Saturday 4 June 2011

Why does religion have a bad effect on *some* people?

First, let me just say that I’m trying to be very careful with my question by emphasizing that I only mean “some” people because religion does have a good effect on most people. However, some people, it makes them worse, which is what puzzles me. Here’s my story…

My dad does nothing but religious activities. He thinks, eats and sleeps religion. He goes to mass everyday and on the weekends, he goes to two Sunday masses. During his spare time, he prays, watches religious programs, and reads reads and reads religious books. This takes up the bulk of his times and he never does anything else to accomplish other goals in life. For example, our apartment is cluttered with junk. He’s got tons of mementos, old computer %26amp; religious books (hundreds of them), and several videos all over the place. Whenever my mom tries to talk to him about trying to straighten out the apartment and clean up, he either tries to avoid the subject or gets angry and starts a fight. He’d rather go to mass, read religious books, or watch religious ceremonies on TV. He doesn’t want to do anything outside of those three things.

Now, don’t get me wrong…religion is wonderful and can really change people’s lives. But my dad’s going overboard. It’s gotten to the point where he doesn’t want to a thing if it’s not religion. He doesn’t even want to do other activities his family wants to do like go to my mother’s family gatherings. He’ll force himself to do it, but he’ll walk around with a look on his face like he’s not into it. He only wants to do one of those three religious activities mentioned above.

So, what exactly is wrong here? Why is my dad too religious and to the point where he doesn’t want to anything else that’s “non-religious” like house chores, etc?|||Sounds like a deeper problem there. Nowhere in any religions does it say that you aren%26#039;t to live a regular life which includes such mundane things like cleaning house and doing activities with your family. I%26#039;d say that there is some kind of mental problem starting up here.

Just my opinion though.|||Your dad sounds like he%26#039;s depressed. This is the way depressed people behave.|||I do not believe your question is answerable because it assumes something that isn%26#039;t true, namely that religion is a good thing for most people. On an individual basis, religion does have a positive role to play. However, I believe it%26#039;s completely wrong to say that religion is actually a good thing for people in general. War, genocide, discrimination, and a host of other atrocities are justified on a daily basis under the guise of religious beliefs. And I see no value whatsoever in that.|||this is definitely crossed the line into obsession, but theres something missing hes doing this for some reason that probably isn%26#039;t specifically related to religion.

sit down and have a chat with him, ask him what got him into religion in the first place|||He%26#039;s compulsive and fear ridden by the prospects of death and hell fire.Religion has changed your dad%26#039;s life for the worse....unfortunately. He should see a therapist or maybe, discuss his behavior with a pastor or priest. ?