Saturday 4 June 2011

What can young people do to move the US towards socialism?

Schools, Colleges and Universities are important to American political culture. They are the places where ideas are formulated and policy discussed and developed. Being an active part of that discussion is a critical job for young socialists. We have to work hard to change people鈥檚 misconceptions about socialism, to broaden political debate, and to fight the cynicism and apathy all political groups face on campuses today. Off-campus, too, in our daily cultural lives, young people can be turning the tide against racism, sexism and homophobia, as well as the conservative myth of the virtue of greed.|||It wont happen. The Corporate world has the US in a death grip and likes it that way.|||move to china then|||socialism? are you crazy, go to|||So, what you%26#039;re saying, is all socialists love ******, is that true?|||Just keep doing what you%26#039;re doing but it must be taken into the workplace and make workers realise that their bosses only have their own interests at heart. The key is collective organization and the destruction of bigotry in the workplace.|||They can start by accepting Satan as their God. Then abandon all that is good, and reject all morals and principles set out in the 10 commandments. You will know if you succeed if everyone in America is living under abject poverty, and starts committing suicide in records numbers, unable to continue living in their own personal hell that they themselves hath created.|||Idea: how about we adjust what we have and continue going forward?|||look at the economic and health care systems of the socialist countries it doesn%26#039;t work it has never worked.|||It happens all the time. The U.S. has moved slowly in that direction ever since the election of Franklin Roosevelt. There are fits and starts, because idealistic young people become cynical older people and realize the risks and dangers of what the young see as obvious answers. It%26#039;s the old saw, %26quot;Anyone who isn%26#039;t a socialist at 20 has no heart; anyone who%26#039;s still a socialist at 40 has no brain.%26quot;|||Maybe you should go to school to realize socialism doesn%26#039;t work. Do you wonder why France is falling behind in the world?|||Last time you advocate communism,no room for individuals.Against human nature.Guess this is another attempt by the right wing to discredit the left.

In many so called communist or socialist societies homosexuals were actively prosecuted because it was seen as decadence of the bourgeoisie.I don%26#039;t believe you|||Take a good look at the basically socialist countries, Canada

and England. Does it seem to you that it is working?

It does not seem that way to me.

And besides, I do not need anyone to take care of me, especially

the government. Socialism is for people who don%26#039;t to take

responsibility for there own lives.

Thank you very much, while you%26#039;re up!!!!!|||America has gone far enough in that direction, thank you. And Universities and colleges are breeding grounds for idea %26amp; theories that while they look real swell on paper, rarely work in practical application. I am 1000% against this idea.|||So I will be able to suck on the government%26#039;s teat without having to work? Sign me up! Go Socialism!

I really hope you are not trying to use Social Security as an example of a successful social program.|||VOTE DEMOCRAT!|||most people do not understand that socialism is the meeting of Communism and capitalism its a hybrid of the two great ideas. This nation can%26#039;t meet in the middle though were so two sided closed minded, corporate greed, let others think, and do for us that our graves are dug and we cant open our eyes to make positive change............. sad days ahead