Friday 7 October 2011

Is this economic problem really as bad as it seems?

How does this make you feel?

As I write this, there is a man sweeping garbage into a trash can on my street. He has earphones on and he is humming loudly to what sounds from my window like Andrea Bocelli. He is smiling and has a spring in his step as he makes his way down the street.

A gorgeous sight, so refreshing in its simplicity at a time when some people are afraid they’re going to have to drive the same car for more than two years and tarnish their image in the neighborhood.

If there is anything resembling an advantage to our country’s current financial crisis, it is that you will begin to see the truth emerge in your own and other people’s lives. In many ways, this economy is a mirror and it’s your chance to take a hard look. Like it or not.

There is nothing like being forced into nitty-gritty simplicity to tell you more about yourself and your life than you could ever imagine. This is a time when you will find out what your marriage is really made of. It is when you will see how loving a parent you really are. It will show you who your true friends are. It is when your capacity for happiness will be tested. It will give you a chance to see your default temperament. It will expose what defines you and how you are in the world.

Much of this came to mind, believe it or not, while I caught a rerun of an episode of Sex and the City. Very early in the series, the character of Charlotte had a grand idea or image of what her dream man – and hence, life -- would be. In this particular episode, Carrie’s narration tells us that Charlotte’s date works for Bear Stearns. I had to laugh. Nothing against Bear Stearns, but I marvel at how much the image conjured up by a Wall Street guy has changed over the last decade.

I recently read on a message board that a woman broke up with her fiancé after he was laid off from his Wall Street job. No more cool millions, no more engagement. Now there’s a double whammy for a man, huh?

It all makes me wonder how this economy will affect our societal “norms” as time goes on. I venture to say that some of the worst ones will fly in the face of those who bought into them. Or maybe I’m just being hopeful.

For example, what does this economic downturn mean for the gold-diggers who had hoped to stake a claim on one of those high earners? Or for the women who had already snagged one and have now seen their net worth dwindle into the danger zone? And what about the men who sought the money and power in hopes of building material wealth to attract these one-dimensional relationships? How will they all define or redefine themselves?

In the case of Charlotte, a failed marriage to a doctor was her comeuppance. She even compared that marriage to a “fake Fendi” in one episode. Always a believer in idealistic love, she made a shift with regard to appearances when she met a man to whom she was unexplicably attracted despite the fact that he was bald and ate with his mouth full. Surely even her fictional self would tell you this was a meaningful shift that led her to real wealth.

What shows up in your reflection? What preconceived notions might you challenge in order to not only survive the downturn but eventually thrive? Is there finger-pointing going on in your relationship or have you teamed for a real solution? Are you hung up in ego and being stubbornly petulant or have you thoughtfully considered your options and created a transition plan?

And, of course, there’s the material aspect of things. Can you even wrap your head around the idea of taking your possessions down a notch? If not, this is the time to really examine why. What’s at stake for you? Pride? Status? Having to actually feel your loneliness?

Last weekend, in observance of Columbus Day, I watched a PBS special on Italian-Americans and it showed the simplicity of life in those old neighborhoods. Fresh vegetable, bread and meat trucks came through so families could buy what they needed. The immigrants were so happy to be here, reveling in freedom, working hard to build something.

We can’t go back. But we can take away something from their experience.

The guy cleaning the street to the sounds of Andrea Bocelli seemed to really get that.

Is this economic problem really as bad as it seems?
We retirees on a low fixed income, who had already simplified our lives down to the bone, are probably going to do all right, since we have many free or inexpensive pleasures and don't have unrealistic illusions to be shattered. Those who had built a house of cards on materialistic ambitions and overextended credit are going to have a very hard time of it. Some will learn better attitudes, and some will stay miserable.

Don't make assumptions about other people. Many use the free internet connection in the public library, and many have free time because they are unemployed.
Is this economic problem really as bad as it seems?
What you are totally missing is the fact that there people who are REALLY REALLY REALLY struggling out there. I am not talking about middle class people who own a house , two cars, take vacations , etc. Those people are RICH. THEY are whining because the gas prices, food prices, and stock market troubles have CUT INTO their excessive spending. They are not STARVING TO DEATH. They are not having to choose between bills and food.

THE REAL PEOPLE who are struggling are people who are looking for work, do NOT own a home, have NO savings, etc etc. Living a simple life is important no matter WHAT financial sitch you are in. The problem is when you cant even do that !!!!! I hear people whine about, 'oh this crisis is cutting into my SAVINGS!' SAVINGS?? SAVINGS?? I WISH I had a savings to fall back on. There is NOTHING to save!!!! We are frugal, balanced and hard working like many others.MANY people struggle through no fault of their own.

