Saturday 4 June 2011

Did prophet Muhammed really marry 9 years old child?

A Muslim friend told me about authentic Hadith and historical accounts that confirm that prophet Muhammed married 9 years old girl. He told me that nothing was wrong by the time to marry a child at that age, but I am just asking:

1- Is it true that prophet Muhammed did that?

2- Even if that was common by that time, why did not prophet Muhammed change it to improve people%26#039;s lives?|||1. Not true, she was 6 when they got Married, 9 when they consummated.

2. It was not common at that time to marry at 6. |||yes and it was perfectly normal for the time period. of course... he%26#039;d do it again today if he was still alive - regardless of the laws of man ;)|||I believe he lusted after her and waited awhile to actually marry her.

Mohamet was a political animal, more akin to Machiavelli than Jesus.|||Actually, Muhammad married her when she was 6 -- he just waited to have sex with her until she turned 9. And there is something wrong with molesting children - regardless of which time period it happens in.|||some young age like that, sad but true.|||well he married her when she was 6 and has sex with her when she was nine |||1.Scholars generally agree that she was nine when the marriage was consummated. She would have started her period by that point, other wise the marriage would not have been consummated, so in the eyes of society she was an adult.

2. They saw no reason to change. She was able to have babies so she was an adult. They saw no reason to change it because to them there was nothing wrong with it.

*sigh* There are places in the world today where little girls are still being married off to men that are 50 and 60 you never see anyone complaining about them though.|||No, he married Aisha at age 6 but consummated the marriage (i.e. had sex with her) at age 9. He was around 50 then. If that isn%26#039;t an example of pedophilia I don%26#039;t know what is!

So 1) Yes its true; 2) because he enjoyed doing that. Says a lot doesn%26#039;t it?|||It%26#039;s true. He also executed a female poet who composed a satire about him. He financed his new religion by raiding caravans. This is why on no account can I even respect him.|||Sirius - hadiths are not part of the Koran

To answer the question, I would not place my trust in hadiths, even if they are sahih (kosher, acceptable, etc).

However, I would not put it past Mohammed because he was really more a military ruler than a benevolent savior.|||When Muhammad was 49 years old, a few weeks after the death of his first wife Khadija in 619 AD, Muhammad married Sauda bint Zamaa who was a widow and about 30 years of age.

When Muhammad was 53 years of age, he married Aisha bint abi Bakr in 623 AD, when she was still a 9 year old child!

When Muhammad was 55 years of age, he married Hafsa bint Umar ibn al Khattab in 625 AD. She was a young 17 year old widow.

In the same year, Muhammad married Zainab bint Khuzaima, a twice widow, but she died a few months after the marriage.

Muhammad’s sixth wife was Umm Salama, a widow of about age 30.

Muhammad married his own cousin, Zainab bint Jahash. She was also the divorced wife of his adopted son, Zaid ibn Haritha.

At the age of 57 years, in April 627 AD, Muhammad ‘married’ his Jewess prisoner Rahaina bint Amr, after executing all the adult males of a Jewish tribe Beni Quraidha, including her father. It is interesting that Muhammad had sexual intercourse with his prisoner before her next menses, contrary to his own rule regarding sexual intercourse with captured women.

In January 628 AD, at the age of 58, Muhammad raided the tribe of Beni Mustaliq and captured and ‘married’ Juwairiya , the daughter of the chief of that tribe.

In the same year, Umm Habeeba bint abi Sofian, a widow became his tenth wife.

After his followers raided Kheibar and killed Kinana ibn abi al Huqaiq, its Jewish leader, they captured his wife, Safiya bint Huyai ibn al Akhtab, whom Muhammad conveniently ‘married’.

Maimoona bint al Harith married Muhammad when he was 59 years of age.

Muhammad’s thirteenth and last marriage was to Mary a Christian slave girl given to Muhammad by the ‘ruler’ of Egypt.

Interestingly, although Muhammad pronounced that a believer of Allah can have only up to four wives at a time, he himself had a special divine dispensation to exceed that number.|||do u know that to this day nomads marry girls who are thirteen and twelve and maybe less..

it%26#039;s a matter of maturity.. girls become mature in an early age as a result of living in the desert.. that%26#039;s today.. but what about 14 centuries ago? it is not strange to say that girls were mature at the age of nine or eight..

enemies of Islam 1400 years ago tried to get any mistakes on Islam or on propthet Muhammed PBUH, so if marrying a nine year old girl was something wrong, how come those enemies never said something about it?? the answer is that it was considered normal in the society

|||Actually she was 7 years old and consummated the marriage at 8 years old I believe|||Honestly, I don%26#039;t know much about Islam, so I can%26#039;t really answer your question, but I%26#039;d like to draw a parallel.

I%26#039;m Mormon, and many people find fault with my religion because of a similar claim. They say that Joseph Smith took multiple wives, some of which are said to have still been in their teens, some of which are said to have been already married to other men.

With this claim, many feel that Mormonism cannot possibly be true, as it is in direct contradiction with modern perceptions of Bible-based Christianity.

The thing I wonder about is this--

Just as your first answer states that Mohamed taking a 9-year-old as a wife was acceptable in his day, a 30-something man marrying a teen was just as acceptable and even quite common in the early and even mid-1800s.....

Maybe I just see more of the anti-Mormon stuff than the anti-Muslim stuff, but do people also find fault with Mohamed for this action (since it was common practice in his day)?|||Refer to this article:

Can We Consider His Marriage to `A’ishah a Case of Child Molestation?

To answer your speculation, let’s continue our objective trip into the past. Obviously, when traveling back in time 1400 years to examine a lifestyle we never witnessed, it is unfair to apply our present day standards, so let’s listen to the experts. Authentic historical records prove that the social traditions of the time and place—regardless of religion—considered Arab females as women as soon as their menstrual cycles began. The custom was to give daughters in marriage at that age. This was practiced by all dwellers in Arabia before Islam: pagans, disbelievers, Jews, and others. It’s a fact that female menstruation in hot climates starts much earlier than in cold climates, so females in Arabia matured as early as 8 or 9; they also aged earlier than other women.

It’s a neglected fact that before she was married to Muhammad, `A’ishah had been engaged to an infidel, Jubair ibn Mus’ab ibn Ady. Her fiancé broke the engagement on the basis of religious difference. So her father, Abu Bakr, agreed to give her hand in marriage to the Prophet.

The Great Wisdom in Selecting `A’ishah in Particular as a Young Wife

`A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) came from a house famous for learning and memorizing great quantities of knowledge; her father was a live encyclopedia of Arab tribal pedigrees and poetry. She inherited his ability, and in her young, intelligent, receptive mind, she preserved a precious portion of Islam she learned during seven years of marriage, for 47 years after the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and she taught thousands of men worldwide their religion as she had learned it firsthand from the Prophet. To our present day, she is considered among the most prominent Islamic scholars, and she holds extremely high esteem in the hearts of all Muslims as such and as “the beloved of the Prophet,” who often mentioned her as the human he loved the most on the face of this earth. With her, he built a model Muslim home for Muslims to strive to imitate forever.|||No, he married her when she was SIX. He had sex with her when she was NINE. And whatever age or time, pedophilia is not justified by anything at all.

Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64 Narrated %26#039;Aisha : The Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old.|||Where in the Koran does it give a age of the girl. You can%26#039;t really beleive that was true when the Koran never gives her age.