Saturday 4 June 2011

How too get a producer too look at a movie script??

my dad wrote, what i think, is the script for the best movie ever. hes been working on it for maybe six years at the back of his mind. he took two hours explaining it to me on a four hour car ride, describing it to me and i could really picture it. i cried twice, and i never cry in movies. ever. i wont tell what its about. but its amazing. i think if anyone watched it, they%26#039;d walk out of the theater and their lives would be changed. its extremely powerful. anyway, i%26#039;d like to have him write down a script and see if a producer would look at it. i think if anyone read it, they%26#039;d say %26quot;that needs to be a movie. that will change people%26#039;s lives%26quot;. so how can i get it looked at by a producer/director??|||Well if he hasn%26#039;t written it into a scrip yet he should really invest in getting a script writing computer program. There is some really nice ones on amazon for about $180.

Also I think he needs to try to set up a meeting with studios for his script to be read.

How do you feel about a new President who admits he is out of touch?

McCain was defending his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, a former mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, population 9,800. Asked by Judy Woodruff of PBS about Palin%26#039;s stint as “a small-town mayor,” McCain replied: “Listen, mayors have the toughest job, I think, in America. It%26#039;s easy for me to go to Washington and, frankly, be somewhat divorced from the day-to-day challenges people have.”

Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) told reporters on the call that is “a critical comment by John McCain that evidences why he really isn’t going to bring change.”

“I have been with John McCain in Washington, and I think what he said reflects the reality of many people,” Durbin said. “But even worse is the situation that his economic policies that he wants to continue with George Bush have failed. If he would, you know, be in the real world of American families in New York, Illinois or Florida, he would understand that.”

Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.): “I think he said it because he knows, in fact, he’s removed from the day-to-day challenges people have faced in their lives. And you see it manifest itself in the thing when he says, you know, I don’t use a computer. I don’t use e-mail. There’s a whole economic revolution going on. And it fundamentally changed the economy, and fundamentally changed people’s lives, and he is removed from it.”

Democrats say the remark could open him to the sort of attacks that undermined President George H.W. Bush when he lost to Bill Clinton in 1992.|||I think people should care about how much their candidate knows on important issues. Apparently they do not, and have fallen hook, line, and sinker for the story that it is more of a virtue to stay the course and go down with the ship than to make corrections midstream and pull through.

But yeah, they have to change the past and lie about it, hoping nobody remembers what they said last time they were asked that question. |||They can attack all they want. but it won%26#039;t change th fact, that John McCain is a leader, and Obama is a follower. John McCain will win this race, for one reason, because he is experienced. And because he love America. Democrat for McCain/Palin 2008.|||You must be kidding if you think any of these people are in touch with our lives!

At least McCain is honest. Obama keeps pretending and hoping we think he drives a beat up car to work every day, or has to use coupons to get his groceries that week. He wants you to believe he and Michelle sit at the dining room table and go over which bills they aren%26#039;t going to pay that month. Ridiculous.

Everybody who has taken basic economics knows that a liberal method of taxing right now will only make it worse for everybody. We need to keep taxes low and increase jobs (drill here and now), not raise taxes!|||I just feel I will not trust Obama a bit because he has been preached, brainwashed and polluted by his left-wing black preaching extremist for more than 20 years, which is almost 1/3 of one%26#039;s life|||Wow!!! I can%26#039;t believe he said that!! The media didn%26#039;t report that comment very much!!! This is just another reason why McCain is not the man for the job!!!! He doesn%26#039;t have any views on the important issues like Healthcare, Global Warming, and Education. And he pick Palin as a pawn to bring in confused women voters!!! We need a man of honest and good intentions which he will follow through with!! OBAMA!! |||i heard that too.. right from the horses mouth.

%26quot;divorced from the day-to-day challenges people have.”

he%26#039;s clueless what is going on in the lives of most americans. at least as a community organizer, barack brushed up against the common man and worked hand in hand with them.

mccain is not the answer. mccain%26#039;s direction will bring us more wars and a worse economy. |||Senator Durbin from Illinois, who if Obama is elected would hope to recieve endless pork - barrel money for his endless road projects...

Rep Emanuel Rahm (Democrat from Illinois) hoping for the same thing as Durbin..

These two are scared to death that McCain will cut off all the useless funding Illinois gets for things they should pay for themselves or not do....|||Horrible. That%26#039;s how I feel. Didn%26#039;t America learn last time (Bush). We need a leader that knows the economy, and how to use a computer and the internets. John McCain is too dumb to do what you are doing right now! Using a computer! Scary!!|||please-- most Democrats are looking for any little crack to exploit to try to save the race-- their own candidate basically *was out of touch* with his own party who basically was begging him to pick Clinton as his running mate... he told 18 million people he knew better than them and chose Biden. ...|||It sounds like he told the truth for once. He talks about being divorced from us. I thought people were supposed to go away when they got divorced. But no, he stays around to say annoying things like my ex did. He says that millionaires belong to the middle class, and he wants to change things after not doing it for 26 years, by George, I think he is my ex. :)

Did prophet Muhammed really marry 9 years old child?

A Muslim friend told me about authentic Hadith and historical accounts that confirm that prophet Muhammed married 9 years old girl. He told me that nothing was wrong by the time to marry a child at that age, but I am just asking:

1- Is it true that prophet Muhammed did that?

2- Even if that was common by that time, why did not prophet Muhammed change it to improve people%26#039;s lives?|||1. Not true, she was 6 when they got Married, 9 when they consummated.

2. It was not common at that time to marry at 6. |||yes and it was perfectly normal for the time period. of course... he%26#039;d do it again today if he was still alive - regardless of the laws of man ;)|||I believe he lusted after her and waited awhile to actually marry her.

Mohamet was a political animal, more akin to Machiavelli than Jesus.|||Actually, Muhammad married her when she was 6 -- he just waited to have sex with her until she turned 9. And there is something wrong with molesting children - regardless of which time period it happens in.|||some young age like that, sad but true.|||well he married her when she was 6 and has sex with her when she was nine |||1.Scholars generally agree that she was nine when the marriage was consummated. She would have started her period by that point, other wise the marriage would not have been consummated, so in the eyes of society she was an adult.

2. They saw no reason to change. She was able to have babies so she was an adult. They saw no reason to change it because to them there was nothing wrong with it.

*sigh* There are places in the world today where little girls are still being married off to men that are 50 and 60 you never see anyone complaining about them though.|||No, he married Aisha at age 6 but consummated the marriage (i.e. had sex with her) at age 9. He was around 50 then. If that isn%26#039;t an example of pedophilia I don%26#039;t know what is!

So 1) Yes its true; 2) because he enjoyed doing that. Says a lot doesn%26#039;t it?|||It%26#039;s true. He also executed a female poet who composed a satire about him. He financed his new religion by raiding caravans. This is why on no account can I even respect him.|||Sirius - hadiths are not part of the Koran

To answer the question, I would not place my trust in hadiths, even if they are sahih (kosher, acceptable, etc).

However, I would not put it past Mohammed because he was really more a military ruler than a benevolent savior.|||When Muhammad was 49 years old, a few weeks after the death of his first wife Khadija in 619 AD, Muhammad married Sauda bint Zamaa who was a widow and about 30 years of age.

When Muhammad was 53 years of age, he married Aisha bint abi Bakr in 623 AD, when she was still a 9 year old child!

When Muhammad was 55 years of age, he married Hafsa bint Umar ibn al Khattab in 625 AD. She was a young 17 year old widow.

In the same year, Muhammad married Zainab bint Khuzaima, a twice widow, but she died a few months after the marriage.

Muhammad’s sixth wife was Umm Salama, a widow of about age 30.

Muhammad married his own cousin, Zainab bint Jahash. She was also the divorced wife of his adopted son, Zaid ibn Haritha.

At the age of 57 years, in April 627 AD, Muhammad ‘married’ his Jewess prisoner Rahaina bint Amr, after executing all the adult males of a Jewish tribe Beni Quraidha, including her father. It is interesting that Muhammad had sexual intercourse with his prisoner before her next menses, contrary to his own rule regarding sexual intercourse with captured women.

In January 628 AD, at the age of 58, Muhammad raided the tribe of Beni Mustaliq and captured and ‘married’ Juwairiya , the daughter of the chief of that tribe.

In the same year, Umm Habeeba bint abi Sofian, a widow became his tenth wife.

After his followers raided Kheibar and killed Kinana ibn abi al Huqaiq, its Jewish leader, they captured his wife, Safiya bint Huyai ibn al Akhtab, whom Muhammad conveniently ‘married’.

Maimoona bint al Harith married Muhammad when he was 59 years of age.

Muhammad’s thirteenth and last marriage was to Mary a Christian slave girl given to Muhammad by the ‘ruler’ of Egypt.

Interestingly, although Muhammad pronounced that a believer of Allah can have only up to four wives at a time, he himself had a special divine dispensation to exceed that number.|||do u know that to this day nomads marry girls who are thirteen and twelve and maybe less..

it%26#039;s a matter of maturity.. girls become mature in an early age as a result of living in the desert.. that%26#039;s today.. but what about 14 centuries ago? it is not strange to say that girls were mature at the age of nine or eight..

enemies of Islam 1400 years ago tried to get any mistakes on Islam or on propthet Muhammed PBUH, so if marrying a nine year old girl was something wrong, how come those enemies never said something about it?? the answer is that it was considered normal in the society

|||Actually she was 7 years old and consummated the marriage at 8 years old I believe|||Honestly, I don%26#039;t know much about Islam, so I can%26#039;t really answer your question, but I%26#039;d like to draw a parallel.