Saturday 24 September 2011

How does my research paper sound so far?

please tell me how it sounds if i need to make changes or add more please help it needs to be 7 pages and its barly like 3 pages so help

For years many scientists believed that cloning would never be possible. Until February of 1997, when it was introduced from the biotechnology firm PPL Therapeutics and the Roslin Institute of Edinburgh, Scotland had successfully cloned a Finn Dorset sheep named Dolly. Dolly was born on July 5, 1996. she was named after the country-western singer Dolly Parton. Dolly had the DNA of her source; making her the first mammal successfully cloned using adult cells. Dolly was put to sleep February 14, 2003 after doctors detected lung disease, though she had reached half the life span of a typical sheep. Scientists are now looking to human cloning. Some experts believe that cloning should not even be attempted, and I agree with them. My reason is because think of all the side effects of cloning. Do you really think cloned food is safe for your children to eat?

One of the biggest side effects of cloning is that the technology is still so uncertain. Scientists are still unsure of any genetic mutations that might occur when cloning an animal or even a human. When I refer to cloning I’m discuss all types of cloning from animals to humans. Technology cannot solve everything. When they cloned Dolly, it resulted in the death of many embryos and newborns before they even achieved their success in Dolly. What I mean is that the experiment of Dolly started with 277 fused eggs, of which only 29 became embryos. Then all of the embryos were then transferred to 13 sheep and only 1 became pregnant with Dolly. So even if the human clone survives it’s not guaranteed that it would develop normally or have the same life span as a normal human.

The lost of gene diversity is another side effect of cloning. Gene diversity keeps an entire species from being wiped out by a singular virus if none of them have natural immunities. So this is due to the lack of gene diversity. Gene mutations happen naturally; this is why some people are taller, shorter, or more athletic than others. Basically humans can live on Earth relies on the diversity of genes.

Leading to extinction is another disadvantage of cloning. The reason is if we clone humans then we will all be identical. If everyone has the same type of genes, then this negative effect of cloning would be inbreeding. Since everyone has the same genotype they will continue to reproduce themselves. This will then lead us to our own extinction.

Another side effect of cloning is that there are a lot of ethical considerations and that would cause most people to protest. One of these ethical concerns is that cloning is “Playing God.” When a species begins to tinker with the ways of nature it seals its own fate. Let's say for example that a child learns he or she was a clone. Cloning is taking the work of God into our own hands, and playing God violates every religion in the book. Ethics can be twisted and warped to your liking if you can find a perfectly fine reason to do so. One thing though is, if we don’t carefully question our actions before we make them, then the consequences could be devastating. Everything has a reason, and only God knows what that is. There is a passage in the Bible that talks directly on the issue of men playing God. From Genesis, when Adam and Eve where thrown out of the Garden of Eden for taking fruit from the tree of knowledge and presuming to obtain God’s wisdom.

Another reason is that it will be very expensive and that money could be used for something useful like saving people’s lives and improving quality of life. It could even be used for food for the needy, homeless shelters, foreign aid, healthcare for those without insurance and especially to the schools.
How does my research paper sound so far?
Your essay right now is very good, but most persuasive essays have a paragraph in which they rebute a point that the opposing team can make. For example, the opposing side can say that cloning food is the only way to feed the hungry if the population still keeps growing as fast as it is now. Then you would have to rebute this argument and say that we could use the money for cloning, and turn it into making new technologies that will make food production more efficient. Just a suggestion, but otherwise your essay is very good.

What proof is there to deny the existence of GOD?

Every time I see that Atheist's are asking the Theists to prove the existence of GOD but what proof they have to deny it? Before going into any detail, let us read this article about an Atheist:

Dec. 9, 2004 - A British philosophy professor who has been a leading champion of atheism for more than a half-century has changed his mind. He now believes in God more or less based on scientific evidence, and says so on a video released Thursday.

At age 81, after decades of insisting belief is a mistake, Antony Flew has concluded that some sort of intelligence or first cause must have created the universe. A super-intelligence is the only good explanation for the origin of life and the complexity of nature, Flew said in a telephone interview from England.

Flew said he’s best labeled atheist like Thomas Jefferson, whose God was not actively involved in people’s lives.

“I’m thinking of a God very different from the God of the Christian and far and away from the God of Islam, because both are depicted as omnipotent Oriental despots, cosmic Hussein'susseins,” he said. “It could be a person in the sense of a being that has intelligence and a purpose, I suppose.”

Flew first made his mark with the 1950 article “Theology and Falsification,” based on a paper for the Socratic Club, a weekly Oxford religious forum led by writer and Christian thinker C.S. Lewis.

