Saturday 4 June 2011

Christians who believe God intervenes in people's lives?

What determines when, or how God will intervene in human affairs?

I know Christians who are Christians because of this, because supposedly once they put their faith in God and Jesus, God changed their lives for the better.

Many Christians die everyday, many of which are children. What determines why God lets children die, but helps others with issues they have?

Is God favoring one life over another, is the death of a child a part of his plan, are the children who die ready to return to Heaven, or is it all just a coincidence?

Remember, I am addressing the situation of God actively helping those who claim he does, while at the same time failing to help those who have no chance to live. I am wondering if there is any sort of model we can work with, or if it is just completely random....%26quot;he works in mysterious ways blah blah blah%26quot;|||Yes he does ,how and when is up to him.

t|||guess what?.. he works in mysterious ways.|||God determines when and how. As for those who die, if they die in Christ they live forever with him in eternity. He takes care of all of us one way or another, and we all die eventually. :)|||Prayer....God will not interfere in our lives without asking Him to do so.|||You question based on the belief the people that live only a short period of time are actually the ones suffering, when it is the people that must live on are the one requiring help.|||It is very egotistical to believe that God personally assists you. God gave you a brain, hands, feet, thought, etc. People like to avoid being responsible for their own decisions and coincidence.

Prayer, Meditation, etc. all can have a profound effect. |||Everyone has a time to die.And yes it is in Gods hands.|||The Bible does not say we will live to old age,

some will travel farther,some a few short mile,s

but when God call,s a child home,

he,s calling for angel,s

we were all born and we shall all die,|||There is no way of truly determining the actual extent in people%26#039;s lives God personally intervines. Each life God does according to God%26#039;s will. We not being the body, but a part only know in part, but there will come a time we will know as the body, and not just as a part. Think of it like this as a child we knew what we knew from that point, but when we become adults, we know and understand far more than children, the causes, and effects in life.|||If you know about christianity, you must also know that after death, christians go to heaven. That is waaaaay better than life here on earth. in the story of Job, Job is this guy who is so totally in love with God, and satan can%26#039;t stand it, so he basically tells God he is going to test Job and that Job isn%26#039;t going to love God anymore if satan throws all this pain and suffering, and God says that he can do anything but he can%26#039;t harm Job physically, and the gist of it is that Satan keeps on hurting Job killing all his family and livestock and whatnot, but in the end Job says %26quot;The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;

may the name of the LORD be praised.%26quot;

And God gives him back everything. God isn%26#039;t the one killing the children, evil people are, and Satan is at the head of that bunch. God can%26#039;t give us life as a bowl of roses. Adam and Eve sinned in the beginning, and we have sinned ever since. We don%26#039;t deserve to have life easy, and we didn%26#039;t deserve to have God send Jesus to die a horrible death so we could come to heaven, but he did, and one day the christians (and anyone can join!! :D ) will go to heaven and be joyful and happy. God said that everyone who proclaims him to men will be proclaimed by God; everyone who is persecuted for God will be rewarded. |||I%26#039;ve asked so many questions to the religious, and they always contradict themselves, question to question. Some believe in destiny, that God has their lives planned out, but then they pray?? I have always wondered with God intervening with people%26#039;s lives (it makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever) so I use to believe in a Deist god, because it was so evident that God does not interfere with our lives. I changed even more through education, questioning, and opening my mind. |||God only intervenes when asked. And He does so by the individual, through prayer.

Our lives are predestined, from before conception. Only God and the spirit of that person knows why their life ends when it does.

In God%26#039;s eyes we are perfectly created for this life.

Everything God does is perfect in His eyes, unlike our own. So to say that God doesn%26#039;t care, causes pain, or does not understand, maybe it us who doesn%26#039;t understand the workings of the Lord. And this is okay, because He knows this too and has extended us mercies, perseverance and ways to deal with the life in which we live. We must try to have the understanding and mercy for each other and reach out to Him for the strength to go on.|||What determines when or how God intervenes in human affairs...he does!

You may think it%26#039;s %26quot;blah blah blah%26quot;, but would he really be God if you or I or anyone else could develop some sort of a %26quot;model%26quot; we can use to predict what he%26#039;s going to do?

You know, I actually love the title of Dawkins book...the God Delusion...but the way I see it, the problem is that the real delusion is that we all think we%26#039;re God! Never mind that we can%26#039;t do what he claimed to do...never mind that we can%26#039;t see beyond the death of our body...never mind that we can%26#039;t begin to measure the impact we have on this planet or the people we encounter during our life...we still think we%26#039;re qualified to judge his decisions...we still think we should be able to know why something happens...we still think we deserve answers to any question we might ask.

I believe that people live and die by God%26#039;s design, according to his plan...and I believe that I simply don%26#039;t have the ability to see the full scope of that plan. I got ticked as heck at God when it became clear he wasn%26#039;t going to heal my mom from cancer (incidentally, not the first or the last time I got royally angry with God for not giving me what I wanted). I repeatedly asked him why she had to suffer so much when she had devoted so much of herself to serving him. ...and it wasn%26#039;t until I let go of my anger and accepted that her death was part of his plan even if I didn%26#039;t understand it that I was able to learn at least a few of the possible reasons why she died when and how she did.

Finally, I must point out that you are clearly viewing death as an ending...but I don%26#039;t think God views it that way. Yes, my mom is gone and I still miss her (she died 10 years ago tomorrow)...and I believe that she is finally completely at of all the things that caused her so much suffering during her life! Even if she is merely resting in her grave, she no longer suffers from the pain, fear, doubt, guilt, uncertainty and all the other facts of human existence that plague us all...and if God%26#039;s promises are true, then either at this very moment or at some point in the future, she%26#039;ll be living in heaven...not only free of all that pain and suffering but also experiencing a joy that exceeds anything she ever experienced here on earth.