I%26#039;m Mormon, and many people find fault with my religion because of a similar claim. They say that Joseph Smith took multiple wives, some of which are said to have still been in their teens, some of which are said to have been already married to other men.

With this claim, many feel that Mormonism cannot possibly be true, as it is in direct contradiction with modern perceptions of Bible-based Christianity.

The thing I wonder about is this--

Just as your first answer states that Mohamed taking a 9-year-old as a wife was acceptable in his day, a 30-something man marrying a teen was just as acceptable and even quite common in the early and even mid-1800s.....

Maybe I just see more of the anti-Mormon stuff than the anti-Muslim stuff, but do people also find fault with Mohamed for this action (since it was common practice in his day)?|||Refer to this article:

Can We Consider His Marriage to `A’ishah a Case of Child Molestation?

To answer your speculation, let’s continue our objective trip into the past. Obviously, when traveling back in time 1400 years to examine a lifestyle we never witnessed, it is unfair to apply our present day standards, so let’s listen to the experts. Authentic historical records prove that the social traditions of the time and place—regardless of religion—considered Arab females as women as soon as their menstrual cycles began. The custom was to give daughters in marriage at that age. This was practiced by all dwellers in Arabia before Islam: pagans, disbelievers, Jews, and others. It’s a fact that female menstruation in hot climates starts much earlier than in cold climates, so females in Arabia matured as early as 8 or 9; they also aged earlier than other women.

It’s a neglected fact that before she was married to Muhammad, `A’ishah had been engaged to an infidel, Jubair ibn Mus’ab ibn Ady. Her fiancé broke the engagement on the basis of religious difference. So her father, Abu Bakr, agreed to give her hand in marriage to the Prophet.

The Great Wisdom in Selecting `A’ishah in Particular as a Young Wife

`A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) came from a house famous for learning and memorizing great quantities of knowledge; her father was a live encyclopedia of Arab tribal pedigrees and poetry. She inherited his ability, and in her young, intelligent, receptive mind, she preserved a precious portion of Islam she learned during seven years of marriage, for 47 years after the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and she taught thousands of men worldwide their religion as she had learned it firsthand from the Prophet. To our present day, she is considered among the most prominent Islamic scholars, and she holds extremely high esteem in the hearts of all Muslims as such and as “the beloved of the Prophet,” who often mentioned her as the human he loved the most on the face of this earth. With her, he built a model Muslim home for Muslims to strive to imitate forever.|||No, he married her when she was SIX. He had sex with her when she was NINE. And whatever age or time, pedophilia is not justified by anything at all.

Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64 Narrated %26#039;Aisha : The Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old.|||Where in the Koran does it give a age of the girl. You can%26#039;t really beleive that was true when the Koran never gives her age.

Global HW Help?

What were the key features of the agricultural revolution? How did it change people鈥檚 lives?|||%26quot;The societal changes most often associated with the Neolithic Revolution include an increased tendency to live in permanent or semi-permanent settlements, a corresponding reduction in nomadic lifestyles, the concept of land ownership, modifications to the natural environment, the ability to sustain higher population densities, an increased reliance on vegetable and cereal foods in the total diet, alterations to social hierarchies, nascent %26quot;trading economies%26quot; using surplus production from increasing crop yields, and the development of new technologies. The relationship of these characteristics to the onset of agriculture, to each other, their sequence and even whether some of these changes are supported by the available evidence remains the subject of much academic debate, and seems to vary from place to place.%26quot;

Good ole wiki.

Grammar mistakes? Suggestions? Thanks.?

All though I like a wide variety of movies, the Tyler Perry movies are some of my favorites. Diary of a Mad Black Woman is one of these movies, and is definitely one of, if not the best of them all. I love that the film is a comedy, but there is also a serious storyline that could change people’s lives. Most of the situations the characters face are similar to problems that a lot of black women have to deal with. I also like the fact that Tyler Perry, actor, creator and producer, gives hints of Christianity throughout all of his productions. Even though Tyler Perry’s movies are not billion dollar blockbusters, they are definitely some of the best movies ever made.|||Pretty good...I have made some changes below. You need to put quotes around the title of a movie and never end a sentence with a preposition!

All though I like a wide variety of movies, the Tyler Perry movies are some of my favorites. “Diary of a Mad Black Woman” is one of these movies and is the best of them all. I love that the film is a comedy, but it also has a serious storyline that could change people’s lives. Most of the situations the characters face are similar to problems that a lot of black women encounter. I also like the fact that Tyler Perry, actor, creator, and producer, gives hints of Christianity throughout all of his productions. Even though Tyler Perry’s movies are not billion dollar blockbusters, they are definitely some of the best movies ever made.|||I%26#039;d change the end of the second sentence. Instead of %26quot;them all%26quot;, I%26#039;d say, %26quot;his movies%26quot;. You%26#039;ll also need to insert a comma after %26quot;if not the best of%26quot;. Other than that, it looks good!|||The only thing i can find wrong is the part of the second sentance that says (and is definitely one of). since you said it was %26quot;one of these movies%26quot; already, you don%26#039;t need that part. just say, %26quot;Diary of a Mad Black Woman is one of these movies, if not the best of them all.%26quot;

this is a really good essay!|||-%26quot;All though%26quot; should be %26quot;Although%26quot;

-Remember to use quotes around the movie title

-Remember to put a comma after the dependant clause %26quot;if not the best of%26quot;: %26quot;is definitely one of, if not the best of, them all.%26quot;

-Don%26#039;t worry too much about avoiding prepositions at the ends of sentences. I%26#039;m not saying to use them all the time, but sometimes it is okay in order to maintain the tone or voice of a paper. When you come across a sentence with a preposition at the end, try to reword it, but if it sounds too odd, don%26#039;t change it.

-I would put Tyler Perry%26#039;s roles in parentheses: %26quot;...Tyler Perry (actor, creator and producer) gives...%26quot;

-Put a hyphen between %26quot;billion%26quot; and %26quot;dollar%26quot; because this phrase is functioning as an adjective: %26quot;billion-dollar%26quot;

About Baron de Montesquieu?

1. What significant contribution did this scientist or philosopher make to the advancement of human knowledge?

2. How did society react to this person%26#039;s contributions? How valid were those reactions?

3. How did people%26#039;s lives change as a result of montesquieu%26#039;s work? What are the positive and negative qualities of that change?

4. How has the public%26#039;s perception of this individual%26#039;s work changed over time?

|||Reading and research is how you learn. Don%26#039;t post your homework assignment and expect people to do it for you.

Here%26#039;s a link for you to begin your research. Good Luck.鈥?/a>

Can someone review my college essay?

Hi guys, this is a rough draft for my college essay and i am sure that it%26#039;ll bound to have some grammar mistake. Please review this essay and pick out grammatical errors if any.Any new suggestions are welcome.

essay question : what experiences have lead you to choose your professional field and objective?

I stared with amazement as the robotic arm came to life on the television screen. The arm was adorned with wires and metal knobs that made it look almost identical to a human arm. Then as the patient%26#039;s brain sent messages to the artificial arm , the arm responded immediately and performed the commands given to it by twisting its robotic wrists and bending its titanium fingers which shimmered beautifully in the light as it made every move. The patient smiled with joy and thanked the doctor for his arm. This is one of the examples of beautiful works of art created by precise engineering and meticulous biological design and is a marvel of Biomedical Engineering, a new field which will revolutionize science

Ever since I was a child , I wanted to pursue a field which would be challenging and would require a lot of hard work and determination to make something which will benefit people in someway on the other. I first thought of becoming either into an engineer ,scientist or a doctor and wished that I could pursue all three fields. Later on, I came across Biomedical Engineering which turned out to be my ideal field of choice. Everyday,people lose their limbs, eyes, etc due to an accident and become physically disabled, while others are born with such disabilities. Life is hard for a person who is physically disabled because such people usually can%26#039;t lead a normal life find it difficult to do things that normal people do such as play outdoor games, get a job,drive a car,etc. My sole purpose of taking up a course in Biomedical Engineering is to learn the techniques and methods involved in creating wonders which will change people%26#039;s lives for good.

In addition to this, my grandfather served as a great source of inspiration for me. He used to advise my father that he should help and serve people and tell his friends and future generations to do the same. My grandfather volunteered himself by stitching clothes and providing food for the poor in the 1940s during India%26#039;s struggle for freedom. In addition to this, he donated most of his used clothes to charity. Unfortunately, my grandfather passed away twenty years ago due to old age and I couldn%26#039;t get a chance to see him. My father who works in a company, does his best to follow his father%26#039;s footsteps by donating to charities, participating in the terry fox run for cancer research,etc.My dad told me to become into a benevolent person by following my grandfather%26#039;s advice that he once received a long time ago.

With the aim of improving people%26#039;s lives, I will do whatever it takes to reach my goals. I hope to one become into a bioengineer and become a part of a team of engineers and scientists which will work and research tirelessly in order to ensure that people live longer and make a difference to many more that are out there waiting for help.|||Tip #1:

Which or That?