Over the years, Flew proclaimed the lack of evidence for God while teaching at Oxford, Aberdeen, Keele, and Reading universities in Britain, in visits to numerous U.S. and Canadian campuses and in books, articles, lectures and debates.

The philosopher Anthony Flew took almost his Life to know the truth about GOD, how long will an ordinary Atheist will take time to understand the truth ? A Life or Two?
What proof is there to deny the existence of GOD?
There is no evidence either way.

It is a pointless discussion.

Love and blessings Don
What proof is there to deny the existence of GOD?
Anyone that believes in the supernatural like a God and claims that it is real must shoulder the burden of proving its existence with empirical evidence in the first place. Not the other way round.

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You can't disprove a negative.
I conjecture the existence of the Invisible Pink Unicorn.

Please give evidence that there is no such thing, before you go denying it.
It all comes back to the burden of proof and not proving negatives.

If anything which can not be proved were assumed to be true, lord only knows how the judicial system would work...
okay... 1 person becomes a spiritual deist.

is that all?
One case of an atheist turning into a theist doesn't change universal facts. How about tons of example of atheists who once believed in God all though their lives but later left theism when they understood the lack of evidence supporting the supposed existence of a higher power?

I believe I, who was a theist for 17 years, am not the only example in that department.

And you didn't cite any evidence supporting the supposed existence of God here either.
Logical Error: Burden of Proof is on the Existential Claim.

Logical Error: Absent evidence, non-existence is the default logical claim.

Logical Error: Appeal to Authority.

Logical Error: Confirmation Bias.
You can't prove something that's already proven. The burden of proof is on the theist, as they say.
Yeah, dude, I am still looking for said %26quot;proof%26quot;.

There are no gods and the Christian version of a three-in-one god is simply laughable.

Taoist/Atheist (realist)
Typical theist view, we can't explain it so it must be god.

And I wouldn't hinge my argument on what some philosophy professor says.
Your question is a negative assertion, that is to say, you cannot prove the non-existence of something.
My 81 year old mother thought people were living her attic.Do you get my point.You can not prove things do not exist.Some would say the absence of proof god does exist is proof that he does not.But stick to your guns.I wish I believed.A life after this one.What a wonderful thought.
1. If a perfectly good god exists, then evil does not.

2. There is evil in the world.

3. Therefore, a perfectly good god does not exist.
Theres no proof that god is real, and theres no proof to deny his existance.
Flew isn't a theist, either.

%26quot;Remember this every time some apologist brings up the name of Flew to argue against atheism: this is an example of the depths to which desperate Christians will sink — they will lie and take advantage of the confusion of an old man to get a trophy for their wall. %26quot;
There is no excuse for denying the Lord.

%26quot;The fool says in his heart, %26quot;There is no God.%26quot; They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.%26quot; Psalm 14:1

%26quot;Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist--he denies the Father and the Son.%26quot; -1 John 2:22
Leprechauns created the universe

That's why all the plants are green

You should just accept it and forget all this God/Jesus nonsense.
Arguments from authority are a FALLACY.

Just because some old codgers get scared in their final days does not prove there is a god.…
The onus is on Christians et al,to prove the existence of %26quot;God%26quot;.

In the same way,the prosecution in a court of law must prove guilt.

Simply quoting one man,who changed his mind,does not make every Atheist wrong.
Well done idiot. You've claimed that because one atheist changed his religion when he reached 81 (and, it must be noted, a few years after he was diagnosed with DEMENTIA), that somehow means that God must be real.

Your stupidity is so vast it doesn't amuse me; it actually OFFENDS me as another human being.
There is no proof either way - faith is the only thing we have to base an opinion of this nature on. I find it interesting however that at such a feeble age this man wants to recant his life's work and go with %26quot;The Big Guy%26quot;.
ok...if every christian, jew, muslim, or any other religious group that believed in a god, stopped and prayed all together that god would stop and cure all those sickened by lets just say cancer, would that happen? what did jesus say about prayer?......or if everyone who said they would sell their soul to the devil if they would hit the lottery or hit the big money in a casino, wouldn't there be a lot more people with money?......that is just part of my proof and there is a lot more.....
Appeal to authority fallacy. What Flew or anyone else believes is irrelevant -- what matters is evidence. And there is none to show your god (or anyone else's) is real.

That alone, the complete lack of evidence to show there IS a god, is ample basis for ignoring those who make claims about gods existing. It's quite easy, however, to go further with specific gods.

