will always be changing people’s lives, sometimes for the better, but most of time for the worse.

War, as defined by Merriam-Webster’s dictionary is, “A state of usually open and declared armed hostile conflict between nations,”|||I would be willing to proof read your report. Your first sentence is a run-on. Your second sentence shouldn%26#039;t begin with the word %26quot;And%26quot;.|||When%26#039;s it due