While both which and that can be used in other constructions, the confusion usually arises when they are being used as relative pronouns to introduce adjective (or relative) clauses. In the examples below, we have bracketed the adjective clauses. (Remember that a clause is simply a group of words containing a subject and a verb):

1. Our house [that has a red door and green shutters] needs painting.

2. Our house, [which has a red door and green shutters], needs painting.

3. The classrooms [that were painted over the summer] are bright and cheerful.

4. The classrooms, [which were painted over the summer], are bright and cheerful.鈥?/a>

Tip #5

Your first paragraph jumps in too quick. You should give a bit of a warning to the reader, by saying something like:

%26quot;In order to demonstrate my passion for robotic engineering, please allow me to share a short story with you about my first encounter with robotics as a young boy%26quot;.

Tip #2:

Sometimes you don%26#039;t explain your ideas fully. Although you write well, readers might be confused by ideas that are not fully developed. For example,

%26quot;The arm was adorned with wires and metal knobs that made it look almost identical to a human arm.%26quot;

How does a robotic arm with wires and metal knobs look identical to a human arm? Sorry, doesn%26#039;t make a lot of sense. Try more explanation or something.


My sole purpose of taking up a course in Biomedical Engineering is to learn the techniques and methods involved in creating wonders which will change people%26#039;s lives for good.

It%26#039;s grammatically better to say %26quot;...will change people%26#039;s lives for the better%26quot;

Tip #4:

This is not very PC:

Life is hard for a person who is physically disabled because such people usually can%26#039;t lead a normal life find it difficult to do things that normal people do such as play outdoor games, get a job,drive a car,etc.

you could say something like:

The impact of some physical disabilities on a person%26#039;s mobility in particular sparked my interest in constructing mechanical limbs...%26quot; or something

Final Tip:

It%26#039;s sometimes dangerous to back yourself into a corner and say that you have a sole purpose. You might benefit by saying that although your primary motivation is x you are open minded and are looking forward to seeing what kind of new ideas will come to you (don%26#039;t use this exact wording, you get the point).

--Oh yes, and what Katie #2 said|||thanks for your comments and help guys ! :)

Report Abuse

|||There isn%26#039;t one spelling mistake, great job!!! I love your introduction,it looks great!!! |||%26quot;I first thought of becoming either into an engineer ,scientist or a doctor and wished that I could pursue all three fields.%26quot;

You should get rid of the word into because it doesn%26#039;t really make sense, at least to me it doesn%26#039;t. Otherwise it sounds good.

How can two people maintain a good relationship when apparent self contradictory statements always arise?

I%26#039;m having difficulty maintaining a long distance relationship due to apparent communication problems.

For example: My partner once said to me in a conversation (on the phone), %26quot;I%26#039;m going to be out this coming Sunday night%26quot; and then in a later communication (email) said, %26quot;You can ring me either Saturday or Sunday night%26quot;.

Logically, by deduction, I concluded that she would not be home Sunday night, so I rang Saturday night and asked why she appeared to contradict herself.

The answer given was that her circumstances had changed and that she would now be home Sunday night (I had already reasoned this).

The answer was logically correct, but because it was beyond my knowledge and control that circumstances had changed (she didn%26#039;t tell me her changed circumstances until questioned) appears to be a self contradiction (that is - I won%26#039;t be home Sunday night - I will be home Sunday night).

Circumstances dictate decisions in people%26#039;s lives, but because people%26#039;s lives are dynamic, circumstances are always changing.

Two things confuse me.

1. How can I possibly commit to a decision with my partner, if circumstances in her life beyond my control are always changing?

2. Should my partner account for all her movements to me, if/when circumstances beyond her control arise?

Thanks in advance. |||Hi P, I don%26#039;t think she%26#039;s intentionally trying to confuse you. What I believe is that she feels closed in and she doesn%26#039;t want you keep tabs on her. Perhaps she feels like your trying to be to controlling (even if you aren%26#039;t). On the other hand, some people are a little scatter-brained. They can%26#039;t really keep track of things, places, appointments, and that%26#039;s not being manipulative, or untrustworthy, she just can%26#039;t remember what she has planned. Yes, the other answerer is right. Have a talk with her about the issue, and gently tell her you%26#039;re confused by this. She may very well be confused by her answers too.|||Many, many things in life are beyond your control. By that rationale, how can you commit to anything, ever? I%26#039;m gonna go out on a limb and guess that you might be making to big of a deal out of this.|||I would sit down and have a heart to heart.

If that doesn%26#039;t work, you two were not meant to be.

What's your favorite book or reading memory?

I am trying to do a little qualitative research on the topic of books and stories鈥攁nd how they affect our lives. Often, specific books and memorable stories truly do change people鈥檚 lives. But the way it comes about is quite different for different people.

For some it is the moment when that first fantasy book opened up their imagination.

For others it was the poetic style that made them fall in love with the nuances of writing.

For others it was that book that made them realized what they wanted to do with their lives.

For others it was the company and council of a good book, like a best friend, that helped them through a tough time.

What about you?

Is there a book that changed your life?

Is there a story that really moved you?

Did you have a favorite book growing up? What memory does it conjure?

What book did you read over and over?

Was there a special book that you have shared a lot? With whom? And why?

What鈥檚 your first memory of really enjoying reading? What was the book?

A book that moved you?

A favorite reading memory? What was the setting? What was the book?

Does seeing the cover of a specific book really bring you back? To where and when?|||When I was in grades 3-5 we moved into a new town. On our cul de sac it was all older people. No kids like me. But this older lady next door invited me in. She showed me what she had that I could use. Behind her wet bar area, she has 2 bean bag chairs and the shelves were FULL of children%26#039;s%26#039;s books left over from her kids. Her kids were all in college then. She said I could come over any time, let myself in and read. But please just clean up after my self. Sometimes while I would come over, she would leave cookies or crackers for me. It was AWESOME!|||Well my fave books are...

City of bones

City of Ashes

city of Glass


new moon


breaking dawn






tempted|||The Transall Saga. no question about it. even though its science fiction and an adventure novel its so beautifully written. i felt like crying at the end, it wasnt that sad but i was sad that it was ending.|||The lake of dead languages by carol goodman, awesome, awesome book!|||Willing To Believe by Clinton Foster. A friend of mine recommended it to me. I don%26#039;t like to read much. I admit I have some low selfesteem. My boyfriend was being a jerk, bossing me around and telling me EVERYTHING I was doinmg wrong with my life, which was pretty much everything he didn%26#039;t like about me. The book is a love story and what love really means. What its worth. After reading that, I dumped my boyfriend and realized I need to just take the time to be with myself and wait for mr right to come along. Hope this helps some. I recommend this story to everyone.|||Twilight has changed my life. Really.

And I%26#039;m not just saying that because it%26#039;s made me and obsessive fan-girl, but because it made me value life more. Now that%26#039;s the magic in vampires!

Edward taught me that I need to live life to the fullest, and enjoy every moment while I can. That living forever isn%26#039;t necessarily good, and Bella taught me that if I%26#039;m patient enough, I%26#039;ll find my soul mate someday.

I swear it%26#039;s true.

I feel that vampires send a message. They tell us that life is important. They show us the true meaning of being human. They even make us more aware of the little things we never notice. it%26#039;s truly amazing.

So yes, I do understand when you say books can change out lives. It%26#039;s for that reason also that Ive read this saga numerous times. Im want to make sure that I decipher every detail the author tries to convey, and decode every hidden meaning between the lines. Even when nothing s intended, I manage to draw some wisdom out of the words. It%26#039;s like magic!

Please help me with some easy history question!Thanks?

1. In general, in what ways did all improvements (like gas, electric lights, bridges, camera, car) change people%26#039;s lives?

2. Use your imagination-what exists today that will be replaced by improvements by the time of your grandchildren?|||I%26#039;ll try to answer.

Gas: although it had its dangers in the early days, it soon caught on to provide light. This would have been less dangerous than candles, and would have helped people like seamstresses to see better after dark. Lighting the streets would have reduced the dangers; earlier, torches were put in sconces outsite the better houses, and linkboys would have lit the way for people as they walked for a few pennies. It would later have been much cleaner and easier to use for cooking rather than the coal fire and grate, which had to be cleaned, heated, cleaned again, etc. Here%26#039;s a good site:……

Electric lights: imagine not being able to flick a switch and have instant light, not to mention being able to power TVs, hi-fis, washing machines, cookers, computers, electric drills, etc. Before that, if you were very poor, you had to go to bed as it became dark, and get up at dawn to make use of natural light. Rich people had candles; poorer people had to make do with torches and rushlights. Candles were expensive; all sources of light made smoke on the walls and ceilings. Again, light would have helped people who needed to use their eyes for their work, and could work longer hours - though this might not have been a good idea before the days of humanity laws.

Bridges: their origins are lost in the mists of time. With a bridge, you could cross rivers easily instead of finding a place shallow enough to cross. You could defend your citadel from a bridge; you could cross with your horses and carts with no danger of being swept away. Some early bridges had houses and shops built along them, like old London Bridge. (You can still see such a bridge in Florence, Italy – the Ponte Vecchio.) Instead of riding long, dangerous routes around rock faces, you could cross a bridge directly.

Cameras: instead of sitting for your portrait over many days, one click and there you are, preserved for posterity! I don’t think the camera will ever take the place completely of great artists and their depictions of people in period clothes, and scenery, but you could say it was a great development in showing it “how it is”. In the Victorian era, pictures were taken of the dead. If you were poor and your child died, this photograph would probably be the only picture you had of the child. It’s called Memento Mori.

Cars: instead of taking days to travel relatively short distances, now you can hop into a car and be there in minutes/hours. If you had horses, they had to be housed, fed and looked after; on a long journey they needed rest, and you often changed them with fresh horses.