For example, your christian god claims, in Matt. 17:20, that with just a tiny bit of faith you can command a mountain to move, and it will move...and nothing will be impossible for you. So go ahead, go command a mountain to move -- does it? Nope. Nobody's ever been able to pull off that trick. Try something that's impossible to everybody else, like levitating yourself 10 feet off the ground with no mechanical aid...can you do it? Nope. Things that are impossible to everybody else are also impossible to you. All such tests -- every single one -- from the bible fail, every single time. That only leaves two conclusions:

1. the christian god/jesus lies, and doesn't keep promises -- so is no god.

2. the christian god/jesus can't keep promises because they don't exist

Which is it?

Until Flew (or anybody else) has *evidence* that a %26quot;super-intelligence%26quot; exists, there's no reason to believe one does -- he's stating an argument from ignorance. Same goes for your god.

There is exactly the same amount of proof denying gods existence, as there is proving his existence!! I think most atheists do not deny the existence or possibility of some %26quot;force%26quot; or creator of existence in the universe. They just deny the existence of the christian, muslim, hindi, buddhist ideas of god, because they are all manmade interpretations of what god is and what god wants. So, its not really the denial that a god may exist, but rather, that he has not revealed himself to us and doesnt care to be worshipped!
The flowers are beautiful and smells good for the bees to find them easily. And there are too many spots on the leopar to make us to differ him from the lion.

Please answer anybody!! I really need an answer fast! What do you think of this?

So I'm writing an FullMetal alchemist fanfiction and this is an exert of the first chapter. I posted one before but I decided to scrap it and start again. So here goes.

It's called: Don't cry, the world will never understand.

So today started off like any other. I struggled to find the strength, let alone a reason to get out of bed. Life didn鈥檛 have a purpose to me anymore, after all, what am I? Hayden Applegate. The most diminutive minority in the world, who wouldn鈥檛 be missed by anyone if she was gone.

I looked deep into the mirror sitting before me, studying the face that I knew all too well but seemed to foreign to me. I watched as her hand 鈥?tainted by the strange mark, reached to her face and brushed the long, dark hair from her lifeless eyes; the deep brown orbs holding such a past that I knew no one could ever understand. I held my hand against the mirror, meeting that of my reflections, and tried to imagine that the girl staring back at me was a person trapped behind an invisible wall of all the hate, pity and guilt that I never wanted, but got anyway. The same wall that held me in my own personal hell.

I raised my right hand to my face and examined the unique birthmark I possessed. It was all that covered the repugnant self- inflicted scars that were an everyday reminder that no matter what I did, I would never part from this mark. As I ran my fingers across it I closed my eyes and listened.

鈥業鈥檓 never going to be able to pay these bills-鈥?br>
鈥榃ho鈥檚 going to pick the kids up from school? Judy? No she鈥檚 working late too-鈥?br>
鈥楽he鈥檚 on to me I know it. Act normal John, act normal. I鈥檒l break up with her when the times right-鈥?br>
鈥?***, I killed him! He鈥檚 dead! I can鈥檛 go back to jail. I鈥檒l have to stash the body-鈥?br>
I snapped my eyes open, but didn鈥檛 gasp or flinch; I have heard plenty of thoughts like this. Seems these days I can see when other people鈥檚 lives are too short, but not my own. All my life I鈥檝e been outcast and alienated, condemned to live a life where I have nothing and no one. I can鈥檛 even close my eyes anymore in fear of reliving that hellish night in vivid memory; watching it like a horrifying movie playing infinitely behind my eyelids, that I can never escape, slowly inching me towards the abyss of insanity.

I looked warily at my alarm clock, 12:09 flash brightly in red neon numbers. Another day had started. Another day to put on a mask of feigned happiness and front people like nothing is wrong, that I鈥檓 fine and everything is fine and dandy, when it鈥檚 not. But there are some things you can鈥檛 hide from people no matter how hard you try; looking at me now, compared to three months ago, I had changed dramatically. I鈥檇 grown scarcely thin; my skin had paled into a lucid, translucent colour, my eyes had dropped from the weight of the black bags under them and Trichotillomania had me obsessively pulling my hair out. Insomnia had robbed me of my sleep and the couple of precious minutes of sleep I got were ridden with nightmares of the worst kind...memories. It doesn鈥檛 help that I鈥檓 never in complete peace and quiet 鈥?my mind is always muddled with the minds of others. Sometimes just simple things like thoughts other times riddled with stray images or dreams which caused me to appear detached as I watched.

