Saturday 4 June 2011

How do you feel about a new President who admits he is out of touch?

McCain was defending his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, a former mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, population 9,800. Asked by Judy Woodruff of PBS about Palin%26#039;s stint as “a small-town mayor,” McCain replied: “Listen, mayors have the toughest job, I think, in America. It%26#039;s easy for me to go to Washington and, frankly, be somewhat divorced from the day-to-day challenges people have.”

Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) told reporters on the call that is “a critical comment by John McCain that evidences why he really isn’t going to bring change.”

“I have been with John McCain in Washington, and I think what he said reflects the reality of many people,” Durbin said. “But even worse is the situation that his economic policies that he wants to continue with George Bush have failed. If he would, you know, be in the real world of American families in New York, Illinois or Florida, he would understand that.”

Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.): “I think he said it because he knows, in fact, he’s removed from the day-to-day challenges people have faced in their lives. And you see it manifest itself in the thing when he says, you know, I don’t use a computer. I don’t use e-mail. There’s a whole economic revolution going on. And it fundamentally changed the economy, and fundamentally changed people’s lives, and he is removed from it.”

Democrats say the remark could open him to the sort of attacks that undermined President George H.W. Bush when he lost to Bill Clinton in 1992.|||I think people should care about how much their candidate knows on important issues. Apparently they do not, and have fallen hook, line, and sinker for the story that it is more of a virtue to stay the course and go down with the ship than to make corrections midstream and pull through.

But yeah, they have to change the past and lie about it, hoping nobody remembers what they said last time they were asked that question. |||They can attack all they want. but it won%26#039;t change th fact, that John McCain is a leader, and Obama is a follower. John McCain will win this race, for one reason, because he is experienced. And because he love America. Democrat for McCain/Palin 2008.|||You must be kidding if you think any of these people are in touch with our lives!

At least McCain is honest. Obama keeps pretending and hoping we think he drives a beat up car to work every day, or has to use coupons to get his groceries that week. He wants you to believe he and Michelle sit at the dining room table and go over which bills they aren%26#039;t going to pay that month. Ridiculous.

Everybody who has taken basic economics knows that a liberal method of taxing right now will only make it worse for everybody. We need to keep taxes low and increase jobs (drill here and now), not raise taxes!|||I just feel I will not trust Obama a bit because he has been preached, brainwashed and polluted by his left-wing black preaching extremist for more than 20 years, which is almost 1/3 of one%26#039;s life|||Wow!!! I can%26#039;t believe he said that!! The media didn%26#039;t report that comment very much!!! This is just another reason why McCain is not the man for the job!!!! He doesn%26#039;t have any views on the important issues like Healthcare, Global Warming, and Education. And he pick Palin as a pawn to bring in confused women voters!!! We need a man of honest and good intentions which he will follow through with!! OBAMA!! |||i heard that too.. right from the horses mouth.

%26quot;divorced from the day-to-day challenges people have.”

he%26#039;s clueless what is going on in the lives of most americans. at least as a community organizer, barack brushed up against the common man and worked hand in hand with them.

mccain is not the answer. mccain%26#039;s direction will bring us more wars and a worse economy. |||Senator Durbin from Illinois, who if Obama is elected would hope to recieve endless pork - barrel money for his endless road projects...

Rep Emanuel Rahm (Democrat from Illinois) hoping for the same thing as Durbin..

These two are scared to death that McCain will cut off all the useless funding Illinois gets for things they should pay for themselves or not do....|||Horrible. That%26#039;s how I feel. Didn%26#039;t America learn last time (Bush). We need a leader that knows the economy, and how to use a computer and the internets. John McCain is too dumb to do what you are doing right now! Using a computer! Scary!!|||please-- most Democrats are looking for any little crack to exploit to try to save the race-- their own candidate basically *was out of touch* with his own party who basically was begging him to pick Clinton as his running mate... he told 18 million people he knew better than them and chose Biden. ...|||It sounds like he told the truth for once. He talks about being divorced from us. I thought people were supposed to go away when they got divorced. But no, he stays around to say annoying things like my ex did. He says that millionaires belong to the middle class, and he wants to change things after not doing it for 26 years, by George, I think he is my ex. :)