As for future improvements, I’d hope that we find an alternative to expensive and polluting fuels. Cars run by manure, perhaps! I also hope we’d find ways to live without depleting the world of trees, the earth’s lungs. I hope we’d reduce unnecessary packaging, and find ways of disposing of our huge amounts of waste. And, living with a spaghetti junction of wires to power all the household appliances, I really hope there will be a way to run things with a minimum of wires and expensive power. It would be good if we could find a way to harness solar power efficiently.

I don’t know if this is what you’re looking for, but I hope it helps!

|||Thank you!

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I had to write a cause and effect essay; do you think this is too stupid?

Many people wonder what the most important thing you can have in life. I think that a pet is considered one of the best things someone can have. When a pet is taken in, it is immediately a family member. As soon as the pet is in the new home, the family treats the new pet with love and care. The new pet would have to settle down in this new environment before anything happens. After a while, if the new owner treated the animal well, it will result in a new friend. I learned this when I got my first pets; Anonymous. Some people have pets even though they have mental illnesses because of the companionship and affection the animal gives off. If the animal (such as a dog) gets love, attention, food, and care, it could result to protecting you, loving you back, and so on.

As a result to loving the new pet, the animal will be your best friend. Many pets have cured people from depression and other illnesses because of how the family treated them. Since the pet has found a home with a caring family, it would be the compassionate animal that is able to cure people from depression. Anonymous can always make me feel better because of the way I treated them. Due to the fact that the pet has a home that it trusts, it will settle down and stop being scared. Because of the love, attention, food, and care that you give to your pet, it will trust you with almost everything you do.

Because a pet is a lot of responsibility, getting a pet will cause the family to be more responsible. Kids and adults would have to look after the pet, feed it, and clean after it. That would produce a responsible family and a happy being. Maturity is also included when you get a new pet. You become more responsible and mature when you get a pet. I got more responsible after I started taking care of Anonymous.

More people everyday should get more pets. Pets are wonderful creatures that are meant as a gift from the gods and are the best that anything can be. When Anonymous came into my life, I was crowded with decisions to make and responsibilities. People come to get pets when they are sad or lonely or just want a pet. Then, they will have many decisions to make whether or not to do something. Pets can cost people a lot of money and work.

Pets have an influence in life. They can change one person鈥檚 life, or they won鈥檛 have a big impact on others. The decisions had to be made. I had to buy all the stuff that my pets needed and was rewarded by the love that my rabbits and guinea pig gave me. Because of them, I had to spend hundreds of dollars to keep them happy.

Anonymous changed my life by keeping me happy and eager to live. Pets keep people happy and can change people鈥檚 lives. When I got my first pet, I agreed on paying for her and never forgetting my responsibility to her. Later on, my commitment to her left me exhausted. I thought I had made a mistake in getting her. But now, I have her and two other pets and they are the joy of my life.

Please tell me what you think of this. Sorry its so long.

|||It%26#039;s okay, you need to work on style and grammar. It also depends on your grade, If you%26#039;re in middle school, this is a B, in high school a C, in college a D or F.


I%26#039;d say a 3 then. Reasoning, you have some grammatical errors. You also make some assumptions without validation. When you right a paper you should state the fact, then say why. Example: The color red is the best color; statistics show that red is preferred to any other color by most americans.|||deal with yourself! its your story, have confidence, don%26#039;t ask other people.

What're some possible errors in this short essay?

Akm Islam

ENG 101

May 5, 2008

Final Essay

The Hero

The tragedy of 9/11 has labeled many people as heroes but many people are beginning to lose focus on what the word actually means. What makes a man a “hero”? Is it the soldier who fought and killed his enemies to save many lives? Is it the father who took the most degrading low-wage job for his family? Even though thousands of years have passed, heroes in The Iliad and The Odyssey have almost the same traits and characteristics of people as we consider heroes today. However, one does not have to kill anyone, conquer foreign land, or risk his life to be a hero. A hero is a person whose good deeds change people’s lives in a positive way, who is enough brave to take the right decision in an extreme situation.

A hero changes people’s lives in a positive way. No one has to kill monsters, rescue girls or lead to a war to be a hero. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. changed the lives of millions of people by bringing justice to minorities.|||I don%26#039;t think that there are any errors in your essay but you jump between ideas a little by trying to express so much.

You start your essay by asking questions. I would end the paragraph there because your next sentence leads to a new point.

The first sentence in your second paragraph is almost identical to the preceding sentence and should be left out.

%26quot;A hero is a person whose good deeds change people’s lives in a positive way, who is enough brave to take the right decision in an extreme situation. A hero is anyone whose good deeds inspire greatness in others and benefits all more than their own good%26quot; are good definitions but I think if you save all definitions to the end, your dissertation would be easier to read and have a better conclusion.

I need someone to look at a college essay im writing. I want to know if it's good enough?

The question is %26quot;At the University of Maryland, we value a diverse community. How have your life experiences and background shaped you into an individual who will enrich the University of Maryland community?%26quot;

I have so far:

It was December 6, 2007. I was standing aside my brother in FedEx Field even during the gelid, below freezing temperature. We knew our feet were numb, but we had to stand. The ball floated threw the air; the flight felt like an eternity. Boom! Interception. The slightest hope to make the playoffs was lost—yet I was blessed. The Thursday Night Game was the day after my birthday. After countless years of switching jobs and even going back to school, my brother accumulated enough money to take me to my first football game, a game I will never forget.

The following days, I felt extremely grateful towards my brother. He had given me a gift that no one had given me before. I wanted to follow his footsteps and give unto others the jubilant feeling that I felt. However, I wasn’t sure how to spread the gleeful feeling. Succeeding my brother, I went to various soup kitchens and hospitals around my area. I also began to teach Sunday school for the pre-teens at my church. Despite my attempts, I still didn’t feel satisfied.

Knowing my attempts were helping the few around me, I began to renounce my acts. My brother noticed my suspended endeavor and told me a cliché: “One man can make a difference.” I pondered on the proverb. It was so simple, yet extremely profound. Although I wasn’t helping masses, I gave joy to the few people I acquainted with.

During the application process for the University of Maryland, College Park, I ran into a research network called Robert H. Smith School of Business. The name of the school sounded familiar; it was the business school my brother attended to for receiving his MBA. Again, ensuing by brother, I wanted to be a business major.

As I realized the recession the nation was going through, I noticed the thirst for money. By mastering the laws of business and finance, I could replenish the nation’s desires by acquiring for them a deluxe fiscal year. What could thrill someone more than an excess of money. Also, it wouldn’t be just helping one person at a time either. By helping people with families, it would be delighting extra.

With proper education, I could be able to make a difference in the nation, and even the world. I want to change people’s lives like my brother. I can’t promise that ill change the world, but I can change someone’s future for the better.

I am one man. One man out of approximately 6.7 billion.

I am one man. One man that can make a difference.

|||love love love the end. |||i honestly think this is one of the best college essays i%26#039;ve read....ur ending is excellent! the start is captivating and i wouldn%26#039;t change a thing..great job u are an outstanding writer

What is a good title for an essay about Isolation from society?

the idea is to support evidence on how Isolation from society changes people%26#039;s views on life..any ideas?|||What a dumb essay. Write something decent.|||Effects of Social Isolation on Personal Values|||Seclusion:....

Life Out There

Outside These Walls

A Separate World

Isolated Existance

Existing Alone

haha this might take me all there%26#039;s a few. I tried. :)


I don%26#039;t know if its exactly what you looking for, but i think its great and show very well human beings behavior.|||separated from everything.|||isolationalism|||lonely|||Banishment From My Mind...or Just Banishment..Or A Banished Mind.|||life alone and different

could be a good title|||alone in heart mind and body


(:|||The Island

Island%26#039;s Paradise

Isolation%26#039;s Paradise

The Lonely Wanderer

The Lonely Look|||On The Outside Looking In.|||are we alone?|||%26#039;A solitary view... life in isolation%26#039; |||Alone but Not Forgotten|||Is olation nessacary?

Is anyone willing to check my report about the Word "War"? I'd really prefer if a High Scool teacher check it

Here is half(I will email whole to anyone willing to check it. Plz desperate help! )

The three letter word, “War” is seen almost daily from many types of media sources, and when looked at with a casual perspective, it does not seem to affect us in any way. And because it is seen so regularly, it is not given the amount of thought that it truly deserves. However, for someone who really cares, it is much, much more than just a three letter word. It can invoke emotions and feelings that could make even a grown man cry. It can devastate thousands of people’s homes and land, and can bring chaos to their lives. It can be the difference between life and death, wealth and poverty, and freedom and slavery. You see, war is more than just a word, it is an event that will always be changing people’s lives, sometimes for the better, but most of time for the worse.

War, as defined by Merriam-Webster’s dictionary is, “A state of usually open and declared armed hostile conflict between nations,”|||I would be willing to proof read your report. Your first sentence is a run-on. Your second sentence shouldn%26#039;t begin with the word %26quot;And%26quot;.|||When%26#039;s it due

I'm writing about how people change when impacted by major events - I need help with an introduction?

I need a quote, interesting example, or surprising fact that will hook people into reading my paper. I%26#039;m writing about the changes in people%26#039;s character when they are impacted by a major event in their life.

I WILL choose a best answer.|||I think the most prolific example of a major event that impacted everyone around the world was 9/11. Perhaps you should do a time outline of the events. The effects were examples of the best and worst of humans and definitely changed most people lives forever. I think this will cause your readers to recall his/her emotions also at that time and support the idea that people change when impacted by major events.|||People who experience a major event that impacts on their life will react in a variety of ways. My plan is to explore the way peoples characters change after a major event such as 9/11, birth, death etc|||

Maybe start w/ the list of lifes%26#039; major stressors......