I stood up. As I walked towards the bedroom door I thought about how this had become such a drawling, time consuming, obsessive ritual. Since the that night, I鈥檝e gone to bed at ten-thirty, fallen asleep at ten-thirty-five, then woken up at eleven-fifty-nine, sharp... the exact time that it happened. I waited for the door to be fully open before I flicked off my light; I always leave the lights on now because believe me, you never know who鈥檚 creeping around in the dark. The only light that could be seen in the house what that of the flickering television; I walked down the stairs on my toes, carful to miss the squeaky floorboards. Sure enough Helen 鈥?my foster Mother 鈥?had fallen into a deep sleep; her hushed snores made me shiver. I don't like her. I don't like the way her short, solid body seemed so intimidating against my tall, slender physique. I don't like the way her voice was loud and commanding, the result of years in the police force. But most of all I hated the way she always makes me feel so guilty for what happened.

So what do you think?
Please answer anybody!! I really need an answer fast! What do you think of this?
If you wrote that yourself, you did a pretty good job. It's very good. I'm guessing you've done this before. It's quite interesting. I really don't know how to write a book or story or w/e %26amp; wouldn't know where to begin. I don't know much about it but clearly you've got what it takes IMO. I just stumbled upon this question %26amp; thought I'd read it. You should definitely keep at it, you're good at it %26amp; should stick with it. I can actually relate to it myself. Not the killing part (lol), but some of the other parts, especially the first few lines. Anyway it was pretty good the whole way through. Not a thing wrong with it. I like the title too. It's interesting %26amp; draws you in.

have a star %26amp; have a nice day :-]

EDIT: Oh btw I forgot to mention there are some minor grammatical errors. Nevertheless it is pretty well written. Overall I would give it a 9.5 out of 10. It is pretty impressive.

Ramadan: What is your belief - please answer this?

I wrote a %26quot; I believe essay %26quot; and isahllah will post it on the %26quot; I believe essay contest%26quot;

I believe that throughout humanity as a whole, although we are all different we can make an impact on others. Many people today are unaware of the incredible power of the mind. It is comforting to know that we can inherent the ability to create whatever we set in our mind. However, they don’t realize great ideas lie in unexpected places.

I was reading TIME magazine the other day when I came across an article, “20th century heroes and icons.” Almost ? of the people on the list before were ordinary folks who wanted better days for humanity. Mother Teresa was part of the list, she fought for the dignity of the destitute in a foreign land, she gave the world a moral example that bridged divides of culture, class and religion. After the article I immediately conducted a research, finding ordinary people who shaped our world with path breaking ideas and action. They were people who set the bar higher for every individual, and showed mankind that there is good left in the world. People like Viola Vaughn, David Puckett, Phymean Noun, and Carolyn Leroy who all had one mission, to change the world.

“I have never been especially impressed by the heroics of people who are convinced they are about to change the world. I am more awed by those who struggle to make one small difference after another.”- Ellen Goodman.

Everybody in this world has a purpose in life, they were created for something, sometimes it comes out naturally, other times you have to look for it, I’m still not sure what’s my purpose in life, but I think I was brought to this world to help people, I can, I enjoy helping people, and you don’t really have to do a lot to accomplish that, you just gotta be there for the people you love, and you’ll see how much a difference you make in their world.

Instead of talking the talk, I decided it was my turn to make a difference. I was inspired by Wangari Maathai. Wangari Maathai is 69 years old, but as achieved in her lifetime what others could not in a century or more. Growing up, her village did not have a primary school, so she moved towns to attend school. As a student she strived to be on the top of her class. Soon, she was selected to go to America to studies; which lead her to become the first African women to receive a PhD. With her degree Maathai could easily have chosen to get a job and live happily on her own, but she saw herself doing bigger and better for the world. So, she founded the Green Belt Movement in Kenya to fight deforestation. She employed local women to plant trees across Kenya. In the late1980's, the Kenyan government came down against Maathai and the Green Belt Movement, a plan to construct the 60-story Kenya Times Media Trust Complex in Uhuru Park. Maathai stood up against the plan by protesting a writing letters to anyone important in the government as well as to newspapers. Soon, foreign investors due to Maathai’s leadership shot down the plan.

To me, the biggest question regarding Maathai’s achievements was; why go through all the trouble in fighting the power and what did she have to gain from all of it? If I was ever in her shoes, I doubt that I would have completed a 1/3 of her accomplishments. The task at hand for her just seems too big for one person to take on, but again great ideas come from unexpected places. In the near future I hope to collect the courage and leadership Maathai showed through her struggles to make a difference in other people’s lives as well. Just the other day after learning about Maathai, I was arguing with my brother about if there was an good left in the world and I took the stand that there was. To prove my point that night, my sister and I started a program for called “Pennies4compassion” in which we would keep track of the amount of “good” we witness strangers do in a given day and in return would donate a penny for every deed.

