Saturday 4 June 2011

What can the American people do to move the US towards the glory socialism?

Schools, Colleges and Universities are important to American political culture. They are the places where ideas are formulated and policy discussed and developed. Being an active part of that discussion is a critical job for young socialists. We have to work hard to change people鈥檚 misconceptions about socialism, to broaden political debate, and to fight the cynicism and apathy all political groups face on campuses today. Off-campus, too, in our daily cultural lives, young people can be turning the tide against racism, sexism and homophobia, as well as the conservative myth of the virtue of greed.|||Tell me. Where has Socialism REALLY worked well?

Might I add this. If you want to live in a Socialist country, move to one. I will help you pack.

What does Social Security have to do with the question? My advice is stay in school.|||Socialism works? On what planet?

The first answer is exactly right. Liberals can%26#039;t name a place where socialism has worked.|||Sweetie,

when all the socialists are equal in driving Mercedes Benz and Lexus you let me know .. until that time our constitutional republic rules!

P.S. IRA%26#039;s are dabomb!! woot!!|||Socialism is based on the theory that people are naturally good. They%26#039;ll work hard, and share what they have.

Capitalism is based on the theory that people are naturally lazy. They%26#039;ll only work hard if they%26#039;re rewarded for it, and some may choose to share.

The latter has been shown true through out history.|||60 millions chinamen want their lives back

30 + million russians want their lives back

2 million cambodians want their lives back

6 million Jews want their lives back (national SOCIALISTS)

hundreds of thousands of romanians want their lives back

Socialism KILLS

so when will you throw us %26quot;bourgeouis%26quot; into re-education/work camps? it works for their other socialist countries, in china they put their dissidents in slave labor camps, only minus a kidney or two.

McCarthy was right|||and on the left you%26#039;ll see a socialist dinosaur, children!|||Nothing, nor should we. Socialism is a system that essentially punishes anyone that is more capable than the average. Socialism is the equivalent of dumbing down an entire classroom to go at the pace of the dumbest kid.|||Why on earth would the USA wish to move towards Socialism when every country in the world that has experienced socialism has just turned its back on it and accepted the free market?

Socialism is finished. A politically and morally bankrupt philosophy that espouses equality through poverty and misery.

Throughout the world traditional %26quot;socialist%26quot; political parties are abandoning their political inheritance and accepting the inevitable victory of the market based economy. Even the newly elected leader of the Australian Labor Party has just declared %26quot;I am not a socialist. I never have been a Socialist. And I never will be a Socialist.%26quot;

What can the American people do to move the US towards the glory socialism? Absolutely nothing.... keep it where it belongs - in the dustbin in of bad ideas.|||American economics are based upon Capitalism, not socialism. America cannot (and will not) shift away from this policy. Thinking that conservatives value greed is a misnomer. Conservatives value personal responsibility, which is something socialists lack...|||You asked this question several days ago. I%26#039;ll give you the same answer I gave you then.


Campuses are already believers in Socialism and preach that bilge. It%26#039;s only when people go out into the real world do they see that it is unworkable.

I%26#039;ll make the same suggestion to you that I%26#039;ve made before. Instead of giving slogans and generalities, please propose one actual thing the socialists would do. Be specific in what you would implement and how it would work.|||academisions have been trying to do that for decades. Fortunately, students learn to think in spite of their worst efforts.|||VOTE DEMOCRAT. Socialism is bad and equates to

Communism which is another FAILED SYSTEM of

government.|||To encourage the growth of socialism in America, support the Congressional Progressive Caucus. If they gain strength, support, and numbers, soon we too can have the glorious socialist equality and prosperity of the former Soviet Union, China, or North Korea.|||Get drunk, do drugs, go on welfare, drop out of school, and totally depend on the government for everything.