Personal Life Events analysis*

To learn the level of stress (distress) in your life, circle the value at the right of each of the following events if it has occurred within the past 12 months:

Event Value

Death of spouse..................................鈥?


Marital separation..............................鈥?

Jail term....................................鈥?

Death of close family member.........................63

Personal injury or illness................................5鈥?


Fired from job.....................................鈥?

Marital reconciliation..........................鈥?


Change in family member%26#039;s health.....................44


Sexual difficulties............................鈥?

Addition to family..................................鈥?

Business readjustment............................鈥?

Change in financial status...............................38

Death of close friend..................................鈥?

Career change..................................鈥?

Change in number of marital arguments...............35

Mortgage or loan over $10,000..........................31

Foreclosure of mortgage or loan........................30

Change in work responsibilities........................鈥?

Son or daughter leaving home...........................29

Trouble with in-laws.................................鈥?

Outstanding personal achievement......................28

Spouse begins or ceases working........................26

Starting or finishing school...............................26

Change in living conditions..............................鈥?

Revision of personal habits...............................24

Trouble with boss....................................鈥?

Change in work hours, conditions.......................20

Change in residence...............................鈥?

Change in schools.................................鈥?

Change in recreational habits............................19

Change in church activities..............................鈥?

Change in social activities..............................鈥?

Mortgage or loan under $10,000.........................17

Change in sleeping habits................................16

Change in number of family gatherings................15

Change in eating habits..................................鈥?


Christmas season..................................鈥?

Minor violation of the law................................11

How to analyze your score:

Add the circled values. If your total score is more than 150, find ways to reduce stress in your daily life so that your stress level doesn%26#039;t increase. The higher the score, the harder one needs to work at staying physically well.

Suggested uses for personal Life Events analysis:

1. Become familiar with the different events and the amounts of stress they promote.

2. Put the list of events where your family can easily refer to it several times a day.

3. Practice recognizing the stress level when one of these events happens.

4. Think about the meaning of the event for you and identify your feelings.

5. Think about the different ways you can adjust to the event.

6. Take your time in arriving at decisions.

7. Anticipate life changes and plan for them well in advance whenever possible.

8. Pace yourself. It can be done even if you are in a hurry.

9. Look at the accomplishment of a task as a part of ongoing daily living; avoid looking at such an achievement as a stopping point. Congratulate yourself and push ahead.

10. Recognize that your internal mechanism of coping with stress is directly tied to how your health and well being will be influenced by it.

*Note: This scale is derived from the Holmes-Rahe Social Readjustment Scale. Holmes, T. %26amp; Rahe, R. (1967) %26quot;Holmes-Rahe Social Readjustment Rating Scale%26quot;, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, vol. II.

What are some easy things you/someone could do that could change your life/or some else's for the better?

I%26#039;ve been thinking about this today and I want to make an impact in other people%26#039;s lives as well as my own. I think there are simple things out there that could make someone%26#039;s day. Maybe as simple as a smile. What are some good things that we could to make life better for ourselves and people around us?|||Just little things like holding a door open for someone. A smile says a thousand and one words. A hug comes straight from the heart. Compliment someonesclothes, that always makes me happy.

But one of the big things that always brightens up my day, is when I see a parent and a child having fun. You aren%26#039;t trying to make bystanders smile, yet you do. It makes me feel like crying sometimes when I see parents yelling at children in the grocery store when the child says something as simple as, %26quot;Daddy! Can we get doughnuts%26quot;

Do little things and enjoy your own life. Be generous and loving wherever you are.|||Smile. Make positive comments about people%26#039;s clothing or hair style...things like that. Just be nice. It%26#039;s always refreshing to run into someone who is nice and not mad at the world for existing.

What does happiness mean?

鈥?How does it influence of change people鈥檚 lives?

鈥?How does it influence people鈥檚 thoughts?

鈥?What is its primary purpose or function?

鈥?What emotions or thoughts are associated with it?

鈥?What behaviors are associated with it?

鈥?What consequences or effects does it have?

鈥?What is necessary to attain it or have it?

How does it matter to others?

鈥?Is the concept generally agreed upon?

鈥?Does the concept raise controversy? Explain why.

鈥?Why is it important that people have an appropriate understanding of this concept?

鈥?Are there complexities to the concept that people might overlook?

鈥?Does the concept need to be rethought? Why?

鈥?In what ways does it contribute to everyday life?

鈥?Is this a popular or high profile concept in society?

鈥?What is the possible connection between the topic and public concerns?|||Happiness is in your soul, firstly it is related to our brain hormones etc...We have to accept that firstly...

As a human we have various needs, the happiness is depend on how much we get our needs.Ourt first need is to be nourished, secondly to be protected, the third one is continutiation of generation, fourth one is realize yourself and be loved.|||Looks like someones homework to me.|||Happiness is an emotion we feel when our phsyical, finacial, other emotional needs are forfilled. It means we are content and pleased with our current position and situation.|||my fluffy kitty!!!!

Give some sites of stories about people's life with their pets.?

How it changed their lives? The way they treat it?

Please help me...|||鈥?/a>

this story above shows how when you have pets their needs come first.. this is all the activities of a hobby farm owner before breakfast...鈥?/a>

this story above is a nice one on how winning isnt everything... its really an interesting true story of an event that happened at a show

oh and another I just found..鈥?/a>

a wonderful story of how a girl got a rescued horse and became rodeo queen.|||My dog died 8 years ago, back when I was 15...

Anyway, It helped me get through hard times, specially if you feel alone sometimes. People even talk to pets, it%26#039;s some sort of terapy.

To old people, they%26#039;re really good, since they create some sort of responsibility and gives them a reason to wake up everyday and do something if they%26#039;re living alone.

It was a good experienced and showed me how much one could love an animal.

How to...................?

Bearing in mind I live in the UK, how would I go about seeking working in local government or other government offices?

Stemming from my immense interest to give back to the community and try to change people%26#039;s lives, I wish to find employment or internships which would fulfil these needs. Any advice?|||I would try the peace corps or unicef

Can someone please edit my essay on the importance of human relationships?

Our well being is about having meaning in our lives developing as a person and feeling that our lives are fulfilling and worthwhile. Our relationships provide for our most basic human needs. Through our relationships, we are sustained in our personal growth and development. Our relationships are the substance from which each of us grows and interacts. The relationship substance strengthens our bonds and builds trust. As we grow, we learn from our life experiences. Reinforcement of values is what makes us who we are as individuals. For example, support and confidence from others helps mold us into being a positive part of society. What makes individuals who they are is contributed by everyone who has helped and guided that person. Whether our family structure is composed of one or both parents, or other family members, strong support from others is essential for our well being.

Just as human relationships are essential for our well being so is being able to trust others. Trust impacts everyone. It affects the quality of every relationship, every communication, and every effort in which we are engaged. The ability to establish, grow, extend, and restore trust is not only vital to our personal and interpersonal well being but for the community as well. I believe that within every individual is the ability for them to reach their full potential. We seek to act with integrity in our lives, fostering trust in our relationships with family, friends, and others. As people鈥檚 lives become more fulfilled, so this makes a positive change in how they interact with those around them, and these in turn affect others. As a result of this, one person living their life according to who they are can, in a sense, bring positive change to the world. We can be the ones to give others that sense of hope that they need to change their lives and improve their well being.

The essence of humanity belongs to the differences among individuals. These dissimilarities should never be the sources of hatred or conflict. People need to respect each other for their differences. Therein lies a fundamental principle: respect for diversity. We are all different but yet want the same things for each other; mutual respect for one another. We should respect those that are different from ourselves and respect their culture, traditions, and values. In some ways, all these things put together make us unique individuals. Most of all, we need to embrace our differences and uniqueness.|||Seems good to me..

What are some really good books to read? ?

I like realistic fiction books on people%26#039;s lives that are different then mine. I don%26#039;t want to read a book about a middle class white girl that goes to school in a town that nothing ever happens in.

A list of life changing (or just really really good) fiction books would be appreciated.

Some I%26#039;ve read and loved (to know what kind of books I%26#039;m talking about)

Bright Shiny Morning

Memoirs of a Geisha

Running with Scissors

Water For Elephants|||The Perks Of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

Leftovers by Laura Weiss

A Million Little Pieces by James Frey

My Friend Leonard by James Frey

Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom

Mysterious Skin by Scott Heim

Carry Me Down by M.J. Hyland

The Burn Journals by Brent Runyon

Flowers In The Attic by V.C. Andrews

I Never Promsied You a Rose Garden by Joanne Greenberg

White Oleander by Janet Finch

Falling Man by Don Delillo

The Road by Cormac Mccarthy

When Madeline was Young by Jane Hamilton

Map Of The World by Jane Hamilton

Hillbilly Gothic by Adrienne Martini

Like We Used To Be by Jane Stubbs

When the Elephants Dance by Tess Uriza Holthe

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

The History Of Love by Nicole Krauss

Songs Without Words by Ann Packer

The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime by Mark Haddon

Dead Poet%26#039;s Society by N.H. Kleinbaum

If I should Die Before I Wake by Michelle Morris

Just a few of my ever growing list of favorites :)

Glad to see someone who likes Running With Scissors :) It%26#039;s one of my favorites as well. Also, I see that you liked Bright Shiny Morning, but I wasn%26#039;t sure if you read James%26#039; others, so I put them on the list too :)|||Lessee..depending on your age...