Afterwards I hope to donate the money I collect to a meaningful cause and to have many more people participate. Just as Maathai left her imprints in the world through her kindness and selflessness, I hope to do the same. I will remember that. My mission would be nothing compared to that of Maathai’s, but it will be satisfying knowing that I made a difference in the world.

“To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.”

What do you guys think

what is your belief - don't worry you don't have to write a paper just one sentence or so!
Ramadan: What is your belief - please answer this?
Very inspiring sis! At first I was going to skim through it but I actually read it all!

Pennies4compassion is a great idea! May Allah (swt) reward you.
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  • What is your Belief - I Believe ...?

    I believe that throughout humanity as a whole, although we are all different we can make an impact on others. Many people today are unaware of the incredible power of the mind. It is comforting to know that we can inherent the ability to create whatever we set in our mind. However, they don’t realize great ideas lie in unexpected places.

    I was reading TIME magazine the other day when I came across an article, “20th century heroes and icons.” Almost ? of the people on the list before were ordinary folks who wanted better days for humanity. Mother Teresa was part of the list, she fought for the dignity of the destitute in a foreign land, she gave the world a moral example that bridged divides of culture, class and religion. After the article I immediately conducted a research, finding ordinary people who shaped our world with path breaking ideas and action. They were people who set the bar higher for every individual, and showed mankind that there is good left in the world. People like Viola Vaughn, David Puckett, Phymean Noun, and Carolyn Leroy who all had one mission, to change the world.

    “I have never been especially impressed by the heroics of people who are convinced they are about to change the world. I am more awed by those who struggle to make one small difference after another.”- Ellen Goodman.

    Everybody in this world has a purpose in life, they were created for something, sometimes it comes out naturally, other times you have to look for it, I’m still not sure what’s my purpose in life, but I think I was brought to this world to help people, I can, I enjoy helping people, and you don’t really have to do a lot to accomplish that, you just gotta be there for the people you love, and you’ll see how much a difference you make in their world.

    Instead of talking the talk, I decided it was my turn to make a difference. I was inspired by Wangari Maathai. Wangari Maathai is 69 years old, but as achieved in her lifetime what others could not in a century or more. Growing up, her village did not have a primary school, so she moved towns to attend school. As a student she strived to be on the top of her class. Soon, she was selected to go to America to studies; which lead her to become the first African women to receive a PhD. With her degree Maathai could easily have chosen to get a job and live happily on her own, but she saw herself doing bigger and better for the world. So, she founded the Green Belt Movement in Kenya to fight deforestation. She employed local women to plant trees across Kenya. In the late1980's, the Kenyan government came down against Maathai and the Green Belt Movement, a plan to construct the 60-story Kenya Times Media Trust Complex in Uhuru Park. Maathai stood up against the plan by protesting a writing letters to anyone important in the government as well as to newspapers. Soon, foreign investors due to Maathai’s leadership shot down the plan.

    To me, the biggest question regarding Maathai’s achievements was; why go through all the trouble in fighting the power and what did she have to gain from all of it? If I was ever in her shoes, I doubt that I would have completed a 1/3 of her accomplishments. The task at hand for her just seems too big for one person to take on, but again great ideas come from unexpected places. In the near future I hope to collect the courage and leadership Maathai showed through her struggles to make a difference in other people’s lives as well. Just the other day after learning about Maathai, I was arguing with my brother about if there was an good left in the world and I took the stand that there was. To prove my point that night, my sister and I started a program for called “Pennies4compassion” in which we would keep track of the amount of “good” we witness strangers do in a given day and in return would donate a penny for every deed.

    Afterwards I hope to donate the money I collect to a meaningful cause and to have many more people participate. Just as Maathai left her imprints in the world through her kindness and selflessness, I hope to do the same. I will remember that. My mission would be nothing compared to that of Maathai’s, but it will be satisfying knowing that I made a difference in the world.

    “To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.”

    what is your belief
    What is your Belief - I Believe ...?
    I think you have an excellent idea.

    I would also suggest you read The Life You Can Save by Peter Singer

    Banker to the Poor and A World Without Poverty by Muhammad Yunus

    The Blue Sweater: Bridging the Gap Between Rich and Poor in an Interconnected World by Jacqueline Novogratz

    Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace . . . One School at a Time by Greg Mortenson

    Pay it Forward by Catharine Ryan Hyde

    Personally, I believe I am here only to help other sentient beings and that we are all interconnected to and interdependent on each other.

    %26quot;We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. %26quot;

    Mother Teresa
    What is your Belief - I Believe ...?
    That's a neat idea! Maybe I should start a 'pennies4compassion' account too!

