Saturday 4 June 2011

What's your favorite book or reading memory?

I am trying to do a little qualitative research on the topic of books and stories鈥攁nd how they affect our lives. Often, specific books and memorable stories truly do change people鈥檚 lives. But the way it comes about is quite different for different people.

For some it is the moment when that first fantasy book opened up their imagination.

For others it was the poetic style that made them fall in love with the nuances of writing.

For others it was that book that made them realized what they wanted to do with their lives.

For others it was the company and council of a good book, like a best friend, that helped them through a tough time.

What about you?

Is there a book that changed your life?

Is there a story that really moved you?

Did you have a favorite book growing up? What memory does it conjure?

What book did you read over and over?

Was there a special book that you have shared a lot? With whom? And why?

What鈥檚 your first memory of really enjoying reading? What was the book?

A book that moved you?

A favorite reading memory? What was the setting? What was the book?

Does seeing the cover of a specific book really bring you back? To where and when?|||When I was in grades 3-5 we moved into a new town. On our cul de sac it was all older people. No kids like me. But this older lady next door invited me in. She showed me what she had that I could use. Behind her wet bar area, she has 2 bean bag chairs and the shelves were FULL of children%26#039;s%26#039;s books left over from her kids. Her kids were all in college then. She said I could come over any time, let myself in and read. But please just clean up after my self. Sometimes while I would come over, she would leave cookies or crackers for me. It was AWESOME!|||Well my fave books are...

City of bones

City of Ashes

city of Glass


new moon


breaking dawn






tempted|||The Transall Saga. no question about it. even though its science fiction and an adventure novel its so beautifully written. i felt like crying at the end, it wasnt that sad but i was sad that it was ending.|||The lake of dead languages by carol goodman, awesome, awesome book!|||Willing To Believe by Clinton Foster. A friend of mine recommended it to me. I don%26#039;t like to read much. I admit I have some low selfesteem. My boyfriend was being a jerk, bossing me around and telling me EVERYTHING I was doinmg wrong with my life, which was pretty much everything he didn%26#039;t like about me. The book is a love story and what love really means. What its worth. After reading that, I dumped my boyfriend and realized I need to just take the time to be with myself and wait for mr right to come along. Hope this helps some. I recommend this story to everyone.|||Twilight has changed my life. Really.

And I%26#039;m not just saying that because it%26#039;s made me and obsessive fan-girl, but because it made me value life more. Now that%26#039;s the magic in vampires!

Edward taught me that I need to live life to the fullest, and enjoy every moment while I can. That living forever isn%26#039;t necessarily good, and Bella taught me that if I%26#039;m patient enough, I%26#039;ll find my soul mate someday.

I swear it%26#039;s true.

I feel that vampires send a message. They tell us that life is important. They show us the true meaning of being human. They even make us more aware of the little things we never notice. it%26#039;s truly amazing.

So yes, I do understand when you say books can change out lives. It%26#039;s for that reason also that Ive read this saga numerous times. Im want to make sure that I decipher every detail the author tries to convey, and decode every hidden meaning between the lines. Even when nothing s intended, I manage to draw some wisdom out of the words. It%26#039;s like magic!