Ferris Beach by Jill McCorkle

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Amalee by Dar Williams (a shortie but a goodie)

Those are all around the teenager mark. Dunno if that%26#039;s your age group, but those are some I read, and have read since.|||Wasted by Marya Hornbacher is riveting!

The Kite Runner

The Origin of Satan|||Siddhartha

Perks of Being a Wallflower

Hitchhiker%26#039;s Guide to the Galaxy

Catcher in the Rye


Less that Zero

The Book Thief

The Count of Monte Cristo

Go Ask Alice (really short, but good)

Wuthering Heights|||Chris Crutcher. He writes the kind of books that you%26#039;re describing. Real situations and he doesn%26#039;t sugarcoat the issues. Check out his website: It has a list of all his books as well as exerpts from some of them. I don%26#039;t know exactly what you%26#039;re looking for but I would recommend you start with Stotan or Running Loose.|||Shabunu- good book about life for a middle easter woman.

Forever...-judy blume this book changed myy life!

Dreamland-Sarah Dessen amazin!

Just Listen - Sarah Dessen Amazing

Glad to help.|||Looking For Alaska by John Green. An amazing book!! Changed my life in some ways. I don%26#039;t have many other good suggestions but that was great.|||Well, this book is my favourite and when I read it I cried.. It is the sad story about a boy getting abused my his OWN MOTHER.... It teaches me to cherish what i got right now.. the book is-

A child called%26#039;IT%26#039;

Th lost Boy

A man named Dave

they all by David Pelzer|||Hi, I see that lots of people answering this question mention contemporary books. I, on the other hand, would like to propose a classic: Lev Tolstoy%26#039;s War and Peace.

It is set in Russia, at the beginning of the 1800s and it is a marvelous and unrivaled work of fiction.

It is very long and extremely rich in texture.

The historical setting is perfectly rendered and each of the characters is developed with incredible richness. This is a book that has not ceased to fascinate people for the last 100 years or so, and this for many good reasons.

You will give yourself one of the best present ever by reading it.|||Strega, Blue Belle and Hard Andrew Vachss

Bastard out a Dorothy Allison

Illusions: The Adventures Of A Reluctant Messiah ....Richard Bach

The Celestine Prophecy................William Redfield

|||War of the Worlds-H.G.Wells

1984-George Orwell

Animal Farm-George Orwell

Fahrenheit 451-Ray Bradbury

Frakenstein-Mary Shelly

You can get most if not all of these books at your local library, and if you can%26#039;t for one reason or another than check out this online library . It%26#039;s legal.

Enjoy and good luck.

|||The Time Travelers Wife by Audrey Neffenigger

Last Chance by Sarah Dessen

Best of Fathers by Anne Baker

The Knitting Circle by Ann Hood

Cell by Stephen King

My Sister%26#039;s Keeper by Jodi Picoult

Before I Die by Jenny Downham

Swimming with the Fishes and Swimming without a net by MaryJanice Davidson

Inkheart and Inkspell by Cornelia Funkt

Ingo series by Helen Dunmore

Jane Eyre

Gulliver%26#039;s Travels by Johnathan Swift

Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill

Lord of the Flies and The Inheritors by William Golding

No! I don鈥檛 want to join a Book Club by Virgina Ironside

Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips

Innocent Traitor by Alison Weir......and her other books

Mr McGreggor, The Last Lighthouse Keeper, Animal Instincts, Only Dad, Rosie, Love and Dr Devon all by Alan Titchmarsh

Anything by Stephen King, John Saul, John Connolly, James Herbert and Alexander McCall Smith

The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind starts with Wizards First Rule

The Dark Tower series by Stephen King starts with The Gunslinger

All the Harry Potter books

|||I am currently recommending The Secret Life of Bees, by Sue Monk Kidd, to anyone and everyone. It is realistic fiction, and things definitely happen, in addition to a great emotional sweep.

Oh, and regarding Mutly%26#039;s answer: I read Deadline recently, and it was very good, and if Crutcher%26#039;s other books are similar you%26#039;ll probably like them.|||I have just finished The five people you meet in heaven. I could not put it down!

How can i help a person addicted to rugby/solvent?

i%26#039;m concerned about some people in our community who are addicted to rugby/solvent and i really wanna help them. i%26#039;m not a health expert nor someone who took any medical courses.. i know there are things that i should know before doing anything.. so how can an ordinary 21-year old girl like me do something to change these people%26#039;s lives?|||Are they addicted to rugby, or to solvents, or both.

And in what circumstances? How does it affect you?

One approach would be to leave them alone but, if you don%26#039;t want to do that, you need to say what you already know.

I don%26#039;t see how addiction to rugby and to solvent goes together, so you have to explain.

Could anyone please tell me more about the revival ministries of Dr Rodney Howard Browne?

I hear that his messages are very inspiring and has always made a change in people%26#039;s lives he touched.|||Information on revival ministries of Dr Rodney Howard Browne can be found at !|||Rodney Howard Browne currently serves as the pastor a church in Tampa, Florida, The River at Tampa Bay, which he founded on December 1, 1996 and which now has 3000 members.

Rodney and their ministry team, under the banner of Revival Ministries International, travel about 46 weeks of the year, holding weekly meetings and conducting the Great Awakening Tour in cities across North America and around the world spreading the holy gospel. In 1997,he started the River Bible Institute, training students in the Word and the Spirit, imparting into their hearts both a spirit of evangelism and of revival. He also started an online version of the Bible School, allowing students of every nation, with access to the Internet, to participate.

What can young people do to move the US towards socialism?

Schools, Colleges and Universities are important to American political culture. They are the places where ideas are formulated and policy discussed and developed. Being an active part of that discussion is a critical job for young socialists. We have to work hard to change people鈥檚 misconceptions about socialism, to broaden political debate, and to fight the cynicism and apathy all political groups face on campuses today. Off-campus, too, in our daily cultural lives, young people can be turning the tide against racism, sexism and homophobia, as well as the conservative myth of the virtue of greed.|||It wont happen. The Corporate world has the US in a death grip and likes it that way.|||move to china then|||socialism? are you crazy, go to|||So, what you%26#039;re saying, is all socialists love ******, is that true?|||Just keep doing what you%26#039;re doing but it must be taken into the workplace and make workers realise that their bosses only have their own interests at heart. The key is collective organization and the destruction of bigotry in the workplace.|||They can start by accepting Satan as their God. Then abandon all that is good, and reject all morals and principles set out in the 10 commandments. You will know if you succeed if everyone in America is living under abject poverty, and starts committing suicide in records numbers, unable to continue living in their own personal hell that they themselves hath created.|||Idea: how about we adjust what we have and continue going forward?|||look at the economic and health care systems of the socialist countries it doesn%26#039;t work it has never worked.|||It happens all the time. The U.S. has moved slowly in that direction ever since the election of Franklin Roosevelt. There are fits and starts, because idealistic young people become cynical older people and realize the risks and dangers of what the young see as obvious answers. It%26#039;s the old saw, %26quot;Anyone who isn%26#039;t a socialist at 20 has no heart; anyone who%26#039;s still a socialist at 40 has no brain.%26quot;|||Maybe you should go to school to realize socialism doesn%26#039;t work. Do you wonder why France is falling behind in the world?|||Last time you advocate communism,no room for individuals.Against human nature.Guess this is another attempt by the right wing to discredit the left.

In many so called communist or socialist societies homosexuals were actively prosecuted because it was seen as decadence of the bourgeoisie.I don%26#039;t believe you|||Take a good look at the basically socialist countries, Canada

and England. Does it seem to you that it is working?

It does not seem that way to me.

And besides, I do not need anyone to take care of me, especially

the government. Socialism is for people who don%26#039;t to take

responsibility for there own lives.

Thank you very much, while you%26#039;re up!!!!!|||America has gone far enough in that direction, thank you. And Universities and colleges are breeding grounds for idea %26amp; theories that while they look real swell on paper, rarely work in practical application. I am 1000% against this idea.|||So I will be able to suck on the government%26#039;s teat without having to work? Sign me up! Go Socialism!

I really hope you are not trying to use Social Security as an example of a successful social program.|||VOTE DEMOCRAT!|||most people do not understand that socialism is the meeting of Communism and capitalism its a hybrid of the two great ideas. This nation can%26#039;t meet in the middle though were so two sided closed minded, corporate greed, let others think, and do for us that our graves are dug and we cant open our eyes to make positive change............. sad days ahead

When you use the word consequently in the middle of a sentence, where are commas needed?

It is no mystery that the affects of a law banning smoking in public places will set such a restriction consequently bringing a positive change to people鈥檚 lives by providing them with a cleaner and safer environment nationwide and preventing countless health issues and/or premature deaths for many.|||A comma before consequently. Because consequently is leading to a dependent clause.|||It is no mystery that the affects of a law banning smokin in public places will set such a restriction, consiquently bringing a positive change to people%26#039;s lives by provided them with a cleaner, safer environment nationwide which will prevent countless health issues and/or premature deaths for many.

Jeeze, that%26#039;s one heck of a run on! I replaced %26quot;nationwide and preventing%26quot; as well as adding a comma to %26quot;cleaner and safer%26quot;. The consiquently comma goes before it.

What can the American people do to move the US towards the glory socialism?