    %26lt;--------------------------------my belief.
    My belief is to question everything
    Christian Methodist...
    yes i want to design cheap affordable sustaniable homes for reffuges and depraved people.
    You are here to serve. So serve well and in kindness.
    I believe that facts are paramount
    I believe i dont wanna read all that.
    Christ, that's all I need.
    Keep on living for God.
    3:1 My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments:

    3:2 For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee.

    3:3 Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart:

    3:4 So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.

    3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

    3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

    3:7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

    3:8 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.

    John McCain and Barack Obama will each spend an hour with Pastor Rick Warren @ their faith and how it will do? - LAKE FOREST, Calif. - Christian voters across the country are anxiously waiting to see what will happen at Saturday%26#039;s Civil Forum at Saddleback Church.

    Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama will each spend an hour chatting with Pastor Rick Warren about their faith and how it will shape their decisions as President of the United States.

    The men will be asked about their position on abortion, gay marriage, stem cell research, the AIDS crisis, the environment and a number of other key issues important to voters.


    Rick Warren Plans

    to Bring up Obama,

    McCain鈥檚 Personal Life

    Rick Warren will ask

    Obama and McCain

    about Abortion, Marriage

    Rick Warren Compares

    McCain%26#039;s Faith to Gerald Ford

    Rick Warren Says

    Jesus Question will

    be posed to McCain, Obama

    Rick Warren Interview

    Coming Soon

    Obama, McCain

    Battle for Faith Vote


    Obama Issues Rebuttal

    to No. 1 Book

    McCain: Abortion Rights

    Veep Possible

    Clinton to Get Roll Call at Convention

    %26quot;The person who says %26#039;Well, I%26#039;m going to put my faith on the shelf and not let it affect my decisions as President%26#039; is either lying or they%26#039;re ignorant,%26quot; said Warren. %26quot;Because you can%26#039;t do it.%26quot;

    This is Not a Debate

    The forum is not a debate. It will begin at 8:00 p.m. EST and will give both men the opportunity to answer the same identical questions.

    Obama will go first followed by McCain. Both candidates will have an hour apiece to make their points and give their answers.

    The forum will be divided into four parts: stewardship of the President, leadership, world view and the role of America in the world.

    It%26#039;s the section on the candidate%26#039;s world view that Warren says has people worried, but he says he plans to be totally impartial and fair.

    %26quot;I%26#039;m going to ask them about abortion. I am going to ask them about the definition of marriage,%26quot; he said. %26quot;I intend to ask the tough questions, but I am going to ask them in a civil way.

    And he plans to ask both of them about Jesus Christ.

    %26quot;I%26#039;m certainly going to ask a question about Jesus Christ in this forum,%26quot; he told CBN News. %26quot;No doubt about it.%26quot;

    The two men will get a chance to appear briefly on stage together. It will be the first time they%26#039;ve done so in their current positions.

    %26quot;They%26#039;re going to come out, take a picture together. That%26#039;s the picture everybody wants,%26quot; joked Warren.

    Criticism from the Right

    The mega pastor has faced some tough criticism from religious leaders on the right who are not happy that he partnered with Obama to take on the global fight against AIDS.

    Some of his critics want him to take a more vocal stance on issues near and dear to Christian Conservatives: abortion and gay marriage.

    But Warren recently decided to expand his agenda. It now includes the AIDS crisis, Darfur and climate change.

    He notes that 40 million babies who could have grown up to vote in this country have been aborted.

    But he says, %26quot;Every one of those 40 million children are in Heaven. Now the people who had those abortions are not guaranteed Heaven. Now where would you have an evangelist spend most of his time? Winning the people to Christ who need forgiveness - or worrying about all those children who are in Heaven because they are safe鈥?%26quot;

    Even so, the move has left some wondering if he has forgotten about the key life and marriage issues.

    %26quot;We have to go back to what Evangelicals have been for 2,000 years,%26quot; Warren said.

    He says Evangelicals have always been concerned about more than just the life and marriage issue.

    He notes that all of the great movements in history were led by Evangelicals including: the abolition of slavery, the woman%26#039;s right to vote and the Civil Rights Movement.

    And as a result, Warren has moved from what he calls pro-life to %26quot;whole life.%26quot;

    %26quot;I want to raise the personal responsibility in people%26#039;s lives,%26quot; Warren said. %26quot;I want to raise that level of civility in our society and I want to raise the level of credibility in the Church - that the Church is not known simply for what we%26#039;re against.%26quot;

    A Personal Mission

    For Warren, this mission is deeply personal.

