Saturday 4 June 2011

Can I hold my roommate responsible for moving out early?

We found an apt. She was unable to be on the lease due to unacceptable rental history. Assuring me she would not bail out, I signed a 12 mo lease. After 4 months she decided to move in with her boyfriend stating her reason as people%26#039;s lives change. I had to get a second job to pay my rent. I cannot get out of my lease. I also have three witnesses to her verbal agreement|||Legally you can%26#039;t do much, you should have gotten a separate written agreement with her when she first moved in.

The only thing you can do is lie to her and say that you have witnesses and that she is legally bound to pay the rest of the 12 month lease even though she isn%26#039;t, but hey she might be dumb enough.. =]

Hope everything works out ok.|||yep take her to court but you will need witness to stand up|||If she%26#039;s not on the lease, there%26#039;s very little you can do besides try to take her to small claims court and convince a judge to rule in your favour. However, you%26#039;ll most likely get bitched at for not having her sign a written agreement as verbal ones rarely stand up that well.|||was your verbal agreement on paper? if not, it means jack sh!t. Maybe her unacceptable rental history should have been a clue. Unfortunately, you did sign a legally binding contract stating that you would stay there for 12 months. It is now your legal obligation to stay there. Maybe you can try to get another roommate to help out. Otherwise, have fun working two jobs.|||She%26#039;s a pig, going by what you%26#039;ve said. I wish their were laws against cohabitation and sodomy. Sometimes I almost wish we had someone like Saddam Hussein ruling and doing the enforcing.|||When her rental history came up bad, that should have told you something. With you alone on the Lease, then you are the only one responsible for paying the rent! Sorry to be such a downer, but you have no recourse. She%26#039;s a free agent, and there is nothing to stop her from moving out!|||Remember the song, %26#039;Thank God and Greyhound She%26#039;s Gone%26#039;? Be thankful. Advertise for a new roomie. Sorted!:-)|||relax

find a new room mate