Schools, Colleges and Universities are important to American political culture. They are the places where ideas are formulated and policy discussed and developed. Being an active part of that discussion is a critical job for young socialists. We have to work hard to change people鈥檚 misconceptions about socialism, to broaden political debate, and to fight the cynicism and apathy all political groups face on campuses today. Off-campus, too, in our daily cultural lives, young people can be turning the tide against racism, sexism and homophobia, as well as the conservative myth of the virtue of greed.|||Tell me. Where has Socialism REALLY worked well?

Might I add this. If you want to live in a Socialist country, move to one. I will help you pack.

What does Social Security have to do with the question? My advice is stay in school.|||Socialism works? On what planet?

The first answer is exactly right. Liberals can%26#039;t name a place where socialism has worked.|||Sweetie,

when all the socialists are equal in driving Mercedes Benz and Lexus you let me know .. until that time our constitutional republic rules!

P.S. IRA%26#039;s are dabomb!! woot!!|||Socialism is based on the theory that people are naturally good. They%26#039;ll work hard, and share what they have.

Capitalism is based on the theory that people are naturally lazy. They%26#039;ll only work hard if they%26#039;re rewarded for it, and some may choose to share.

The latter has been shown true through out history.|||60 millions chinamen want their lives back

30 + million russians want their lives back

2 million cambodians want their lives back

6 million Jews want their lives back (national SOCIALISTS)

hundreds of thousands of romanians want their lives back

Socialism KILLS

so when will you throw us %26quot;bourgeouis%26quot; into re-education/work camps? it works for their other socialist countries, in china they put their dissidents in slave labor camps, only minus a kidney or two.

McCarthy was right|||and on the left you%26#039;ll see a socialist dinosaur, children!|||Nothing, nor should we. Socialism is a system that essentially punishes anyone that is more capable than the average. Socialism is the equivalent of dumbing down an entire classroom to go at the pace of the dumbest kid.|||Why on earth would the USA wish to move towards Socialism when every country in the world that has experienced socialism has just turned its back on it and accepted the free market?

Socialism is finished. A politically and morally bankrupt philosophy that espouses equality through poverty and misery.

Throughout the world traditional %26quot;socialist%26quot; political parties are abandoning their political inheritance and accepting the inevitable victory of the market based economy. Even the newly elected leader of the Australian Labor Party has just declared %26quot;I am not a socialist. I never have been a Socialist. And I never will be a Socialist.%26quot;

What can the American people do to move the US towards the glory socialism? Absolutely nothing.... keep it where it belongs - in the dustbin in of bad ideas.|||American economics are based upon Capitalism, not socialism. America cannot (and will not) shift away from this policy. Thinking that conservatives value greed is a misnomer. Conservatives value personal responsibility, which is something socialists lack...|||You asked this question several days ago. I%26#039;ll give you the same answer I gave you then.


Campuses are already believers in Socialism and preach that bilge. It%26#039;s only when people go out into the real world do they see that it is unworkable.

I%26#039;ll make the same suggestion to you that I%26#039;ve made before. Instead of giving slogans and generalities, please propose one actual thing the socialists would do. Be specific in what you would implement and how it would work.|||academisions have been trying to do that for decades. Fortunately, students learn to think in spite of their worst efforts.|||VOTE DEMOCRAT. Socialism is bad and equates to

Communism which is another FAILED SYSTEM of

government.|||To encourage the growth of socialism in America, support the Congressional Progressive Caucus. If they gain strength, support, and numbers, soon we too can have the glorious socialist equality and prosperity of the former Soviet Union, China, or North Korea.|||Get drunk, do drugs, go on welfare, drop out of school, and totally depend on the government for everything.

Can I hold my roommate responsible for moving out early?

We found an apt. She was unable to be on the lease due to unacceptable rental history. Assuring me she would not bail out, I signed a 12 mo lease. After 4 months she decided to move in with her boyfriend stating her reason as people%26#039;s lives change. I had to get a second job to pay my rent. I cannot get out of my lease. I also have three witnesses to her verbal agreement|||Legally you can%26#039;t do much, you should have gotten a separate written agreement with her when she first moved in.

The only thing you can do is lie to her and say that you have witnesses and that she is legally bound to pay the rest of the 12 month lease even though she isn%26#039;t, but hey she might be dumb enough.. =]

Hope everything works out ok.|||yep take her to court but you will need witness to stand up|||If she%26#039;s not on the lease, there%26#039;s very little you can do besides try to take her to small claims court and convince a judge to rule in your favour. However, you%26#039;ll most likely get bitched at for not having her sign a written agreement as verbal ones rarely stand up that well.|||was your verbal agreement on paper? if not, it means jack sh!t. Maybe her unacceptable rental history should have been a clue. Unfortunately, you did sign a legally binding contract stating that you would stay there for 12 months. It is now your legal obligation to stay there. Maybe you can try to get another roommate to help out. Otherwise, have fun working two jobs.|||She%26#039;s a pig, going by what you%26#039;ve said. I wish their were laws against cohabitation and sodomy. Sometimes I almost wish we had someone like Saddam Hussein ruling and doing the enforcing.|||When her rental history came up bad, that should have told you something. With you alone on the Lease, then you are the only one responsible for paying the rent! Sorry to be such a downer, but you have no recourse. She%26#039;s a free agent, and there is nothing to stop her from moving out!|||Remember the song, %26#039;Thank God and Greyhound She%26#039;s Gone%26#039;? Be thankful. Advertise for a new roomie. Sorted!:-)|||relax

find a new room mate

If Allah SWT gave you $5000 to change three people's life, what would you do?

Buy 5000 dollars worth of Qurans and change more than 3.

Money is useless to humans unless of course you want to take it with you as fuel in the hell fire.|||I don%26#039;t know. It would depend on what those three people needed. |||Give it all to the Salvation Army. The money would help much more than 3 people. |||I%26#039;d buy a car for a single mother who has no car available. That will change her life and her children%26#039;s lives.

Is the thumbs down because a car worth 5000 dollars wouldn%26#039;t be such a good car? Well, if she has no car at all I%26#039;m sure she%26#039;ll be greatful for it regardless of the pricetag.|||why only 5000 and why dollars????|||Oh you mean that guy who just happened to hand me $5,000 one day? Oh yeah, him.

Hmm, I would buy the homeless a new house. Wait with only $5,000... maybe just part of a house - like a few bricks to make a wall to help them keep off the wind or something.

But I would make sure I have enough left over to give them some food too.

|||i would help poor people cause my father has enough.

|||Change their lives!|||I would buy someone a car who needed one.

I would give someone a down payment on an apartment who had nowhere to live.

I%26#039;d buy a warm winter coat for a child that didn%26#039;t have one.|||You cannot change anyone%26#039;s life with money, easy come easy go!|||I would buy clothing (hijab) for a converted female in Islam.

I would pay a father to take his kids out for a day out together (I think men work too much nowadays that kids dont spend enough time with dad)

I would buy some Qurans with English translations and give them out to those that dont read Arabic. Ive had such a hard time getting a hold of one when I was looking I woul like to give someone something I wish I had sooner.|||What does SWT mean???

and Allah couldnt give me anything anyways......He,s Dead and not a real God

Why do people diss Barack Obama for being a "community organzier"?

He actually wanted to help his community and help other people find jobs. What%26#039;s wrong with trying to make a difference? Even if it was in your opinion a small one.

You should see the video by Nickelback %26quot;If everyone cared%26quot;.

Best video in the world and I don%26#039;t even like rock music.

Besides he was actually do something worthwhile like trying to change people%26#039;s lives which I bet none of you can say for yourselves.

Isn%26#039;t that a little low and petty to criticize someone for trying to help someone else. That%26#039;s like laughing at someone who wants to volunteer in a hospital. When did people become so selfish?

Wait! I forgot we live in the US with elitist Republicans!

My bad!|||Because McCain is willing to lie to get elected.

Community organizer = problem solver

30 years in Washington = problem creator|||Because in his own book he said he failed as a community organzier|||Why do people diss Sarah Palin for being a mayor? She actually wanted to help her community and help make people%26#039;s lives better? What%26#039;s wrong with trying to make a difference?

The answer? There%26#039;s nothing wrong with it, but people get so tied up in the political bickering that they don%26#039;t want to concede that the other candidate may actually not be all bad.|||He really didn%26#039;t correct anything just put in time.|||McCain is lying to get elected!!!! if people really wanted McCain for president y they did not elect him fours ago and they choose Bush instead for another four years! if they think McCain is different from Bush how comes Americans did not elected him fours ago instead they gave Bush another four years if McCain is elected for president thats like electing Bush again and mayb Bush is not that bad then so people should stop hating him especailly those who are going to vote for McCain stop Hating Bush!!! Obama%26#039;08 time has come no more fours of the same last eight years!

Why does religion have a bad effect on *some* people?

First, let me just say that I’m trying to be very careful with my question by emphasizing that I only mean “some” people because religion does have a good effect on most people. However, some people, it makes them worse, which is what puzzles me. Here’s my story…

My dad does nothing but religious activities. He thinks, eats and sleeps religion. He goes to mass everyday and on the weekends, he goes to two Sunday masses. During his spare time, he prays, watches religious programs, and reads reads and reads religious books. This takes up the bulk of his times and he never does anything else to accomplish other goals in life. For example, our apartment is cluttered with junk. He’s got tons of mementos, old computer %26amp; religious books (hundreds of them), and several videos all over the place. Whenever my mom tries to talk to him about trying to straighten out the apartment and clean up, he either tries to avoid the subject or gets angry and starts a fight. He’d rather go to mass, read religious books, or watch religious ceremonies on TV. He doesn’t want to do anything outside of those three things.