    By every measure Warren is successful beyond belief. He pastors a congregation of roughly 23,000 people. He has led more than 20,000 people to Christ. He is the author of the wildly popular Purpose Driven Life and Purpose Driven Church.

    He has conducted leadership seminars at Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge and will soon lead one in Kenya before the entire parliament. Warren is featured on the cover of the current edition of Time Magazine.

    So what more could he want? Much more.

    Warren says he was visiting a tiny church in Africa when God spoke to him.

    %26quot;God said %26#039;Yeah, all this stuff you%26#039;re doing is good. You%26#039;re training pastors, you%26#039;re winning people to Christ, but you don%26#039;t care about the people I love the most. The poor and the sick.%26#039;%26quot;

    And it was at that moment that Warren said %26quot;I will change.%26quot;

    He is currently embarking on the P.E.A.C.E plan. The goal of the program is to gather one billion Christians together to battle spiritual emptiness, corrupt leadership, poverty, disease and illiteracy.

    Warren says Christians need to be reminded that %26quot;the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ went into every village preaching, teaching and healing. One-third of Jesus%26#039; ministry was health care. He cared about the sick. He was a healer.%26quot;

    And for Warren, it%26#039;s all about bringing people to Christ and making sure His light shines in dark places.

    Warren recently attended the XVII International AIDS Conference in Mexico. He along with his wife and 11 members from Saddleback Church attended the six-day event.

    Warren may have been the only pastor at the conference.

    %26quot;Why did I go?%26quot; asks Warren. %26quot;Cause that%26#039;s where the Church needs to be - in the heart of darkness. We need to be holding up the light of Christ, holding up the cross - where everybody else is afraid to go.%26quot;

    Needed: More Tolerance

    Many religious voters across the country are not satisfied with the way religion has been handled during this election.

    Some people are leery of Obama%26#039;s %26quot;faith talk,%26quot; while others wish McCain would say more about his faith walk.

    But Warren believes that people in our society need to be more tolerant.

    %26quot;The problem is we don%26#039;t have the right to demonize people just because we disagree with them. We don%26#039;t have a right to destroy their character or reputation just because we disagree,%26quot; he said.

    And this belief has gotten him in hot water with some of his peers who criticize his approach.

    %26quot;I%26#039;m not a religious left because I don%26#039;t believe in big government鈥%26#039;m not secular left. I%26#039;m not religious right, and I%26#039;m not secular right,%26quot; he said. %26quot;I happen to be in the kingdom of God. My kingdom is not of this world.%26quot;

    Warren shrugs off the criticism.

    %26quot;We are members of the body of Christ. Christ shed his blood for us. We%26#039;re going to live in Heaven together,%26quot; he said. %26quot;And yet if you don%26#039;t hold the party line, all of a sudden for these people politics trumps faith鈥?And sometimes when people don%26#039;t understand that, they want you to be on their political bandwagon.%26quot;

    God Is In Control

    So as millions get ready to tune in and watch Saturday%26#039;s forum, Warren takes it all in stride as he reminds us God is in control.

    %26quot;You cannot change lives simply through laws - that%26#039;s what the book of Galatians teaches鈥o I don%26#039;t have that much faith in politics,%26quot; he said. %26quot;Politicians come and go. No matter who gets elected - in four or eight years, they%26#039;ll be out.%26quot;

    He notes, %26quot;Neither of these men are the next savior of the world. They%26#039;re both flawed individuals, and they%26#039;re both going to need God.%26quot;

    Tune in to The 700 Club, Monday, August 18. CBN News Senior National Correspondent David Brody will have highlights from this weekend%26#039;s forum. Check local listings.

    Email to a Friend
    John McCain and Barack Obama will each spend an hour with Pastor Rick Warren @ their faith and how it will do?
    I%26#039;ll watch with interest...

    I can%26#039;t wait to hear how they answer lol

    Thanks for the link -- I live in the UK but i%26#039;m interested b/c i%26#039;m Christian and b/c who ever is elected affects us here too.

    I%26#039;m surprised you haven%26#039;t got more answers to this one.


    There appears to be a glitch submitting an answer to this question - i tried 6 times before it worked - maybe this is why you have so few answers ; )
    John McCain and Barack Obama will each spend an hour with Pastor Rick Warren @ their faith and how it will do?
    Thanks Ian for your vote.

    I must remember we are 5hrs ahead in the UK - well i think it%26#039;s around that - will try to remember to watch it...thanks again for the link, lot of good stuff there );

    Thanks Nina for confirming the glitch...

    Report Abuse

    What difference does it make?

    And I have been trying to submit my answer to this many times, I hope it gets through soon

    I like Rick Warren. I think he will ask the questions that I want to hear