Saturday 4 June 2011

What does it mean when people say ' Music changes people's lives'?

What does it mean when people say %26#039; Music changes people%26#039;s lives and the people who listen to it.%26#039; I%26#039;ve heard pop stars say this but what do they mean it can change the life of who listens to it|||Simply put- inspiration for life direction.

Most of the pop stars who say this attribute the influence of music to their career and sound.|||Music Influences people basically.

Im not sure about everyone else but I know alot of the times it influences my mood.|||Music plays an important part in the lives of people of all ages. It can have symbolic significance for nation-states and regions, can be a source of deep emotional experience for the individual, or can be an expression of life-style, image and social belonging. Music affects, but is itself affected by forces influenced by different purposes and intentions of an economic, ideological, educational, and political nature. The landscape of music is extensive 鈥?so, too, is that of music education. A teaching situation in Music in the Swedish school can vary. Helena plays the violin, Marcus plays the electric bass, Frida plays the trumpet, and Erik plays nothing at all but has a great interest in music and knows a great deal about the music that interests him. All are pupils at compulsory school, where they have a class teacher in Music. Helena, Marcus, and Frida also go to the Municipal School of Arts, where they have a second music teacher. Their music teachers have been educated at one of Sweden%26#039;s colleges of music. What do we know about, and what do we need to learn about, Helena%26#039;s, Marcus%26#039;s, Frida%26#039;s, and Erik%26#039;s relation to music? What music experiences have they? Can this experience be counted as knowledge?

Music is linked with the person and the person%26#039;s interaction with the world around. It is tested and judged on the basis of the person%26#039;s own experience and everyday practical knowledge. With regard to young people this comes out clearly in, for example, Drotner 1994, Economou 1994 and St氓lhammar 1995. In the world of young people there are no fixed boundaries between subjects, no dissection of subjects into fragments. If young people%26#039;s own experience conflicts with the process of knowledge acquisition such as can be found in, for example, the school, it is understandable that their values, attitudes, and praxis will begin to emerge outside the framework of the established institutions.

Music is a major leisure interest for virtually all young people. Though linked with image and body, music itself is at the centre. It can involve video, film, graffiti, rock concerts, their own singing or playing, clothes, style, disco, work-out, jazz dance, body-building, jogging, skateboard, snowboard, in-line skates, or computers. Almost all young people say that they are interested in music 鈥?but what do they mean by music?

It is sometimes said that young people have a passive attitude to music, that they mainly encounter it in a context of reception. This, though, is a misconception. Most of them are active with regard to music. They compose at the computer or use music in conjunction with other leisure pursuits. Music is important in their lives. They participate in the changes occurring in the musical community. The computer has blurred the boundaries between listening to music and actively practising it. Everyone has the chance to compose, arrange, and mix music. Music is combined with other cultural pursuits. The voluntary music schools that have existed in the majority of municipalities in Sweden are being transformed into schools of arts, and the work of the latter is often pursued in co-operation with the compulsory school. Courses are offered in drama, dance, art education, and music.

|||I means it changed their lives|||All songs have a certain meaning to them. They also set a mood, take for example, if your sad or mad, there is always a song to help you through whatever it is that your feeling. Music can influence people in all kinds of ways you just have to find the way that it will help you change.|||oh believe me, one album has changed my life, and it wasn%26#039;t some crap emo, pop, or rap person. Its called classical music. It didn%26#039;t change the things that happened around me, it just changed the way I look at things, the way i perceive things. God I love that composer.|||i believe it.

i have listened to a lot of music but only a few artists/ bands/ music i have listened to has influenced me in some way, or the lyrics to a song can give out a message which can make you look at things with a different perspective.

it%26#039;s true and happens every day to everyone. even if you don%26#039;t realise it at the time.

|||Bacically its changed their %26#039;wallet%26#039; size