Now, don’t get me wrong…religion is wonderful and can really change people’s lives. But my dad’s going overboard. It’s gotten to the point where he doesn’t want to a thing if it’s not religion. He doesn’t even want to do other activities his family wants to do like go to my mother’s family gatherings. He’ll force himself to do it, but he’ll walk around with a look on his face like he’s not into it. He only wants to do one of those three religious activities mentioned above.

So, what exactly is wrong here? Why is my dad too religious and to the point where he doesn’t want to anything else that’s “non-religious” like house chores, etc?|||Sounds like a deeper problem there. Nowhere in any religions does it say that you aren%26#039;t to live a regular life which includes such mundane things like cleaning house and doing activities with your family. I%26#039;d say that there is some kind of mental problem starting up here.

Just my opinion though.|||Your dad sounds like he%26#039;s depressed. This is the way depressed people behave.|||I do not believe your question is answerable because it assumes something that isn%26#039;t true, namely that religion is a good thing for most people. On an individual basis, religion does have a positive role to play. However, I believe it%26#039;s completely wrong to say that religion is actually a good thing for people in general. War, genocide, discrimination, and a host of other atrocities are justified on a daily basis under the guise of religious beliefs. And I see no value whatsoever in that.|||this is definitely crossed the line into obsession, but theres something missing hes doing this for some reason that probably isn%26#039;t specifically related to religion.

sit down and have a chat with him, ask him what got him into religion in the first place|||He%26#039;s compulsive and fear ridden by the prospects of death and hell fire.Religion has changed your dad%26#039;s life for the worse....unfortunately. He should see a therapist or maybe, discuss his behavior with a pastor or priest. ?

What are some Bible texts about how people's lives have been changed once they accepted God into their lives?

The Epistles, which is really from a Greek word meaning letters, were written to believers, and contain many statements about the change that occurs in believers lives once they believe the Gospel and are born again.

Just one example:

%26quot;for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature[a] and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions鈥攊t is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith鈥攁nd this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God鈥?not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God%26#039;s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.%26quot;

Ephesians 2:1-10|||Try Moses or Noah!|||Job? Hahahahahaha. Haha.|||try the book of Ruth!! got sent her a new husband!|||You should read the whole;ll find it in the %26#039;fiction%26#039; section of any library!! ;-)|||Paul in Acts.|||Read the books of Acts. There are many things there about what happened after they were filled with the holy Spirit.

If any man be in Christ he is a new creation. Old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. II Corinthians 5:17|||Don%26#039;t run after stories.

Let your life be changed first accepting God into your life.|||Just about anyone written in the Bible had life changing experiences. Look in the Acts of the Apostles with Paul%26#039;s conversion, the gospels for all the changes in the Apostles lives. They were fishermen and now they were curing the sick it was a complete life changing for them.

The Old Testament is written about the heroes of the Israelites who followed God or listened to what they must say to the people. Many were beaten, tortured, ran out of town because the people didn%26#039;t like what the prophets were saying.|||let Ye be as wise as serpents.(divine wisdom is the serpent/dragon)

better things that Ye shall do than I have so done(reincarnation)

love Ye one another( Jesus established love on earth for the first time)

He that so believeth in my Father shall have eternal life(reincarnation)

I and My father are One( the soul is of God/Monad)

if we live by the book so shall we prosper somewhat but and here is the rub, we must first and foremost truly Understand the %26quot;book%26quot;|||Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God. John 1:12|||Paul the apostle described himself as the chief of the sinners, and unworthy to be called a saint, or an apostle.

(I Corinthians.15:9,10)



(I Timothy.1:15,16)

(Titus.2:3-5)|||yes, Saul becoming Paul after God blinded him ( on the rd to Damascus)

Christians who believe God intervenes in people's lives?

What determines when, or how God will intervene in human affairs?

I know Christians who are Christians because of this, because supposedly once they put their faith in God and Jesus, God changed their lives for the better.

Many Christians die everyday, many of which are children. What determines why God lets children die, but helps others with issues they have?

Is God favoring one life over another, is the death of a child a part of his plan, are the children who die ready to return to Heaven, or is it all just a coincidence?

Remember, I am addressing the situation of God actively helping those who claim he does, while at the same time failing to help those who have no chance to live. I am wondering if there is any sort of model we can work with, or if it is just completely random....%26quot;he works in mysterious ways blah blah blah%26quot;|||Yes he does ,how and when is up to him.

t|||guess what?.. he works in mysterious ways.|||God determines when and how. As for those who die, if they die in Christ they live forever with him in eternity. He takes care of all of us one way or another, and we all die eventually. :)|||Prayer....God will not interfere in our lives without asking Him to do so.|||You question based on the belief the people that live only a short period of time are actually the ones suffering, when it is the people that must live on are the one requiring help.|||It is very egotistical to believe that God personally assists you. God gave you a brain, hands, feet, thought, etc. People like to avoid being responsible for their own decisions and coincidence.

Prayer, Meditation, etc. all can have a profound effect. |||Everyone has a time to die.And yes it is in Gods hands.|||The Bible does not say we will live to old age,

some will travel farther,some a few short mile,s

but when God call,s a child home,

he,s calling for angel,s

we were all born and we shall all die,|||There is no way of truly determining the actual extent in people%26#039;s lives God personally intervines. Each life God does according to God%26#039;s will. We not being the body, but a part only know in part, but there will come a time we will know as the body, and not just as a part. Think of it like this as a child we knew what we knew from that point, but when we become adults, we know and understand far more than children, the causes, and effects in life.|||If you know about christianity, you must also know that after death, christians go to heaven. That is waaaaay better than life here on earth. in the story of Job, Job is this guy who is so totally in love with God, and satan can%26#039;t stand it, so he basically tells God he is going to test Job and that Job isn%26#039;t going to love God anymore if satan throws all this pain and suffering, and God says that he can do anything but he can%26#039;t harm Job physically, and the gist of it is that Satan keeps on hurting Job killing all his family and livestock and whatnot, but in the end Job says %26quot;The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;

may the name of the LORD be praised.%26quot;

And God gives him back everything. God isn%26#039;t the one killing the children, evil people are, and Satan is at the head of that bunch. God can%26#039;t give us life as a bowl of roses. Adam and Eve sinned in the beginning, and we have sinned ever since. We don%26#039;t deserve to have life easy, and we didn%26#039;t deserve to have God send Jesus to die a horrible death so we could come to heaven, but he did, and one day the christians (and anyone can join!! :D ) will go to heaven and be joyful and happy. God said that everyone who proclaims him to men will be proclaimed by God; everyone who is persecuted for God will be rewarded. |||I%26#039;ve asked so many questions to the religious, and they always contradict themselves, question to question. Some believe in destiny, that God has their lives planned out, but then they pray?? I have always wondered with God intervening with people%26#039;s lives (it makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever) so I use to believe in a Deist god, because it was so evident that God does not interfere with our lives. I changed even more through education, questioning, and opening my mind. |||God only intervenes when asked. And He does so by the individual, through prayer.

Our lives are predestined, from before conception. Only God and the spirit of that person knows why their life ends when it does.

In God%26#039;s eyes we are perfectly created for this life.

Everything God does is perfect in His eyes, unlike our own. So to say that God doesn%26#039;t care, causes pain, or does not understand, maybe it us who doesn%26#039;t understand the workings of the Lord. And this is okay, because He knows this too and has extended us mercies, perseverance and ways to deal with the life in which we live. We must try to have the understanding and mercy for each other and reach out to Him for the strength to go on.|||What determines when or how God intervenes in human affairs...he does!

You may think it%26#039;s %26quot;blah blah blah%26quot;, but would he really be God if you or I or anyone else could develop some sort of a %26quot;model%26quot; we can use to predict what he%26#039;s going to do?

You know, I actually love the title of Dawkins book...the God Delusion...but the way I see it, the problem is that the real delusion is that we all think we%26#039;re God! Never mind that we can%26#039;t do what he claimed to do...never mind that we can%26#039;t see beyond the death of our body...never mind that we can%26#039;t begin to measure the impact we have on this planet or the people we encounter during our life...we still think we%26#039;re qualified to judge his decisions...we still think we should be able to know why something happens...we still think we deserve answers to any question we might ask.

I believe that people live and die by God%26#039;s design, according to his plan...and I believe that I simply don%26#039;t have the ability to see the full scope of that plan. I got ticked as heck at God when it became clear he wasn%26#039;t going to heal my mom from cancer (incidentally, not the first or the last time I got royally angry with God for not giving me what I wanted). I repeatedly asked him why she had to suffer so much when she had devoted so much of herself to serving him. ...and it wasn%26#039;t until I let go of my anger and accepted that her death was part of his plan even if I didn%26#039;t understand it that I was able to learn at least a few of the possible reasons why she died when and how she did.

Finally, I must point out that you are clearly viewing death as an ending...but I don%26#039;t think God views it that way. Yes, my mom is gone and I still miss her (she died 10 years ago tomorrow)...and I believe that she is finally completely at of all the things that caused her so much suffering during her life! Even if she is merely resting in her grave, she no longer suffers from the pain, fear, doubt, guilt, uncertainty and all the other facts of human existence that plague us all...and if God%26#039;s promises are true, then either at this very moment or at some point in the future, she%26#039;ll be living in heaven...not only free of all that pain and suffering but also experiencing a joy that exceeds anything she ever experienced here on earth.